Netflix and Base Entertainment have released the first teaser trailer for Kamila Andini and Ifa Isfansyah’s upcoming seriesAndini appeared live on-stage at the ContentAsia Summit 2023 in Bangkok today to present the trailer, alongside Netflix Content Director for Southeast Asia Malobika Banerji and Thai filmmaker Sitisiri ‘Dome’ Mongkolsiri, who directed hit filmBased on the novel by Ratih Kumala, the period romantic drama revolves around a family that has become wealthy through producing...
Produced by Shanty Harmayn and Tanya Yuson’s Base Entertainment, the series is directed by Andini and Isfansyah from a script written by the book’s author Ratih Kumala, Yuson , Kanya K. Priyanti and Ambaridzki Ramadhantyo.