GOP split on whether to back Fauci's or Trump's assessment on reopening economy

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Republican senators are conceding that Dr. Anthony Fauci's testimony warning about moving too quickly to reopen the US economy is inconsistent with President Trump's reopening push, but the GOP is split about which assessment to back

Republican senators are conceding that Dr. Anthony Fauci's testimony warning about moving too quickly to reopen the US economy is inconsistent with President Donald Trump's push to"liberate" various states and quickly get the country back to business.

But the GOP is split about whether Trump should be more cautious with his own public statements or if it's Fauci who is being too much of an alarmist, as Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky appears to be asserting."Surely the testimony is more nuanced than the President's statements," said Sen. Bill Cassidy, a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, which hosted Fauci at its hearing Tuesday. Cassidy added the decision to reopen needs to be"data driven.


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Cowards. GOP should be embarrassed. Getting re-elected matters more than American lives. Back trump again and u will likely be on the street looking for work u r out of touch w population u serve

Back the science not the fool

Agree, Fauci for decades been involved, supervising, negotiating with biological R and D, Birx, Gates OBama, Clinton's, planned parenthood, Depopulation , etc. Also more dirty games shutting down other scientists opposing him. Various scientists in jail , no charge.

They gonna backup there king Trump! With there spineless asses!!

Closing the economy is a strictly a political measure. Anthony Fauci talks from a medical perspective, not an economic one, since he is a doctor. He should not be blame for what is happening to US economy. Trump s admnistration is making the political choice, not Fauci

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Seems like the one facet to decide on would be the facts,not the wishing it away.

You know the old expression “ These people vote?” Change it for “And these people were elected to run the country?” Trump’s cult should have a bleachtini while they ponder this difficult choice. PITIFUL!

Well they are the party of science and fact deniers.

Why don't you say Chinese funded politicians split with patriots? Oh yeah they been funding you too.

gop housegop senategop They're invertebrates, of course they'll back the guy that told us to inject disinfectant.

Seems like a no-brainer. Pun intended. And I guess that answers that.

They are lemmings....

Wow, you would think there could be something called, oh what is it, it's been so long.... oh, right. Middle ground, compromise? Nah. That would require the GOP to think, plan, cooperate. Nevermind.

There are many people who prove that Trump is a good conman!

Stop normalizing this insanity. Dr. Fauci has spent his life combating viruses. Donald Trump is an ex-reality game show host. Anyone taking advice from Donald needs to called out.

Who to believe is a no brainey for those who have a brain and their nose is not shoved so far up and in the wrong direction. We need real help from the power greater than our own selves be it/him/her/ God/ Allah/ Budda/ whoever. We must turn things around to prevail and survive.

Always bet on the guy who went to college to learn how to research such matters. Not he guy who went to school to run a business, or a lawyer, or a guy just lucky enough to land his dream job of politician.

You consider Fauci’s health recommendation in light of trumps eagerness to open economy it is about wisdom

Nobody trust CNN

Reopening will Make America Sick Again!

Gop,,,how many can we kill vs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Why does CNN bother to present two things as if they are equal to each other? This is just like what aboutism. Rethugs will back the Russian agent. They always do. Report THAT.

Fauci works for Bill Gates & his goal is to help Bill fcukin Gates get his mandatory 'vaccines' into everyone. He's not relying on science, he's giving his opinion on what he thinks about the science. The very opposite of what Fauci thinks can happen, can also happen.

Dead or alive!! Shouldn't be to difficult.

Joe, hahahahaha. The way you put that is hilarious. OMG the times we live in.

Wow. How can there be any question on this!? The bind boggles!

Pretty sure we should trust the medical professionals, why is this even a question?

They're in a real prisoners dilemma. They can back Fauci saving thousands of lives, but lose hardliner supporters, back trump keeping hardliner supporters, but leave thousands to die, keep silent and lose both, or try to back both and lose both and lose the moderate members.

JFC how can they be split? They know (or at least I hope they know) that tRump is a complete moron...

Decisions, decisions. On the one hand a respected epidemiologist who's spent his whole life studying infectious diseases, on the other, a failed real estate con man with a penchant for idiotic pronouncements. The GOP is split about who to back?!? Send them all home.

Duh! Follow the one who knows what they are talking about.

Wonder why they’re not consulting the “Pandemic Playbook” that the Trump Team compiled LAST AUGUST The one Kylie McEn-Liar was showing (just the covers) to everyone today? The one no one else knows about. Maybe because it’s blank pages in the binder? Lying, cheating, grifters!!

Those R folks are mostly either too scared of their 'know-it-all' maximum leader, or they have sworn to an oath of gullibility.

The gop are cowards!

Don't open TOO quickly, but open as quickly as reasonably possible. Why is this so hard for you?

The answer lies between what their true intentions/values are. Do they support the American people lives (science) or their political careers (Trump)? TrumpLiesPeopleDie DrFauci VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

Block Trump not the experts...

These republican senators are so dumb and ignorant, or they’re just acting to please their master, trump trump

Guys this is a close call, on one hand we have a distinguished medical expert and on the other we have a fat angry orange man idk

They're not split on the substance of it. They're split on: money vs lives. They know lifting restrictions will cost lives. They know having restrictions is losing them money. They're not stupid, they're just selfish gaslights.

kenjeong Why are we split ... duh .. anything Trump has failed follow science and preserve lives not campaigns

whatisaidis OMG. That there is even a question ... At least 3 GOP reps, as if corner drug pushers ,push of HCQ despite VA and other worldwide studies( on now 1000s )which show it is not helpful against virusshows HCQ can increase risk of death. No GOP asked for promised Tests or Remdesivir

Considering Fauchi flips depending on which flavor of the day he is with. Im really not inclined to call his word Absolute. His models have not been correct! We know this is not going away! Instead of shutting the country down. Live Responsibly *STOP THE FEARMONGERING*

Are you serious? They don’t know which assessment to back? I’m sorry but if this was a woman that was in a relationship we would say she’s being abused. The GOP is allowing themselves to continually be in an abusive relationship at the expense of the people. WAKE UP!!!

