Catalonia pays €3m to firms linked to theory Shakespeare was Catalan

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Media companies linked to institute that also claims Leonardo da Vinci, Cervantes and Columbus were Catalan

The Catalan government had paid €3m in subsidies to media companies with close links to a body that claims that Shakespeare, Cervantes and Columbus – among others – were Catalan.


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... y el cagadero turco fue también un invento catalán... los turcos añadieron el agujero siglos después...

elsennior Se habla poco (injustamente) de que Batman, era catalán

Encuentran en los manuscritos del mar muerto evidencias de que la estelada la inventó adan mientras eva se bajaba al pilón.

Mirada_Panoram But they say that the rest of the country is stealing them!

fakenews this is not true...

This is Pseduohistory against Catalonia

There is no need to this bullshit. No one in Catalonia asks for this extravaganza. But,the big amount is always spend by Spain to clean their practices. I like sports, without catalans Spain is nothing. Catalonia might be quite ok. Several sports. Like this, other fields.

Vaya manera de malgastar el dinero y además para desprestigiar a los catalanes, pues hay que estar muyyyy fumao para creerse esas teorías del 'Istituto de Nueva Historia'

així m'agrada joder, ridículs però amb classe

PhilAMellows I have information that Fleming was also Catalan

PhilAMellows Like Cervantes. Wonderful!


, please, double-check the bias of that article if you want to stay truth to your own values stated at the end of the article 👇



Hola govern tv3cat

Catalan separatists are idiots !!

Sounds supremacist to me.

I am a Catalan, thus I am Spanish and proud of being Catalan and Spanish and I feel ashamed, truly ashamed of having such a racist, incompetent and useless Catalan government.

If they try and claim Ken Dodd there'll be gilet jaune riots in Notty Ash!

Also Saint Paul was Catalonian they say now



PsyForensic Segur al 100 % només els catalans podem fer......


I will only pay for E.T. or Spideman!

Ser o no ser ,si lo son ,son jilipollas


Societatcc govern MuseuNac_Cat The pruses write their own history to try to distinguish themselves from Spain, sometimes making a fool of themselves as is the case ... investigate the new official history of Catalonia

Per coses com aquesta vull marxar d’espanya i ara van i fan el mateix a casa meva.

Who is Catalonia exactlly?

That is an evidence of the fanatism of catalan nationalism. They are banning even Spanish languaje as official and education languaje in the region. Catalanism is a fanatical ideology based on racist theories and manipulation of the history.

LastSawyer 😂


Sensationalist article which only goal is to damage Catalonia's reputations. Please, , if you are going to allow such biased articles in your reputable newspaper, make sure you also show the other side of the story. Neutrality should be a must in independent journalism.

is it crack? Is that what you smoke?

Shakespeare didn’t write any Spanish or Catalan plays. Francesco da Mosto made a convincing case that he was Scicilian and his real name was Corolanza!

Pero luego 'EspanyaEnsRoba', a q si ¿ QuimTorraiPla gabrielrufian ? 🤔

Que vergüenza que nos tenga que dar estas noticias un medio extranjero. Pero más vergonzoso aún que se utilicen 3 millones de Euros para manipular la verdad. Españoles nos roba Cataluña por todos lados, y todo para el supremacismo independentistas, para ocultar la corrupción.

Del mismo Ampurdán

This theory is paid by all Spaniards.

Another idea for your next article: In Spain Francisco Franco Foundation (and 7 other fascist organisations) is legal and Spanish government grants tax reliefs to its donors

I just want to thank to show Catalonian’s stupidity to the world.👏🏻This is a true contribution to their nazi way of acting and communicate ideas. Too many people taking public money for spreading a sect and condemn 46 million people to live in humiliation,shame &poverty

Well they were also paying you to publish their own propaganda, and you did not raise any question or reject any single penny.

Qué ridículos.

This is the bullshit government we are suffering in Catalonia and so in the whole Spain


Once upon a time....

Do you seriously think we will take Stephen Burgen's articles seriously? He is a well known furious anti-catalanist and anti-Catalonia. Congratulations for having him on the payrol, you succeed in seeming less and less like a newspaper day by day.


I'm from Barcelona: let me ask you apologize us, separatist movement doesn't speak in the name of us, humble working class people.

Srs de govern KRLS QuimTorraiPla rogertorrent parlamentcat esto también sale de la caja común? O quien paga eso? Eso no es prevaricación? La justicia investigará esto?

Si al final te lías con las mentiras y se te va la pinza 😂

Ashamed of being catalan. Cannot be more stupid! The foolness of nationalism. Stop nonsense please!

