Although the court case ended in 2005, the court order on Tuesday imposed what the DOJ says is the last of several corrective remedies ordered because of that case.
New research from San Diego State University predicts that "heat-not-burn" tobacco products could soon be flooding American markets. The order issued on Tuesday requires the companies to amend their agreements with the stores to require the corrective statements to be placed in the stores. The U.S. Department of Justice is requiring major cigarette companies to display signs in stores about the health effects of cigarettes.
Are pot dispensaries required to display smoking risks in stores? I didn't think so.
It's sort of hard to believe cigarettes are still around. I thank God, quit 16 years ago.
Because they're going to pay heed to a sign as opposed to all of the labeling on the package. smh.
A good form of reflexive law at work