Shonen Jump's newest series, Kagurabachi has become an overnight sensation, and its success proves the manga industry has changed forever. Within mere weeks of Kagurabachi's release, the series is bewitching readers, particularly those outside of Japan, proving that the manga industry is changing in significant ways.
SCREENRANT VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT Kagurabachi's success isn't simply a product of its narrative, action sequence, or the presence of classic shonen tropes, but an indicator of a shift in the manga industry over the last couple of years with increased readership and popularity in the West than before.
The effect of this simple yet revolutionary change can be best seen in the curious case of series that are much more popular in the West than in Japan. More recent examples of the globalization of manga can be seen in Manga Plus' new billing and subscription plan that has revolutionized the accessibility of manga globally.
The anime and manga industry has been making its way outside Japan for quite a few years but while series like Dragon Ball, Naruto, and One Piece have taken decades to establish their fan base, the instantaneous success of series like Kagurabachi prove this may not be the case for much longer.