The worst thing about Catalan separatism is wanting to be in history, they want to be important and they are mistakenly copying Hitler's old Germany faithfully. What horrifies occasional visitors... LaSilenciosaCat EU_Commission jorgeramosnews ohchr GreensEFA PES_PSE

Not possible.

Sale más barato que otros 'centros de opinión'...

Louise13M Jordi Tsoukalos agrees 👍🏼

The ridiculous of separatist Catalans is spectacular.Their desire to have some prominence is so excessive that they do not measure their immense degree of madness.They decide to change history and pay a lot of money to write a story that does not belong to them. LaSilenciosaCat

Herr Virgili viajará en el tiempo y corregirá el regulero catalán que se empleó en los diálogos de 'McBeth'?

Catalan nacionalism is poison

El supremacismo catalán no tiene límites...

PhilAMellows When nobody is, you have to look for identity

waste of money he was Australian

APES_Cat What is it with nationalists and wasting public money? There is no such nationality as Catalan. There. Job done. No further research required.

Y así todo...

Now,you perfidate Albion,feel the power of Catalonian Independentist BS.. 😂 Now you know what kind of idiotic frauds are all Catalonian independentist claims,and independentists themselves

Try to confirm and get as much dosh you can....

¿ Y Pelayo?

gariduran And this is what we Spaniards including half of Catalonians have had to put up with. The manipulation of history, school indoctrination and to be called a fascist when you speak up. As we speak, separatists shame in Twitter small businesses that don’t havetheirwritinginCatalonian

Espero q sea un fake, porque ahora mismo se necesitan esos 3 millones de euros para profesionales sanitarios y material

From my taxes!!

Catalan nationalists are stupid...

What's worse than just reinventing history is to put these things in school books and use them to politically indoctrinate children. Sadly it's happening in Catalonia today.

SOSAMIG Ja ja ja algún día esto se investigará cómo lo que es, una malversación de dinero público.

No surprise,Nelson will be Catalan very soon😀

A waste of money.

Si Jordi Bilbeny es l'Iker Jiménez català es diu i ja està... Qualsevol dia d'aquests sortirà dient que els catalans venim de l'espai exterior...

Enniosotanaz Fake no?

corretore79 And finally you can see by yourselves what we hace been seeing for years.

KhommonNoise Welcome to the crazy Catalan independentist world. We’ve been suffering this for years. But this sh** is just the funny part. They also say we catalans are oppressed (though living in one of the most rated democracies ever). Go deeper this issue to find out how racist they are.

linked to Uuhhhyeaaahhh... Journalism 🎖️🎖️🎖️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

Independent journalism... 🤣

Cataluña no, lo pagamos todos los españoles, con la complicidad del gobierno de Pedro Sánchez.

And, ladys and gentlemen, this is the actual independency political main action example.

PhilAMellows En efecto, era catalán. La prueba es que escribió 'Romeo y Julieta' en ese ideoma. También el Cid lo era, puesto que casó a una hija con R. Berenguer III. Y puede que Einstein lo fuese

One more FakeNews


Sorry from Catalonia. The majority of the population is not represented by catalan nationalism.

Pues no entiendo como pagan por esa información, cuando todo el que tenga un mínimo de cultura o siga a CescFrancB sabe que era catalán. Seguro que alguno se ha llevado el dinero.

Actually his name was Julià Ses Pi instead of William Shakespeare



Like Bob, and Homer, ... yellow fever. Do you have any bias against yellow?

This news is not true. It is part of the fakes of the state press.

QuimTorraiPla con la que está cayendo

Jesus was catalan as well

PhilAMellows LOL

Tio voy a inventarme una teoría loca catalana y me cae pasta fijo. Que puto chollo.


Catalonian independentists created the democracy in ancient Greece, the Renaissence in Italy, and the european way of life...Everybody knows that. They are the chosen ones, the light in the darkness, the Unicorn purifying the poisoned waters...and so on.

Hola CescFrancB haz tu magia 🙏

PhilAMellows Shakespearedemont

PhilAMellows Platón era catalán y Alejandro Magno hablaba catalán en la intimidad.

Of course he was!!. Born in L' Ametlla del Vallés,he wrote in Catalonian lenguage but beacuse of Franco and the Catholic Kings he had to migrate to England.

In Cat if you're pro-independence you can join several organizations that pay well above avg wages in ESP (cat gvmt funded). A confortable life just supporting the cause and occasionally complain about 'how oppressed' u are. If u critizice the movement you are a 'facha' (fascist)

esp_soc Sure

No puede ser

Si us plau, estalvieu-nos aquesta vergonya.

God, what a shame! I apologize to the British. On the other hand you already know the Catalan nationalist madness a little more.

Otros 3MM tirados a la basura.

