Some property buyers swear by family-sized units , whereas others believe in low quantum one and two-bedders.
The earliest of these transactions was in Martin Modern in 2017, so we're only looking at transactions that occurred within the past five to six years as anything before that would be subject to different environments . From the opinions of realtors, which we’ve pointed out in many articles, this is due to the majority of condo buyers being HDB upgraders. As upgraders are almost always family units, they don’t have much use for small one and two-bedders.One of the theories you might hear is that, in the CCR, one-bedders can do much better than in the OCR. This is on the basis that more singles, as well as more investors who want to rent to single expats, are more interested in CCR.
As an aside, do note that performance between the OCR and RCR is very close; this may be worth keeping in mind when you come across statements like "shoeboxes in the OCR are the worst." Percentage-wise, the results here suggest they're no better or worse than RCR shoeboxes.Next, we look at a breakdown based on specific projects: