A woman who quit her job at Domino’s Pizza and started off a new business with just £10 has revealed how it’s turned into a big success story. Laura Schmidt’s business Lovendu sells journals and planners designed with wellbeing and mental health in mind - and she says how it now makes six figures.
“Over the weeks, I found that I was sleeping better , was more productive and just felt generally better. I wanted to share this with the world as few people journal for their wellbeing.”It was a low key start - she used her £10 to set up a shop on website Etsy and was just making her products to demand. She explained: “I started with two journals and the £10 was to order myself a copy each for me to take photos and use for TikToks.
“I was meant to be starting my PhD in psychology. But I got cold feet and my mental health was worsening. I tried working part-time at Dominos Pizza whilst I figured things out but my mental health stopped me from working. “They are the ones to suggest an ‘Overthinking Journal’ – and it sold out within two days of the launch,” Laura revealed. “It is now one of my bestsellers.”