KenzieSigalos Get ur vaccines
KenzieSigalos SanctionPakistan EndProxyWar SanctionOnPakistan EndPakProxyWarInAfg EndProxyWarInAfghanistan SanctionsOnPakistan
KenzieSigalos MOM and Pop stores, Restaurants, Malls Gyms ... etc
KenzieSigalos 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
KenzieSigalos I had to take 2 bong rips to deal with this clip and I cant stop laughing for some reason
KenzieSigalos XRP
KenzieSigalos good
KenzieSigalos ooks onooks👸🚀🤴👑️👸
KenzieSigalos horrible
KenzieSigalos keep wearing yalls masks
KenzieSigalos How citadel, virtu and other market makers use pfof to steal millions each week from retail investors and how it harms price discovery. NakedShorts FailuretoDeliver FINRAviolations DarkPoolManipulation BrokenSystem RiggedMarkets NoEnforcement
KenzieSigalos good
KenzieSigalos If we don’t get climate change under control with drastic action life after pandemic will probably be way worse then now
KenzieSigalos thanks