The unexpected but long-awaited resignation of Canada's prime minister has ushered in a series of economic questions and uncertainties, including in Manitoba. Andrea Ladouceur, president and chief executive officer of the Bioscience Association of Manitoba, says the possibility of a 25% tariff increase would seriously jeopardize the province's top exporter to the U.S. Medications — both prescription and over the counter — are the province's biggest exporter to the U.S. in terms of dollars.
Ladouceur said her sector, which holds 'economic advantage,' is always looking for cost-competitive ways to do business, so if Canada becomes uncompetitive the door could open for relocation to the U.S. or other parts of the world. 'Whether it's innovative medicines or a new way of producing our food, we want to make sure the leadership of our country and of our province understands the economic, and also the innovation importance that comes from the sector,' she said