CNN at it again trying to lie to America as if this is all Trumps fault. Airing a congressional hearing when they could be concentrating on saving lives instead they are playing blame game. Weak leadership. Fake news.

I truly hope they back Trump's assessment because that will for sure get them voted out of office come November.

How about the one who doesn't believe in injecting bleach‼️

GOP, what does your gut tell you to do? Do the opposite! Listen to DOCTOR Fauci. (And see a doctor, you've all lost your guts.)

whatisaidis If they only had a brain. This reminds me of the Wizard if Oz. No hearts, no brains, and no courage to do what they know is right.

SERIOUSLY? WHY? The SICK,EVIL,LYING, CORRUPT,CRIMINAL FAKE president KNOWS NOTHING!! Telling people to take an unproven drug to injecting disinfectant does NOT mean he is capable of advising! LISTEN TO DR.FAUCI and OTHER HEALTH EXPERTS! Dr.Bright KNOWS!

mojojaxville Start charging there asses with murder and they will get with the program real quick

We did NOT elect Dr. Fauci to make decisions for the American people such a when to reopen schools & businesses. He is a scientist and needs to stay in his lane ! GOP senatemajldr GOPLeader realDonaldTrump

They shouldn’t be divided! They all know Trump is a liar & corrupt to the core. They know he has sold out America for his own personal gain. They know he has mislead Americans, costing 86000 lives! THEY KNOW they should follow the Scoence and FACTS! Longer complacent-gop loses

Simple GOP. Why not use your common sense to answer this dilemma? Most level-headed Americans already know the answer.

Here’s a tip: Go with the one who actually has a degree in medicine Thank you for listening to this Ted Talk

They'll back the guy with blackmail material.

This is an easy one... stand with the expert or drink the potion, (i.e. bleach, Lysol, etc.) and let your “UV” light shine.

That possum faced looking snowflake of trumps, Mitch better get those puppet strings redone. They are probably looking somewhat flawed from trump pulling them

The chump that said drink bleach vs a DOCTOR. Decision, decisions. informationpandemic

Well on the one hand, people will die But on the other, money machine go FUCKING brrrrrr!!!!! Gee, I wonder which way they'll go? 🤔

Republicans have always been split about science.

Would that Kentucky senators could see straight.

Wow dr or idiot mmmmm decision on 💀 taxpayers pay us and we took an oath mmmmmm SenateGOP let’s kill America

Unbelievable! Republicans have deep cleaning to do! Rotten apples Have to be thrown out! God help America 🙏

Let them go ahead and jump out there. Should have to sign waivers to give up hospitalization if they catch the virus and need hospital treatments

No they're not. They're just calculating which political fallout will be more damaging.

mojojaxville So as far as the GOP is concerned your life is a 50/50 proposition and they aren’t sure which way they’re going to go. That should tell you all you need to know about Republicans.

'We all know exactly what they're going to do, but it drives more clicks if we frame it as though they have souls and are capable of moral conflict.'

They are split between listening to science and being leaders or rolling over for dear leader. This insanity has give on long enough. You enabled him to get this bad.

Whawhawha fake news going down. Excia?

Split? Between the global medical community and one bit actor from home alone 2? Holy fuck america. Whatever, someone go get Bill Murray and Childish Gambino, the rest of you can all die of a corona/stupidity combo for all i care.

So the Republican office holders are split on deciding if money or people's lives will be most important. Damn.

Because Trump knows what he's talking about when it concerns logical moves and the health and safety of American citizens...

Faucci has lost credibility.

I hope the ones who want to follow trump are willing to drink the bleach.

Why are deaths in democrats states ten times higher than in republican states?

Ah some of that lovely both siderism that has transformed journalism in ‘Merica into stenography.

obamagates obamagate

Let's see, do we want to trust the actual medical doctor who spent several decades of his life studying this kind of thing, or the former reality show host who babbles about injecting lysol? Yeah, tough call...

No shit it’s going to be inconsistent. Trump wouldn’t know science if it came in and punched him in his bloated Cheeto-dusted face!

Well gee. That’s a tough one. A scientific expert who specializes in diseases or a complete moron. 🤷‍♀️


Im still waiting on faucis first fact

Fake News



Listen to a Doctor or someone who likes attention tough choice 🙃

Yes, I would totally trust the person below over Dr. Fauci.

Munro90J they will back Trump!


The current GOP needs to be eradicated if they can't decide between the importance of health or greed. Trumps intentions are neither for public safety nor America's financial well being.

It should be a no brainer but.... you can assume the rest.

and there he looks like a creature watching intensely every movement to find out which is the best direction to run to

MumblingMitch is a a trueplaya. Want to hate the guy for playing the game but don’t hate the player.

Follow the guy who believes in windmill cancer and that vaccines cause autism!!!

I'll take scientific facts for $800 Alex!

If they are that undecided. Let us know who can't figure out Fauci is the expert and we can can vote them out of office in Nov.

You will all be making a grave mistake if you don’t support the science, and Anthony Fauci

Split on wether to listen to a trained scientist or a trained twat...really?

How is that a question?

What’s there to debate? Give this question to a 5th grader and they’ll get it correct! Really? Let’s just trust the shmuck with the sharpie and drink some Pine-sol! Welcome to the dumbing of America!!

If true POTUS, no more money for the RINOs and LIBS. Stop their pay! Shame them. By the by, Fauci is wrong more than right. He is 79 and ready for retirement.

