The flies are returning to the turd
How about 1st taking care of all the issues facing ALL Australians. Cost of living, housing shortage, homeless, veterans and the list goes on.
YES End AU's hidden genocide Status quo = extinction of ordinary Aborigines by 2040 as families continues to disintegrate in an accelerating world Only the ones with wealth power survives,...and they are in the No camp, cheered on by sustained bigotry evil for generations
If this is a high priority they really are showing how useless and incompetent they are! So many REAL issues that they could try to tackle
So what does that mean. No more socialising, photo ops and playing on twitter for Albo. Or will that continue.
Yes forget about cost of living, energy prices, food prices, import prices, RBA corruption, international corruption effects, Alice Spring nightmare, homelessness, mental health, Vax injuries. Yes stuff all that, let's virtue signalling Voice be the number 1 most important issue.
At least Sky put the economy front and centre. For the ABC, it's all about the voice. 🤔
The first is important. The second is an expensive, self-indulgent, waste of time and money by a PM looking for a “legacy” (other than being ranked as one of the great duds). It should be priority 273.