Online betting market PredictIt shows Sanders' odds of winning the Democratic nomination at 39%, 3 points above Joe Biden."I think the markets fear would be if either Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren wins the nomination. Their policies are not pro-market," said Ed Keon, chief market strategist at QMA. "In a two person race, there's always a chance the underdog can win. If either looks like they're going to win the nomination, that could be a significant market event.
Analysts warn, however, there are other factors at work in the last 17 years. The Chinese economy is now attempting to recover, and it was faster growing in 2003. There is also much more mobility among Chinese citizens who travel more inside and outside the country and could more easily spread the virus.
Analysts say also note if there's a sudden surge of cases that could also rattle investors, and if there start to be large numbers of cases found outside of China, that could also shake the market.
Without that Fed printing money and propping up stock market what would happen?
Could reach 50% too. See I'm good at throwing out guesses too.
Not QE too the rescue
LOL, 10%...rose colored glasses
In other words, investors are expecting Powell to bend further, proving what some have been saying all along. This market rally is just one big tax cut funded, Fed-supported money grab that hasn’t produced an ounce of GDP growth.
'could' 'may' 'might' Fear-mongering... tuneoutthenoise stayinvested
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