Not too much, isn'it? 🤣😂

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Nicola Tesla are Cataláns de Igualada

PhilAMellows ¿Only Shakespeare? They are creating their history with lies and fake data

Please, you may check what you write as a fact. I’m a 41 years old catalan and I never heard about all of those news but only about of Columbus. It’s quite strange living a whole life in Catalonia, reading newspapers and being educated here and never be aware of these. Thanks.

Ahora entendéis la gran mentira del nacionalismo catalán

PhilAMellows Y otros 3 kilos pat que la gente sepa que Freddie Mercury no era otro que Alfred Mercuri, de Tarrasa.

niporwifi Sale mal

If the English knew that their royal family are also of Catalan origin .. even Winston Churchill, whose real name was Ducats Puig!

PhilAMellows 🤣🤣🤣🤣 nazicatalans are at it again.. disnt the filthy Scottish say the same? 🤣🤣🤣

Fake news from GlobalSpain maybe 😉

Así nos va al resto. Ellos saquean las finanzas de la Generalitat.

How about paying me €6m to rewrite Shakespeare in Catalan?

Catalonian government will be judged for their embezzlement as soon as our beautiful and egocentric President will be expelled from the government supported by nationalists and Bildu (former Herri Batasuna).

I'm Catalan, I'm independentist and it's the first time I hear about this stupid lie...


Sure a good investment of tax payers’ money. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Por 30 millones les aseguro qué Maquiavelo era del barrio de la mina.🤣🤣🤣😁😁😄😄😄

Que si, que el planeta Tierra fue creado por los catalanes.

What a surprise! 🤣

They also claim English is a dialect of the Catalan language...

please do not make profit of the paranoid of our prodigal local government


Check this 🤪🤪🤪


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂hijos de puta😂😂😂😂y la sanida hecha una mierda, hijos de puta

ppsoe2000 Quite absurd since he is obviously of Spaniard descent (look at his facial traits)

El chiste del be ..or no to be....dicho en catalan...Claro!!!

'Catalan secessionists ladle a soup of fiction and paranoia'

I bet their next claim is that Jesus Christ was also Catalan and King Herod was King of Spain.

But few money for hospitals

Jajaja. Éste también? Jajaja me parto.

Nah... he was Indian! Don’t waste money claiming him as your own

I enjoy this circus. Do nobody of you think why there are so few or none Catalans that want to comment on this? I mean, the psychological warfare against Catalonia both from within and externally paid by deep state sewers is nothing new. I am bored of this circus.

Los nazis supremacistas catalanes están locos y llenos de odio

Wellcome to the crazy Catalonia.

robmorato Ajajajjajajajajajajja. Me meo

Que pelmas


Julius Cesar as well was catalan, maybe even Hannibal and most definitively Gengis Khan! ...and Batman😜



Fake news.

Ousitotraveller 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I didn't even know where Catalonia was... I knew Spain... but Catalonia?

Now I really have heard it all. I wonder whom they'll be claiming next...Oliver Cromwell or Winston Churchill perhaps. Seems they have no shortage of public funds to waste on this type of pathetic nonsense.

Catalonia is diferent and not very smart

Shakespeare directamente ni existió.

Catalan nationalists are trying to change history with lies, they even said it was an independent Kingdom something that never existed. They have bought Historians with the tax money for Health, Unemployed people, education, security,.. Finally in 2018 they made a COUP

Support, support the Catalan cause that you will see how soon they will usurp the identity of their most illustrious characters. As they have done in Spain with Cervantes, Teresa de Ávila or Colón.

Egspaña ens roba y tal...

En la Generalitat tenemos una panda de gilipollas que se gastan el dinero en gilipolleces...


The usual nationalist shit. They use our money for that🤷‍♂️👌🙄

How can you continue to publish such utter nonsense from Spanish citizen Stephen Burgen who has appeared in radically unionist party ciudadanos propaganda? Unbiased reporting? Bull. Just as well we have Independent !!

Is the new Nazism in Europe.....good luck with them.

Jajajaja sanchezcastejon PabloIglesias

Catalonian nationalists can be a pain in the .... but you will see they are talented comedians with no sense of embarrassment, and they create a new show every month or so! Don't miss it!

Jajajaja me meo y lloro de la pena de los impuestos de los catalanes

No. Catalonia no. Just four freaks without any formation in History.

And that’s what we have to suffer EVERY single day...

MeLlamanShelby Esto es lo que faltaba ya. Y en el new york times y the guardian que seguís tomandolos en serio.

Colombus is a Italian Born in Genoa. Cristoforo Colombo.

What a waste of money!!!! They never say where all this money comes from...

Lástima dinero ... Que pagamos TODOS.

Catalan independentists are very crazy!

Catalonia not, just INH...

Retraso mental lazi nivel Dios.