Let’s see, a Doctor with years of virology experience, or a guy who purposely colours himself orange...hmmmm, who to listen to? It’s a conundrum.

Fauci is right, and Criminal Trump is not. Trump's administration is the most incompetent and corrupt in America.

This shows the stupidity of white house, listen to self absorbed liar Trump or listen to medical facts and save lives?

I don't know why their is a split between Trump or his Spineless senators. Trump didn't get a medical degree nor did he graduate from high school/college. Trump vocabulary is zero. His father paid someone to pass for him. I can't believe how so many people are willing to follow T

One's a world renowned health expert and the other has bankrupted numerous companies including a casino! It's really not a hard choice Unless you're a party full of corruption!

Scientist vs politician


The one that keeps people alive would be the correct choice.

That's a tough choice

Definitely, the GOP and MoscowMitch will back the TraitorTrump and opt to kill more Americans. Only concern is that these people will be in Red states.

If they’re going to hang their hat on Trump then they can own the fallout. The deaths. Losing control of the Senate. Imploding the Republican Party. All of it.


They would be

Do you trust Fauci or Trump with your health? For anyone struggling with the answer....never mind, waste of time.

if only one of them was a doctor and a pandemic expert

What a dilemma: Believe the world’s most renowned virologist or the world’s biggest moron? Hmmmmmm... Republican senators pondering the choice are the world’s biggest joke.

Go with the guy who has no plan GOP and really understands science

All members of both Houses plus government officials at State and National level need to decide whether they are for the people or for politics. History will judge you on your choice

Yeah that's really a tough one!

Life or death. Seems like a hard decision for self serving pricks.

I’ll tell you what... every REPUBLICAN who believes Trump over Fauci should inject disinfectants into their system..then support his sociopathic position ... psssst he doesn’t care about any of us... as they call 911 to save your life. realDonaldTrump

Oh, good grief

GOP is waiting for realDonaldTrump to instruct them what to do. They’re clueless, directionless and disorganized.

Between a medical expert and a small hand orange faced chimpanzee? That's so hard to choose. It's impossible.

Like Macbeth they’re too deep in with DT to turn back now. If DTs conduct, 10s of thousands of preventable deaths with more to come haven’t caused a rethink an expert just repeating what experts have been saying for ages won’t make a difference.

Let’s see we have a guy who has a number of letters after his name. Then there is the other guy whose reality show got canceled, has at least 3 failed marriages caused by his grabbing another woman’s pussy and has been bankrupt at least 3 times because he is not a businessman

Well what a surprise.. gop doing exactly what their boss realDonaldTrump tells them to do because none of them have any backbone and they’re too afraid to contradict King Trump... bunch of two faced cowards.

Yeah, it's tough to decide who to believe...the scientist or the clown.



Bet he can’t define moving too quickly

Simple, science or liar.

Seriously, how about being on the side of right, for a change. I mean what's the struggle. Its incredible Republicans stuck to trumps lies as long as they have, but now ppl are dying. What's it going to take. Seriously.

That Republicans are pondering who to back in this is why they have to go. RepublicansAreKillingUs GOP

I know what I think. Hopefully GOP leaders have an opportunity to decide for themselves. It’s not hard.

So the republicans no longer believe experts? Republicans believe trump know more than scientists, Dr.’s and public health officials?!? Really?

Because the GOP are feckless, spineless cowards who have no true concern for the welfare of this nation and her people.

Let's see, do they back brainiac - or maniac.

SenateGOP, craven yet treacherous AF. 🤦🏽‍♀️


so you're saying the gop has split into the cuck and slightly-less-cuck factions trumpcucks

How can this be so fucking hard? You trust the man who has not lied to you every chance he gets. Why is this so hard for people?

GOP senators don’t believe Doctors and Scientists. That’s the headline.

You gotta be kidding!! Science, knowledge, honor and being a human being wins every time. Of course the choice is Dr. Anthony Fauci, hands down!!

Think.I know the answer...

🤦‍♀️if in doubt go with the guy who went to medical school. I feel like I'm watching sitcom about a parent and their no no don't drink bleach, no remember we have to do what the doctors says. ..

Republicans have waned to reduce the SSB drain on their tax returns....opening too early puts everyone 60 and over at risk. They are dancing on their graves because of the financial benefit to them. It is so transparent...


Everything that is good and right & just is inconsistent with all the Occupant stands for. And the GOP doesn't know right from wrong? They should all resign.

What a bunch of kitties.

Terrible to say but I hope they catch covid would do them good

tRump & the GOP are going to gamble against the Virus, writing is on the wall. Georgia was the Guinea pig state & Florida both staying steady with new cases but no real consistent decline which tRump will accept🇨🇦🇺🇸

If I was DrFauci I would apologize to the people who believe. Let them know that I'm falling in the background and not gonna say anything else. If y'all wanna listen to the white, corrupt , republican politicians, so be it. Let's see how far that will get you.


In other words, they can't decide whether to protect public health and save lives or not pissing off Trump.

Cake or death?

My daughter's friend tested covid positive this wk. What is more unfortunate, the friend's grandmother too has the virus. We all can't get caught up in politics, our country is still in the midst of a pandemic. StaySafeAmerica...

If the GOP were insects they would be murder hornets.

Fuck, I hate these people.

Yes, I can see the debate, trust the scientist who’s opinion is based on scientific models or the dumbass that wants doctors to inject Lysol into the bloodstream. Tough call.

Well, considering the GOP turned their backs on evidence justifying impeachment, who is naive to think they will now grow a conscience and side with the health expert?

Most Republican Senators back opening up Isolation Measures and causing avoidable deaths in order to improve the financial prospects of their Oil, Gas and Coal donors.

Can Dr. Fauci help GOP members grow spines?


Translation: Republican Senators torn between honest scientist and Grade F political hack optics.

