. Louis also revealed some key details about the upcoming device, including its use of the"latest generation of flagship chips" with a custom architecture designed by the team behind"epoch-making PC chips."will be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4, Qualcomm's latest flagship processor. This aligns with OnePlus's tradition of utilizing cutting-edge Snapdragon chips in their flagship phones.
With the October launch just around the corner, we won't have to wait long to see if these leaks and rumors are accurate. It'll be interesting to see how the Follow us on social media to catch the latest trending stories, watch exclusive videos, and join the conversation with our vibrant community! Johanna 'Jojo the Techie' is a skilled mobile technology expert with over 15 years of hands-on experience, specializing in the Google ecosystem and Pixel devices. Known for her user-friendly approach, she leverages her vast tech support background to provide accessible and insightful coverage on latest technology trends.