President Donald Trump is criticizing 3M over N95 respirator masks as the company revealed demand is"much higher" than its ability to make them during the coronavirus pandemic."We hit 3M hard today after seeing what they were doing with their Masks," Trump wrote."'P Act' all the way. Big surprise to many in government as to what they were doing."
In a statement posted Friday, 3M said the White House formally invoked the act to prioritize N95 orders from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The company also said it has gone"above and beyond" to make enough respirators available in the U.S.
Didnt he send a shit ton to China?
Well, if they’re so proud of their “above and beyond” production... then let’s see the numbers. Standard production totals, vs the response to COVID-19 & the alleged increase in production totals. Proofs in the pudding. Someone is lying.
And I believe 3M!
This is a lie. The emergency manager in Florida said that foreign governments were showing up with cash to 3M dealers and buying out masks in front of US orders.
How has realDonaldTrump family companies helped? What about Trump Hotels? Rooms for citizens in quarantine?
Not true 3M...our company distributes these mask to multiple Cities & Counties first responders in Texas and ALL of our suppliers have been out since February with no ETA on restock.
Continue with the above and beyond. We aren’t done yet.
They are not doing enough as they could be and Trump rightly called them out. Real leadership in a time of crisis.
The less, the more expensive.
Respirators are not masks. So Germany outbid the U.S. for your masks, 3m?
Get your FAKE NEWS STRAIGHT, No Task Force was cut, if you read and follow true news you would know that the name of the task force changed and was moved from its previous location. It never left, no one was fired, and just some more truth for you, CHINA IS TO BLAME NOT TRUMP!!
They were caught...sad
How has realDonaldTrump family companies helped? What about Trump Hotels? Rooms for citizens in quarantine?
Yes, many people say 🤷♂️
It’s simple have 3m disclose how many masks they’ve produce for America compared to rest of the world.
on this episode of the president blaming other people for his problems
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