β confirmed that Bud Light sales dropped significantly over the Easter weekend."They've already done enough damage in one week to disrupt yearlong sales projections," a beer sales representative who works with retailers such as Costco told Fox Business.
Remember the Black Lives Matter craze on social media in 2020, when those who declined to post black squares on their profiles were smeared as racists for being insufficiently βanti-racist"? That same cultural pressure is at work in corporate boardrooms across the country, in which executives are being told that there is no in-between β they can either be pro-Mulvaney or transphobic bigots who want to see transgender people dead.
KayleeDMcGhee Lack of backbone.
KayleeDMcGhee I hope Dylan gets the psychiatric help he needs.
KayleeDMcGhee Well, just like Constitution loving Americans, a few of them are going to have to take a hit and just say 'NO' to perverse and corrupt Marxist.
KayleeDMcGhee Talk about rabid activists, I was silenced on Twitter today for 12 hours for explaining LGBTQRSTUV.