Abdulhamid Hosbas/Getty ImagesCEO Satya Nadella told employees the company was"living through times of significant change."go to www.BusinessInsider.co.zaMicrosoft announced plans to cut its workforce by 10,000 people on Wednesday, warning employees it was"living through times of significant change.", Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said the tech giant would lay off 5% of its workforce over the coming months, with some notifications happening immediately.
Nadella said the decisions were"difficult, but necessary," and vowed that staff losing their jobs would be treated with"dignity and respect." They will be offered above-market severance pay, healthcare coverage for six months, and 60 days' notice regardless of legal obligations.Read the email sent to Microsoft staff below:
This is the context in which we as a company must strive to deliver results on an ongoing basis, while investing in our long-term opportunity. I'm confident that Microsoft will emerge from this stronger and more competitive, but it requires us to take actions grounded in three priorities. Second, we will continue to invest in strategic areas for our future, meaning we are allocating both our capital and talent to areas of secular growth and long-term competitiveness for the company, while divesting in other areas. These are the kinds of hard choices we have made throughout our 47-year history to remain a consequential company in this industry that is unforgiving to anyone who doesn't adapt to platform shifts.