Lol. Fauci or Trump? Tough one!

It's simple, Trust the science and protect Americans, or devote your life for Trump.

Dr Fauci has been wrong about everything.

Ha well they like to keep their jobs so that will decide that .....they never vote their conscience or what’s right they do whatever they need to do to keep the job

Well, duh.

Whose assessment is more reliable? The one offered by a Dr. who’s spent most of his life studying and advising on pandemics? Or the one pushed by a corrupt fraudpresident who, in just 3 years, has propagated 17,000+ documented deceptions?

CNN is concealing that Joe Biden ripped the Constitution to shred with Obama by using the FBI and DOJ as his personal errand boys. Performing surveillance without a warrant.. oh , and covering up Tara Reids rights as a victim of Joe's sexual assault claims. CNN IS A JOKE.

Everything is fine...

SenateGOP I know it’s hard but one person suggested to drink disinfectants and inject light and has been wrong on everything and the other actually knows what he’s talking about

NotDying4WallStreet PeoplesBailout PeopleOverProfits

Reveal yourself!!! We want to know who the mystery person is behind joe’s tweets. We all know joe is napping right now.

You want to hear the truth about this Wuhan China CornaVirus and what's happening? You need to watch / listen to this Doctor !!

GOP will pick the wrong side of history EVERY TIME!

BGHeaven Unbelievable

Let’s back a general contractor. He knows better

Hmmmm... Doctor, moron. Oh idk? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Unless your name is Gaetz or Rand Paul, use some common sense!

Moscow Mitch has drunk too much bs and he is now a liar like trump...sad...

People should remember the day of the reopening of their state's , because when this virus make's its second round , it's going to be biblical in it's devastation and death toll, dollar's over bodies , so yes remember the date

🤯 mean you having trouble with who to believe?..lets see a doctor who’s studied for decades and has decades of experience or a lying orange turd who can barely read hmm🤔

Are you joking? Let’s see believe Trump or Dr Fauci? DUH senatemajldr

So. They're having a hard time choosing between an expert in the field and a complete idiot? Well, I guess that's understandable.

If TheDemocrats are correct we must keep everything closed and social distancing for any flu, any cold, pneumonia, aids, cancer and anything else which leads to death. No driving or smoking or drinking they lead to death. Unfortunately America is dying and Democrats want it.

People need to listen to Dr. Fauci! He knows more than our president does about this virus. Wait and see when Trump is proved wrong!

Fauci is the one I'm backing and believing.

They sicken me ..... all of them except Mitt Romney .

Following Trump is following into a deep black hole for America and the SenateGOP. What didn't Powell make clear today? He is in step with Fauci SenateGOP senatemajldr

So do you listen to wall street or your doctor regarding your own personal health?

It is very obvious who we should be listening too! President Trump has two agendas, re-election and money. Dr. Fauci is the expert in this area of disease, no brainer!!!

Mitch McConnell is a racist rat and part bird .

Think PEOPLE, poverty and no hope of a future will kill hundreds of thousands of people.

I'm really having a hard time taking anything you report seriously. After 4 years of BS! Flynn n Russia stories blowing up in your face, people are waking up.

Dear GOP senators, from the very beginning, Dr Fauci and his task force were concerned with one thing, ADVISING the government on the best course of action to save lives, SAVE LIVES, not saving the economy, not saving your educational policy, but PUBLIC HEALTH...

No they’re not. They are going to back a corrupt and illegitimate president that has killed over 83,000 people so far bc they are all sycophants and complicit. There changed that headline for you and made it true albeit a little long.

The difference is republicans who push for crazy policy choices but are grounded in reality and those that belong in a mental institution bc all they talk about is a world where everyone has a unicorn and Trump is the supreme chancellor

Obviously... I mean how do they hide the fact that they don't care if people die so long as they keep making money?

Fauci is the expert and Trump the dictator and assassin.

Trump knows nothing! Don't be stupid...

Hi this is a tough one, isn't it?

They'll go with Trump. He's got them totally cowed!

I can understand their dilemma. Regarding a pandemic...listen to a scientist that is a physician and a career healthcare administrator or listen to a failed reality TV personality that thinks drinking bleach or injecting Lysol is a great idea. It's a tough call.

The truthful one. Trump should stop putting ppl at risk.

It's amazing how in this day and age we still don't heed the advice of people who have made it their life's work to become experts in their fields of study and would rather govern using their gut instincts.

Dr. Fauci tends to be more outspoken when he's not standing next to the 'Wizard behind the Curtain'. I feel that he has the best interest of the public but is being held back by officials.

Normally this would be a no-brainer decision to make. Normally.

Folks questioning Dr Fauci’s patriotism is nasty. But effective rhetoric nowadays. Those folks cannot resort to science...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...

They know...they’re just too spineless to admit it in public bc they’re afraid of Twitter

Trillion are willingly spent , lives lost , just so a few people can continue eating meat ! Cant fix stupid IS the Legacy of Humans

How is it possible not to know which opinion to believe One is from an accomplished expert in the field of epidemiology and the other is from a dummy who doesn't know shit from shinola! That is, of course, unless the gop is all as stupid as their dear leader...


Trump and the Republicans don’t care about people. All they care about is getting the people back to work so they won’t have to give out anymore stimulus!

Because they're a-holes

See Korea and Germany cases.

Republican's only care about the rich. The worker peons are on earth only to serve them.

Hmm should I back life or should I back death hmm

It’s no longer the GOP. It’s the party of fascist sycophants.


What basis other than fear and spite for the safety of their constituents is there to side with realDonaldTrump?

Asshole in charge of Senate, only for the benefit of his friends, family and himself, the hell with American people who works two or three jobs to put food on their tables. Hope he get oust forever in November. MoscoMitch.

Back Dr Fauci!

