University of California Will Stop Using SAT, ACT

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Breaking: The University of California will phase out the SAT and ACT admissions exams over the next five years. The tests have been called biased against minorities.

The University of California board of regents voted Thursday to stop using the SAT and ACT college admissions exams, reshaping college admissions in one of the largest and most prestigious university systems in the country and dealing a significant blow to the multibillion-dollar college admission testing industry.

The unanimous 23-to-0 vote ratified a proposal put forward last month by UC President Janet Napolitano to phase out the exams over the next five years until the sprawling UC system can develop its own test.


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The College Board has failed over many years.

Time to convert UCBerkeley into a community college!

So, everyone can be admitted , thereby paying for freshman year tuition and hopefully a dorm. If they fail, oh well UC still gets their cash.

I don’t think the College Board management incomes will suffer. They know how to suck out $ from parents.

Those liberal colleges want to rob more of the poor kids. Let them take out more loans and than they'll say that minorities have too much debt. They would try to force the taxpayer to eat the tuition cost for those worthless degrees.

Great, let’s instead rely on the character and professionalism of the Admissions personnel and committees with people like Jorge Salcedo, Rick Singer. California Democrats are so clueless.

Given her decision as DHS I doubt Napolitano will apply any standards!

Of course if you are a business, would you rather hire a candidate from a non-California college that enrolls high performing students or from a California college that doesn’t care about educational performance? I think recruiters will be taking a close look at what state now

Socialists only will be admitted, liberal guilt will not qualify.

Math is racist. 👏👏👏 We need to remove math completely from the curriculum and make gender studies compulsory instead. JoeBiden needs to make this part of his platform. I for one look forward to doctors and scientists who have not studied math. 👍 Paging TitaniaMcGrath

The Educational Industrial Complex is based upon continued and uninterrupted cash flow

About time! So much more to a student’s story than an SAT score.

I guess they will switch to COVID test instead

This is a direct slap at Asians. PC is nuts. This is bad for society.


Absolutely unbelievable! Let's get smarter America!

Good riddance! These tests are discriminatory in every sense of the word and didn’t assess the expected skills objectively or accurately. They were only for the financial benefit of ETS. It has prevented many promising students to lose their opportunities for higher education.


Many universities have been managed badly for many years.

.Stanford rejects applicants for their MBA profile even before they have access to their test scores. This is true for even final year undergrads applying for deferred MBA programs. Test scores carry least weightage for masters... undergrad admissions now following suit!

It’s no longer a university. It’s called a community college.

it’s amazing what colleges will do when it’s crunch time IE need to save money



And thus the last vestige of meritocracy dies in California. In 5 or 10 years, no UC degree will be worth the paper on which it is printed.

Hollywood elites no longer need to cheat for their kids to get accepted.

Finally those tests are useless. Waste of time and money. Now would be a good time to reduce funding of colleges and universities usedgov Dept of Education since they are not meeting in person and are not really educating the students. Give the taxpayers a refund, please.

To continue dumbing down. Wouldn’t pay for this worthless “education.”

Hahahahaha I prefer picking out of a hat

But CSU will continue to do so?

Omri_Marian On the anniversary of my receiving two college degrees, NOW they do away with the SAT! WTF?!

The inevitable evolution and diminution of the college degree has begun. peterthiel

So Asian students don't know the get kicked out for their skin color.

LMAO... The tests have always been a scam. But schools had to feel special... and justify that cost.

Blacks & Latinos just aren’t intellectual is what this is saying.

I think this has more to do with Aunt Becky going to jail than it does minorities.

Stop saying minorities. They mean blacks and mestizos. Asians, Indians, and middle easterners rarely have problems getting into university.

The things we do for the sake of multiracialism

Yes I got into Yale with a 145 LSAT (120-180)

The issues with standardized testing material roots in unequal educational opportunities in K-12 & affirmative action. Discarding SAT/ACT scores doesn't necessarily fix our broken educational system

Follow the money. Napitalano can't rely on rich foreign students to pay full price for UCSD. There was a scandal about her a few years ago when she was overdoing it on the high paying foreign students to the detriment of California resident students whose parents paid taxes.

College for EVERYONE!

We are mentally ill

College degrees just continue to plummet in value.

And for Med school are we just going to toss the MCAT and Step exams, or nah?

