The company, which has about $47 million in assets under management, said it it had been"following Sushi for a while" and with the start-up of its crypto-focused GoldenChain Asset Management arm, was"psyched to be more active in all things Sushi."
Sushi was created as a copy of Uniswap, with added liquidity mining and governance features. Although aiming to improve on the original, it has appeared to be falling behind competitors."Although the community has certainly been through some tough challenges, we’ve been amazed at the resilience of both the core team and the community in the face of these speed bumps, as you all have continued to build and release top-tier products.
SushiSwap JPRubin23
SushiSwap JPRubin23 Typo in the story - $47 million of assets under management should be billion.
SushiSwap JPRubin23 while Bybit is committing over $1B on annual basis to bitDAO's treasury, contributing to its mission in making web3 more accessible and bring financial freedom to individuals around the world
SushiSwap JPRubin23 have youu seen what is happening in Uniswap
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