An easy choice for any person not totally propagandized by the fear mongering mockingbird media.

They are in the business of killing people so you know which side they will take.

Of course all of these sissy’s will side with the president. After all aren’t they all doctors?

FFS GOP. Your trumpism will not be a legacy you'll be proud of. FailedPresident sycophants

Hhhmm a man with 40+ years of medical experience or a Orange tantrum throwing toddler that has no experience at all... hmmm hard one. Me Dr. Fauci. Republicans / GOP GOPLeader senatemajldr the toddler.

Mr. President virus already less down World people will be more and more ok go ahead keep going You is head of country for proble find the way American fully trust you god bless all the world people .

Trump isn’t a Dr. so why should the American people listen to Trump when all he’s done is lie to the American people from the beginning

Their family members and friends are not immune so it should be a no brainer, but knowing the state of our government today you wouldn't think logic and reason would be a priority at this point. Just jibberish and nonsense these days.

Half the GOP should drink bleach.


Believe a doctor who has spent his life studying disease, or a multiple bankruptcy, lying con-man. Must be a tough decision.

To late now places are opening. Now we sit back and wait. It’s scary but people just don’t care.

Let them kill a bunch of people’s family members their children ,mothers and fathers let them keep on killing. Dr. Fauci is who I listen to. Possibly by August 147,000 people are going to be dead. Hope not but could be. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Split as in Mitt lol

If the GOP Senators can't decide between the expert testimony of Dr Fauci or the rantings of Trump they are to stupid to be in public office.


Why? Oh lets see....Politics vs Life Choose ye this day who will you serve...? King James Bible

Ignorance at its best! The world top scientists is given you sound advice in a area where he specialize in and the republican party goes with '45'.🤨🤨🤔 Foolishness it's best!

GOP on knife edge; reduced economy OR death of more voters..............they put themselves in that position, no-one else!

Get it right he said 'some states ' and he didn't make that clear who he was talking about and if you followed him from beginning he keeps changing his tune. It's like someone got to him and paid him off to twist it a little and who likes to twist of lately: hmm I think maybe CNN

I can see why...two top medical experts....tough choice!

Dr Fauci is a Scientist and an expert in communicable diseases...he knows it's going be bad, so he chose his words carefully. His warning was ominous and straight forward...

Seriously, let’s see, back the scientist or the guy who suggested drinking disinfectants. Gee, what a toss up. NOT

Well the doctor only has one view and that’s deaths and a vaccine that he openly states my never come so what’s your answer permanent house arrest can we try to be real!

Those that are behind the 'too quickly to reopen' against Dr. Anthony Fauci's advice will be the first to reject to accept responsibility when Dr. Fauci's fear comes to fruition. When that happens we know that citizens were intentionally sent to their workplaces to go and die.

Yet the states who are opening , are doing well! Imagine that! I know Shhhhh... we have to keep Joe in the basement and have mail in votes!

Why is this even a question?

Surely you should believe the expert knows more. Remember that a lot of people refused to stay apart and therefore our cases increased!

The GOP is spineless. Pick a lane. Stop fearing Trump and do the right thing for our country. If he fires you for using your own mind, at least you did the right thing.

He should get the corona. Let’s see if tha finally humbles him and gets him of of Congress.

I guess it way too late to expect the GOP to to develop some b..lls and stand up to this man. Even if it means lives are saved

So they’re struggling to choose btw a novice’s biased opinion based on “his gut” & a fact-based assessment by a scientific expert with a career spanning over 30 years? It’s only a choice to people more concerned with winning elections than with the country & her citizens.

Again republicans are being probed by trump if they don’t follow what he says

Fauci's arguing for a data-driven, careful approach to re-opening, with an emphasis on testing--so that spikes in infection can be identified before they get out of control. It's people like Rand Paul and MoscowMitch that endorse extreme carelessness.

Why, why are they split? The medical expert gave his assessment, what qualifications does Trump bring to the table? The gop really needs to get their act together or simply go away. That will happen in November.



Hard choice. Go with the megalomaniac suggesting we ingest disinfectant or the Scientist who found a cure for Aids.


House of cards will come crashing down. Wait until the world finds out he has been laundering money. Obamagate. Its called projection people.

Hmm. Leading expert in infectious disease or ‘orange pageant man who yells’. Very tough decision.

They had their heads up trump ass so long maybe if they come out the can open their mouths cause it gonna be full of shit

Support Dr.Fauci.,no matter where you live in the world-I do!

I try very hard, but I don't like him.

Gee, tough call. Do you believe the guy that has devoted his life to studying and treating infectious diseases, or the guy that's devoted his entire life to lying and hurting as many people as he can?

What a decision for the GOP to make 🤷🏼‍♀️.... believe and follow a renowned scientist or.... believe and follow a delusional, lying IMPOTUS 🤦‍♀️ What to do? What to do?


lilly20122 The dumbest so called president on the planet and they have to complicate that issue FFS STICK A FORK IN MY ASS I'M DONE🤣🤣🤣 OWEEE

Back the fucking scientist simple

Yeah. I get vs politics. It’s a hard call to make.

So, what does Trump have on the GOP?

My god, if we don’t ever hold these people accountable, we are f**ked

This is what’s happened to the US this Guy is going to retire rich with a pension and health benefits that we can’t have that we are paying for

They're split between an actual doctor and their orange 💩 of a president. How shocking 🙄

Hmm do we listen to the doctor or listen to the mad man who just said to inject disinfectants.

Backing the truth would be righteous. Oh, but that means honorable...

I know they won't but they should choose the one that saves lives. StayHome


Really!? They have trouble believing a health care professional? Look at the facts not at political alignment.

jyester55 The GOP is confused because they see trump going down in flames! They need to go down with trump and the rest of us will rebuild the country!

