MANY of us dream of starting our own business - but one inspirational couple reveal how they set up an online selling empire with just a £20 supermarket voucher.When Barry’s grandmother passed away in 2010, and her bungalow needed to be emptied, the couple decided to help by trying to shift her possessions on ebay.
They spent all their earnings on more products, developed relationships with wholesalers, started visiting trade shows and brought brands on board.Then they got a call from Amazon, who were keen for the couple to sell on its own platform.Initially, the dream wasn’t to become a multi-million-pound company, with 40 employees, as it is now.
“We started working directly with brands,” Barry said. “We stopped doing wholesalers, we stopped doing distributors, and we started to build our story and our brand. “Our growth is astronomical: this fiscal year, we’re predicted to turn over £20 million, and we’re on a path to turn £50 million in theSol Retail is now one of the biggest health and beauty sellers on Amazon and ebay, and has teamed up withThey now own their own brands too, The Blue Beards Revenge and Below the Belt.the Lewis Foundation and local food banks. Barry also gives his time free of charge to the DBT, offering his time and advice to aspiring business owners.
3. Provide faster service options. Ebay rankings and customers like it when there are options for a free-but-slower service or a paid-for fast service. 6. Think from the customer’s point of view. When creating your listing, use words that your customer would search for. You do want to be found, after all.