The artist’s funeral service will be held at Durban’s Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre on a hospital last weekend.“I will miss Mamphitsha for his band, his music, I was his biggest fan. I am not well since he left. I was also a dancer, his dance moves inspired me. I had a dream that one day I will be part of his dancers. He was the kind of the person that was able to crack jokes and his jokes were healing. As the youth, we were really inspired by him.
“It is painful that my fellow group members are all gone. First, it was R Mashesha. Now it Mapintsha. I’m still in shock. I also want to thank my fellow musicians for their support. But I want to say that Big Nuz’s legacy will live on, it belongs to the fans.”Memorial Service for the late award-winning artist Mampintsha
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