Are you kidding? A crazy moronic narcissist or an actual infectious disease specialist? Poor lives mean nothing to trump and the gop. As long as we make them money before we die. Theyve done'the fight club' math and decided theyll profit from opening the country. Sick

God, with these responses, US is going to the dogs. Sorry, that's insulting to the dogs. They can discern people with bad intentions.

Just get on with opening everything up.The longer people stay away from each other the more susceptible we will become. Then,..., the Left will use it against you when the new spike happens, even though it was told to stay in. I see that as the underlying plan is this whole thing

Yeah life or death to Americans?! Who will they back? 🤦‍♀️ GOPBetrayedAmerica COVIDー19 COVIDIOTS VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare

Morons. Vote them out

They both have the same assessment. Phases openings.

A bunch of suck ups & wouldn’t dare risk their seats to cross the political line & go against their side. Afraid to think!independence

🙄 maybe when so many more Americans are all sick & dying, they’ll slowly decide which assessment to back

Without testing, it won't work either way.

I don't CNN anymore after all the push for Trump's ouster. Media shouldn't go this far, acting like opposition party.


Science. Back the science one.

I’m dumbfounded that’s even a dilemma to have: prestigious medical expert with no political agenda and only the health of the human population in mind vs. the opposite. Who on Earth wants to err with children in mind? Come on now people.

Fauci is the smartest moron ever. He has been wrong about everything and had no powers to make America do anything. He should shut up and allow the elected officials to do their jobs and the people to voice what they want.

TrumpLiesPeopleDie GOPDeathCult

On one hand openening the economy endangers the plebs health, on the other hand not opening opening the economy endangers the elites bottom line.

GOP is a cancer in this country. Old farts thinking they will take their money to the tomb. VOTE THEM OUT!

How about the one based on science and not on what someone wishes would happen.

Hm, should we listen to a highly-respected, intelligent immunologist & dir. of NIAID for 16yrs, whose overseen numerous infectious diseases & emerging diseases, OR, a petulant, puerile, ignorant, insane, dangerous man-baby? Decisions, decisions... GOPCorruptionOverCountry

Fauci is principled.

Uh...the one based in SCIENCE!!!! Duh.

They back the idiot

I don’t understand why they are split on who to back. Either follow the experts, scientists, doctors or follow a blithering idiot who wants people to inject their bodies with Clorox. Doesn’t sound like much of a choice.

The retrumplican GOP will continue to back their orange horse right to the finish line. They know that every one of their tRump kissing butts are going to be voted right out of their traitorous seats. They have gone too far to turn back now. They will only cheat to win. COVID19

President Trump isn't a doctor, but he did stay at the Holiday Inn...

I guess most people are inconsistent with realDonaldTrump . But what can we do ?

What a quandary. Science vs. Buffoonery. I don't know how they're going to be able to make a decision at all.

I’ll put it as simple as closing your eyes. Anthony is a DOCTOR top infectious disease expert trump isn’t the governors aren’t either so this is like either listening to the devil or doing good because most of you are pathetic seriously

GOP should list to Dr. Trump because he went to medical school.

How is this even a question?

Trump has no idea who Dr. Fauci and Dr. Brix are. He never met them until last month. He just wants media talk about Tony and Deb not about his tax returns 😂

Fake news


janeeucraft If the Republicans don’t err on the side of Dr. Fauci and saving mankind then fuck them

If you want to see the politically engineered Corona Virus disappear overnight, elect Joe Biden as President and it will be forgotten as fast as 'Y2K on January 2, 2000! BUT the economy will be headed toward another Great Depression.


GOP need to start backing the American people. Waiting on a vaccine is not the best decision for the masses. 65+ with underlying conditions die from COVID. Guess what, vaccines are not effective in the population. Vaccines need healthy immune systems to work. What are we doing

The GOP will push Trump’s agenda to open the economy, but their family members will be sitting at home watching the little people risk their lives for Trump’s economic numbers.

The gop lips are already good and chapped now, too late to pull out the chap stick now, keep on kissing!

Huh? Fauci’s role is to provide a medical opinion only. Need to overlay the economical and social considerations to arrive at a re-opening plan.

Uh duhhh the Dr is who you back!!!

Pathetic if you back Trump . No balls

Faucci is a partisan hack, he needs to be shown the door for advising the President this virus is worse than it is and closing the country. Everything he projected is a lie! Dr. Birx and Dr. Faucci will ruin our country, President Trump will give them a gold watch and say Adios’

Dr. Fauci hangs out with Soros. I’m with realDonaldTrump Wear masks, be mindful, open the economy.

Everyone of you that think he is a fraud let us know when you are on a ventilator in the alley

Moscow Mitch & weak Republicans AFRAID to back science! TeamTrump senatemajldr GOPLeader CDCgov HHSGov

Pick the Doctor!

All the republican senators are cowards. Except Romney.

Because they car only about MONEY and POWER

WISDOM... The safety measures we have taken have protected us, where deaths and illnesses would have been much worse if we had not done them. You are basically at the starting line because you do not know much about this virus. To rush back is suicide. Just continue research.

Why wouldn't you listen to The Experts and not a president who thinks he knows it all

Back a doctors assessment or get out of the way. This is a medical issue, not a political one.

Doing whatever it takes to hide the truth

Nope. Not true.

Does it matter they are all scared to stand up for what’s right

FSU I is an UN trustworthy idiot.

Gosh, follow a scientist or trump that is more worried about his campaign versus people.

I heard drinking Clorox helps clear the mind to make decision making easier.

If they have even the tiniest bit of compassion and common sense, they will back Fauci.

Empty boxes

LoL Dead people vs Not dead people? Seems pretty simple to me which to back


Today’s testimony did not live up to the hype pushed by fakenews FakeNewsCNN

Why would you even have to think about that? Science should be leading the way!

