Busani said at least 60% of people wearing the collection during testing were not detected as humans and instead identified as animals — including zebras, giraffes, and dogs."Our garments are not infallible, and we work every day to improve the technology," Busani said.The accuracy of facial-recognition software depends on factors, including how fast you're moving, how close you are to the camera, how light it is, and what's in the background.
Algorithms are being developed to overcome anti-facial-recognition tools, so it could get tougher to outsmart them.Cap-able's website says:"The Manifesto Collection's intent is not to create an invisibility cloak, rather, it is to raise awareness and protect the rights of the wearer wherever possible."They're not the first clothes to try to trick facial-recognition software, but Cap-able wants its products to be more wearable than previous incarnations.
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