"Everyone is in the market for associates from what it seems, but they simply don't have the time to even take phone calls and explore outside opportunities. This is the case in banking and private credit too," Mahoney said."Vice-president-level candidates are similarly feeling the strain."
For instance, lavish dinners on the town and luxurious vacations when time allowed are largely out of the question, replaced by the nonstop monotony of continuous work. "It's two different worlds. And they're being brought together, and they're colliding in that bedroom in Kentucky," she added, speaking metaphorically.
"The traditional hiring cycle β private equity, the golden pot at the end of the rainbow β has not yet become available," Keizner said. "I wouldn't go all the way to saying that everyone is disenchanted and everyone hates their job, they didn't know what they were signing up for, and they want to run out of the industry," Keizner added.
If the stresses of work are getting to you, I share some tips to overcome anxiety due to WFH below. ππ π
Working 98 hours a week pumping out βresearchβ that has a track record no better than random walk. A life well spent.
hblodget My heart pumps borscht for them. I'd be overjoyed to have the opportunity these punks are whining about. GoldmanSachs DM me. We'll work something out.
hblodget Outrageous cruelty to steal time like that from anyone - hours lost to help families and society and hours lost to enjoy life
98 fucking hour workweeks? And you know they aren't paid well either. The ones doing the valuable work that bring in the money rarely are.
Sleep deprivation would explain them staying this long?