Oh, they'll definitely go with the real estate idiot who says drink bleach. What would a doctor at the very top of his field know?

Why does Mitch McConnell look like he stared at the Dark Crystal for too long?

If any of the republicans lose a loved one maybe they will finally put their faith in Dr. Fauci.

If you have any common sense you would believe the health expert

The Republicans up for reelection are afraid to lose tRumps endorsement. At this point I would think NOT having his endorsement would be an advantage.

Republicans would be nuts to follow poi w someone that thinks that lysol can be injected

Believe BLOTUS’s death squad or believe Dr. Fauci. I’ll bet my life with Dr. Fauci

Economy/people 🤷‍♂️

Does the GOP understand science? Please remember that science has taken a back seat to politics. Also, the way information is reported by our great News Providers can make a difference in persuading the public for an opinion without data. Stay safe and God

Trump. He's way smarter. PresidentBodyBag

Did you really have to post the picture of that creep, totally put me off my breakfast! DrFauci for President!

Clearly you should back the guy that tells people to drink bleach....duh! 🤷‍♂️

Who to believe a doctor or a man who’s pays off prostitutes

What he said was that the guidelines should not be side stepped. I have heard Trump say the same thing. Are you Fake New?

How about... and hear me out... the DOCTOR

So they are having a hard time deciding to continue to be good little sheep and following a idiot like Trump or be smart and listen to a person that actually knows what he is talking about? Now we know what the problem is.

German studies show virus spreads in long, close contact. NY shows 66% of cases now from shelter in place. Most spread studies show virus already in 20% of population. Dems want depression to push their agenda & willing to keep killing people b/c of shutdown. Open econ. POTUS

Tough choice on whether to believe Fauci or Trump. hugesarcasm

Ok, so go with the scientists or the politicians ... ? Hmmmm ....

Fauci of course👍

GOP split sounds like a terrible ice cream choice.

This is not a leftover turkey 🦃 part from Thanksgiving— where you make a wish, split the bone and hope it comes true. Back science, nitwits! Go big or GO HOME. OK, go home. Period. Just go, you’re done GOP.

TrumpIsNotADoctor I'll listen to DrFauci first. 🩺 expert

Ever heard the saying 'better safe than sorry'?

Give me a break

Well one is a doctor

There is not a single backbone amongst them! Too afraid to go against their “leader” and agree with the professionals. Sickening bunch of cowards!

THIS IS A NO-BRAINER FOR CHRISTS SAKE. GOP, grow a set of balls and wake the F up.

To all Americans: protect yourselves, your health and your lives, look at those turtle and pig faces, how could anyone trust them?

Trust the American people. We want to open up. We know how to take care of ourselves. Nothing Fauci has said has been correct.

They will sacrifice your life for re-election and not to be meat for a tweet.

Medical expert or clown that's always wrong about everything? Tough choice.

Why are (a few, maybe) conceding? Worried about their gravy train jobs ! Wake Up America! The truth is out there... but not on Fox News

My God, what is there to think about! You are considering Trump’s feeble lies to an expert doctor? What part of your souls did you give to Trump? Or is all of your dignity/integrity his? We are talking about human lives not politics!

How about following the scientist...that makes right? To even have to decide is insane

Let’s see, science - or - politicians? It should be easy.

In science we trust

Well, if I were a guessing girl, I’d go with Dr. Fauci — not the 2 dumdums Trump & McConnell. They couldn’t find their way out of a paper bag!

Loser Moscow Mitch will do whatever the Commander-In-Criminal tells him to do.

Thus should be a no brainer, but the GOP is list and afraid of the Bully in Chief

Go ahead back Trump! It will be great for your November election!

Oh gosh. I’m so tired.

Of course they will back Trump, they are afraid of him, that is a no brainer!

You guys are putting politics over science. That’s why we are deep in pandemic so far. And it will lead the US to be in worse shape if we go on this way. Please, let the scientists do their jobs.

So Fuchi has been wrong every time, Trump has been right about.......well everything! 🇺🇸

Really they aren't sure who to believe.. a nut job who is curing Covid with Lysol or a renowned Infectious Disease specialist. Vote the GOP out 2020!

Tough choice: Trump or science, medical expertise and the health of millions.

Yes that’s fair. Whom to back? A qualified doctor and scientist or crazy narcissist who wants to open the economy to support his personal agenda. That’s a tough choice

Quit pushing for perpetual closure. You effing people

It’s very obvious that Dr Fauci’s assessment has been a medical not a political assessment. Being it effects the economy as well as the life or death of every American, Fauci “WINS”. The CDC is politicaly controlled which means it’s vote an dollar driven, this is not in our favor

Oh let them back the President ! Please . One more piece of Evidence to not vote for them come November !

When it comes to corona virus who are you going to back Trump☠(Butterbean) or Fauci (Mike Tyson). Okay maybe that's a somewhat humorous comparison. However, in the real world if you back 'Butterbean' it doesn't result in half the audience dead.

Opening to soon would be like pouring water on a oil fire 🔥 COVID19 CoronavirusUSA


Do worry you guys all will be gone in January

You will back the people of the United States that put you in office we want out enough is enough

Seriously? Compare the two. An admired doctor with extensive scientific expertise OR a self- serving impotus. Who care about nothing but his re- election ? Is there really a decision ? 😳🤥😱

Of course they’re split. many of them have showed party over country since the swearing in ceremony in January 2017.

The virus is not going to stop ever. Its going to go at a fast or slow pace. Democrats would rather drag this out as long as possible. Slavery is what they like of everyone. I'm not abiding by any of it any longer.

The fact that there’s even a question about whom to believe says volumes about the state of the GOP. How truly sad for our noble country.

Fauci has not been accurate about anything.

They gotta go!!!

