5 Ways To Turn Your Side Hustle Into Your Real Hustle

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My company, Chic-CEO.com, is an online resource for over 100,000 female entrepreneurs. As a startup, we had to get scrappy in order to hit our goals and make an impact. When we started asking for the impossible and getting the green light, I knew we had stumbled on something magical - something I call 'Unreasonable Requests.' I write about female entrepreneurship and how to brand yourself. I live in beautiful Ozark country with my husband and two brilliant children.

Did you know the definition of Hustle is to “push roughly; obtain illicitly?” When serving your customers is not your truest motivation, then you are hustling. And hustling is unsustainable.

Making sure you’re solving a problem will help fuel your ambition so you still have energy when things get tough. A lot of common advice is to view your day job like the venture fund that’s funding your business. This is the wrong way to look at it. Your day job is so much more than a paycheck and healthcare."You want to view your day job as an accelerator where you can develop skills, receive mentoring, and a valuable network to make your dream a reality,” advises Taylor.

This will also provide a necessary mindset shift to viewing your dayjob as an asset, rather than a hindrance. Your dayjob can be the competitive edge you have over venture-backed entrepreneurs because you can be learning more in those 8 hours that you can transfer into the business, rather being told by investors how to run your business.As an early-stage business owner, people are investing in you, not your business.


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It was a good read. I feel that I've followed those steps myself. Take my time to grow and learn.

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