Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, has a theory on why iPhone's market share in China will"keep shrinking"., which allow users to sideload apps outside of official app stores like Telegram. Hence, Durov predicts, more users in China will switch to Android due to this restriction, leading to
It was a move against Apple itself: the Chinese authorities are forcing more of their citizens to switch from iPhones to Android smartphones produced by Chinese companies such as Xiaomi. Unlike iPhones, most Android phones allow sideloading apps outside app stores — such as the direct version of Telegram — so more users from China will migrate to Android.
In China, users must use VPNs to bypass the country's censorship system, known as the"Great Firewall," to access Telegram. Despite these challenges, Durov highlighted that Telegram remains popular in China among resourceful users who find ways to access the platform. Embracing the evolution from PCs to smartphones, he harbors a special appreciation for the Google Pixel line due to their superior camera capabilities. Known for his engaging storytelling style, sprinkled with rich literary and film references, Sebastian critically explores the impact of technology on society, while also perpetually seeking out the next great tech deal, making him a distinct and relatable voice in the tech world.