Oh that should be pretty difficult them. Do I go with a lie (Trump) or do I go with truth and reality (Dr Fauci) Hummmm.

Gee...let’s forget what our constitutes think and just go with the “expert” who has been wrong 75% of the time...🙄

Follow science ....

It's so difficult to decide: a respected scientist and medical doctor with a lifetime of achievement and respect as a virologist... or a failed casino operator and sycophantic money launderer for Russian oligarchs with a self lauded very good brain. Life is full of hard choices.

thisisTW God forbid the GOP err on the side of humanity.

The scum bag Democrat owned CNN knows but certainly won't say that having the country stay closed any longer will destroy the economy. Thousands of companies will never open again. That number is growing dramatically. That's what the Democrats want.

Listen to Dr. Fauci!!!

I trust the people being pushed into financial ruins. Frankly don’t give a damn what Dr Doom thinks. He doesn’t pay our bills. We will liberate the USA. Keep up the games.

Who to believe Let’s see !!!

Greed over people

There going down the road of the economy there is no amount of death that is high enough when it comes to a buck.

They are not equal assessments. Fauci's is based on science and Trump's is based on greed and ignorance.

FAKE NEWS station proves again they are THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE

myjourneymyself I work in a lab. Open it up. It doesn't matter except for the elderly

idiots we need to stay shut down

This from a man who isn’t a doctor or has sense to come out of the rain

This is why we have problems with the Republicans they refuse to listen to the scientists who provide warnings.

FULL SPEED AHEAD, Capt. Edward Smith.

Of course they're 'split'....chicken shit-itis w trigger a hesitation every time! If they'd all get on the same fucking page, they could stop that s.o.b. dead in his tracks!! BUT, won't happen! Fear is a powerful thing..impedes decision making, cripples cirtical thinking & STINKS

They’re spineless

Sure Anthony that done It was nothing more than to scare everybody. All it was is little bit more than the flu. We've had this kind of stuff before. But Mr. Fauci's He had part of this. Look it up. Get that man out of here.

They will follow their own power interest like they do every time trump does a stupid and egoistic choice.

A crooked businessman who reneged on many people while working in NY and continues to cheat the American people or a doctor who has worked for many years and an expert in the field, listened to by other doctors throughout the world.Tough decision, NOT. Dr. Fauci is the one

'but the GOP is split about which assessment to back' Well, on one side you have a well respected doctor, been doing this for 40 years, and has absolutely no reason to lie. On the other side you have a guy who wants you to take bleach internally. I can see the conundrum.

Scientists haven't been able to develop a vaccine for ANY coronavirus ever since it was characterized in the 1960s. Also, it is not going to go away, but we have to adopt to it. OPEN UP AMERICA!

Trust Fauci? Never, he’s wrong more than he’s right. I stand with POTUS & so should you!

If you don't go with Fauci, good luck and see you in the next life.

How hard can it be? It’s a specialist vs an imbecile.

Wonder who they should listen to...

POTUS happens to have been right EVERY time. Fauci has been wrong

Not easy being stupid! Is it‼️

Can’t fix stupid

I will answer that question for you. They will back Trump’s assessment.

How about backing scientists rather than the head case in the White House?!

You cannot expect a president to allow the coubtry to fall into despair and go broke. You have to be a major f&&ing s—-hole with a major plan to think its ok. PERIOD As you and your headlines continually try to brainwash the public with your bogus headlines!

We'll see if they choose money over lives. If I were a betting woman, I would say they will choose money.

They'll back the most non-qualified person in the world, Trump because they are all gutless chicken shit. More blood will be on all their hands

Trump is “smart Guy”..... knows more!. Mitch should know that by now!. Lol

Which one is a doctor? Go with that one. When has Trump ever been right about anything?

Science, assholes! Listen to science!!!!

Science vs. political leader? Did this situation leap out of a 1950s textbook on the Soviet Union and Stalin? Trump = Stalin?

Yes who should we trust, the nation's longest serving expert on infectious diseases or the stupidest man to ever serve in elected office?

They should trust the judgement of a scientist/physician over someone who goes by hunches.

Monsters, all of them.

I wish they would STFU. One day it's all good, the next it's all bad, the stock market was up 200 points today until Dr. Fauci started talking & it closes down 450 points. Just STFU, stop telling everyone what to do & let everyone get on with their lives as they deem appropriate.

I heard trump is listening to advice from 3 of his most trusted experts.

They know what the right decision is, but they will go with trump

But what about Bengazi? And Hillary's emails? 😂🤣🤭 I miss the good ol days.....

The President of course.

How about facts vs fantasy?

Anything wrong with the republican party or Trump, immediately makes CNN wet.

Nothing but a bunch of butt kissers SenateGOP

Continue to back DJT and the hole they are in just gets deeper

Exactly why the spineless gop should no be trusted

Let’s see. Fauci= doctor; trump= not Doctor It’s not that complicated

Dr Fauci vs Mitch McConnell, choose Dr. Fauci all day. He’s a doctor, and a scientist. No brainer.

Don’t need to follow trump. He’s a failure.

Hmmm, do we back science or the orange guy who just wants $$$ ?

good luck with that!

Fauci is a deepstate tool, a puppet. OpenAmericaNow

GOP: just kill your voters

phyllissharp54 Well GOP have Dr Fauci release his school transcripts. Then have trump release his. Compare the level of education and the grades. Back the intelligent guy. BackDrFauci


Tough choice, the pathological liar or an actual doctor.

I will listen to DrFauci and other experts. I will not listen to DonnyT.

Why would you believe scientist and doctors when you can believe the worse president in the US who only thinks about himself! How many more people need to die! What's a good number for trump! Who is he going to blame if the virus gets worse!

Well, we've seen how they decide in the face of overwhelming evidence before. Selfishly.

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