Editor’s note: The VMT concept has been studied for decades. It was not a new concept when I was in graduate school for city and regional planning nearly two decades ago. The problem remains the same as it was then — who has the political strength and willingness to implement a VMT fee to replace or supplement the meager, insufficient gas tax? —Zach ShahanBy focusing on miles driven, the VMT fee can be fine tuned to address all the social costs associated with driving.
Advances in technology make a VMT fee for cars and trucks feasible. A mobile device can be installed on all vehicles to track time, location, and mileage, and the information can be sent to administrators who would then bill drivers the appropriate amount for their use of roads and highways. But what about privacy concerns? That’s a fair question and the answer is simple. Most of us carry an electronic device with us everywhere we go that tracks our movements 24/7.
Spreading traffic out over the course of a day would reduce the pressure to build more and more traffic lanes, which frequently only make congestion worse. A VMT plan would also encourage travelers to use electric vehicles, accelerating the transition to a clean energy economy without large subsidies.