Being an entrepreneur means having the freedom and passion to do what you love, but it can be demanding, stressful, and exhausting, leaving no time for a life. How to find some equilibrium?
Integrate, don’t just balance Many people talk about work-life balance as if the scales should always be even. “In reality, life and business ebb and flow,” says Celeste Robertson, an estate planning attorney and owner of The Law Offices of Celeste Robertson, LLC., with locations in Rockport and Corpus Christi, Texas. “Instead of trying to rigidly partition personal and professional time, I integrate them seamlessly.
Bradshaw says you’ll burn out and miss out on the essential things in life if you blur the line between yourself and your business. A healthy work-life integration has separation between the two. “It is true that you have to put the hours in and that getting off the ground takes a lot of effort,” she says. “However, staying in this mode, spending too much time at work, and neglecting the rest of your life reduces focus, concentration, energy levels, and even passion for what you are doing.”
Think of this person as your professional bouncer, someone who helps you guard your time by saying “no” when you might hesitate. Lazarevic says your “no” person vets new projects, partnerships and even minor commitments against your core goals, keeping you from straying off track.