This is awesome!! Finally somebody shows the skeletons of the false left Catalan secessionist movement.

¿La Generalitat puede adjudicar esos contratos sin concurso público? Pregunto

Und Goebbels war vom ANC, JuntsxCat und ERC SeparatismoEsFascismo

Catalonia? Sure not. A private group of crazy pseudoacademics, maybe yes. All payments of the Catalan government are intervened and authorized by Madrid from two months before the Referendum October 1, 2017 until now. This is propaganda and you've fallen into the trap.

Ni en los sueños mas humedos de los de la Ahnenerbe Hulio LOOOL


Gràcies infinites als del Nova Història per fer-nos quedar com imbècils a l'estranger.

Do you understand right now what we, Spanish people, must stand with these twats? Do you? Keep that Ponsatí there, please...


Los nazis del lacito amarillo estan locos.

Goku was catalan.

De Palamós.

Is Vinci in Tuscany or in Catalunia ?

Welcome to the 'Inventocracia'

rpla 🤣🤣🤣

Confucio tiene una pinta de Catalán que echa para atrás

Spain pays*


'small, ridiculous and angry losers.” And thieves, stealing the public purse.

This People from Nova Historia institute are literally a living joke in the rest of our country. Please don't even bother to read the bullshit fascist and racist propaganda they publish


Wow!!! The Guardian!!! You have awaken after a long pro-Catalan separatists hibernation. You have just started your initiation trip to the magical world of the Catalan separatists!!!! More surprises to come!!!

No puede ser 😳

Title is at best, slightly misleading

Catalan goverment have at least 20% of their resources working in propaganda all they long. Source: myballs stimation

Marie Curie in fact was Maria Curi; Mahatama Ghandi= Mateu Gandia; Ernesto Gevara=Ernest Gava; Martin luther King= Marti L. Quinquet; Inmanuel Kant=Enmanuel Canto; the invented the fire, wheel, the peace, writing,the law, the industrial revolution (ecofriendly)

If you look so deeply for people 'linked to theory' Elvis is still alive, you'll get a surprise.

Ultranationalism and pseudoscience together. They also claim there’s a mandate for independence despite pro independence parties has never overcome 48 % Even more, the latest survey from the Catalan government's polling agency finds just 41.9% in favor Catalonia splitting from SP

espanabola Hello Brits. Yes, this is nuts, we are used to this. Welcome to Catalan “nationalism”.

Cristoforo Colombo was Italian. Shakespeare probably was an Englishman with Italian father, this man: John Florio. These claims mistake the truth.

This is yet an additional reason why Barcelona and its metropolitan area need to urgently establish its own Autonomous Region within Spain however out of Catalonia. Catalan nationalism can and will destroy Barcelona - Tabarnia bcnviafora_eng Bcnisnotcat_

És conya no? 🙄


El mon ens mira!!!!!

This is how you will see how mentally ill the Catalan separatists are.

Cualquier cosa 🤣🤣🤣

espanabola Yo lo veo clariiiiisimo... Este es Pere Sachs... O por su apellido, Sachs, Sachs Pere


josepramonbosch This id the catalan nationalism.

espanabola You guys didn't know it yet? By the way, the first man, Gandhi, King Arthur and Confucius were catalans too.

Napoleon was catalan

Churchill was catalan and his favourite drink wasn’t the whisky, it was the ratafía

And David Beckham!!!!



Maybe you are now beginning to understand the way these people behave.


Catalan nationalists are specialists in rewriting history.

I, marry Millwall. (Ay, mare meua).

The nationalist government from Catalonia


Catalan? I thought he wuz black 🤔

Brits you want some easy cash? write a reasonable essay arguing that Nelson was catalan, that he was not fighting the Napoleonic wars but for the independence of Catalonia, then the spaniards, after the defeat in Trafalgar decided to make him english to hide the shame.

Jesus Christ was also Catalan. 😂🤣

Yes an embarrassing and stupid waste of money. Yet Spanish and Catalan correspondents seem to design all their news around protecting the Spanish state and monarchy. No news on the secret $100m commissions paid to King Juan Carlos by the Saudis Brave journalism?


The Guardian this is very pathetic even for you usual lines.


We, the spaniards, are terribly sorry about this. They are building from thin air their own national myths in their way to create a new supremacist nationalism.

Trump is Catalan also, he was born in Ribes de Freser where he was known as 'el Pastanago'. He is cousin of Jordi Pujol, the greatest Catalan ever. May the Catalan Force be with you.

All great things of humanity are Catalan. Or deserve to be.

Catalan politicians are the most corrupt in Spain, apart from racists.

I am Catalan, therefore Spanish, and completely embarrassed by this mental government. Just saying.

Yoda was catalan too

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