ABC Transport led gainers, appreciating by 10 per cent to N0.44. The Initiates added 10 per cent to end today’s trade at N0.44. Eterna went up by 9.93 per cent to N7.97. Transcorp Hotel rose to N3.57, notching up 9.85 per cent. Eterna completed the top 5, climbing by 5.45 per cent to N0.58.Portland Paint declined by 9.85 per cent to close at N2.47. Champions Breweries shed 9.68 per cent to end today’s trade at N1.96.
fell to N1.95, losing 9.30 per cent. Regal Insurance slumped to N0.34, recording 8.11 per cent depreciation. Sunu Assurance closed at N0.50, going down by 7.41.In all, 204.647 million shares estimated at N1.840 billion were traded today in 3,940 deals.