They should do the same for GMAT. $250 exam valid for only 5yrs. Blatant theft.

notorious_groyp What’s a minority? East Indians & Chinese are the majority here in this part of CA.


None other than a desperate attempt to resuscitate the dying college industry now that it has been completely reduced to Kahn Academy.

Don't think they are doing this for students. They are doing it to increase the number of applications so they can collect more $$$. The University of California only cares about money.

We just keep dummying down America

Minority does not mean they have priority to enter university. Demos are crazy.

Yea, why have a merit based system when we can have a much more fair DNA based system.

The University of California spent $300,000 a day to shut down UCSC grad students striking for a living wage in 2020 by bringing in military-style police. $175,000 to 'remove' the image that is my profile pic from the internet. They don't care about their students.

I’m glad I don’t pay taxes in CA. I wouldn’t want my money wasted on dumbasses who can’t even score a 1200 on a simple test.

Q: How far will communists lower the bar? A: The bar will just be removed.

Is it? Won’t they just pivot to address whatever test the UC System develops?

Great! A new wave of lost kids from California!

Damn racist tests

College Board is wack tho lol

If I understand it correctly, after making SAT/ACT optional, it will be phased out, then the UC system will introduce its own test. Read: in the long run, our kids will study even more to the test if they apply to YC and elsewhere - which is not helpful to learning to learn

20 years too late 😡

🤣😂🤣😂 enrollment shortages during a pandemic.

It's a multibillion-dollar industry? Such a large amount of money could better serve educational needs in other ways.


InternationalStudent from India. Please do not come to the US to study. To try find a job or immigrate to the US, Indian legal immigrants need to wait 100 yrs. SenatorDurbin is blocking bill S386 because of which there is no chance of reducing this wait time. Save you money.

This is stupid. These are the only things that can represent a constant. All A’s at one school is not the same as at the other. There are different standards by school, by county, by state, etc.

Trump U is more credible than liberal arts at California Universities.

Ha ! Take that you College Board Assholes !!!!!!

How about just not letting whites or Asians enroll and see how the business goes?

The SAT and ACT were never about intelligence or predicting whether you would do well in university. I aced both and while I definitely obtained a degree, I was just really good at taking standardized tests. They are not a standard by which to hold people.

Since colleges and schools are not meeting, then reduce the Dept of Education budget, please. usedgov BetsyDeVosED POTUS

the argument is stupid. realistically how many people had a tutor for the act/sat? black people are dumber on average, that's it

Democrat Identity politics at work here 👉🏻Identity politics is primary 👉🏻Achievement is secondary Recipe for long term mediocrity

You should look into California's AB 705. You'll find they're on their way to outlawing all testing. Thanks to AB 705, incoming college students who, due to poor scores on placement tests, would have been sent to e.g. Remedial Arithmetic (let that sink in) can now bypass them.

Let them in, they’ll pay their tuition and drop out because they weren’t qualified to go there in the first place

Well, 'higher education' has been a fucking joke for decades. May as well put it to death while we're at it.

ValaAfshar Oh please! Nothing to do with bias! No one knows because of a piece of paper!

ValaAfshar Long overdue. So many other factors matter too.


Wtf I wish this was going on when I was in highschool cause Bru

It’s only biased in the sense that affluent people load up on SAT tutors which less affluent people cannot afford. Of course, most affluent people would not qualify for affirmative action either, so you may say that it even’s out.

I’m Asian and I’m fucking fine with this, the college board is a piece of shit company lmao


Wanna help minorities? You do it by helping them get to those standards, not by lowering or eliminating the standards for them

Just let all minorities in, keep the whites out.

Replacing one bias with another: the less transparent subconscious bias of admissions officers

The think minorities are ignorant. Huh.

Military lowers standards for diversity and colleges lowers standards for diversity. They told us we were supposed to be stronger and smarter with all this diversity.

These elite Univeristies have done all they can to help minorities forever lowering standards, this will allow a continuation of that. Bad idea.

inteldotwav Soon the requirements will be like getting a mortgage pre-2008. Anyone with a pulse.

I hear they are going to replace it by matching photos to Pantone color swatches.

Yes, because they point out how minorities aren't being educated. Minorities are just as smart as non-minorities, schools are failing them. Could it be because teacher unions are rabidly Democratic?

With virtual classes gaining popularity and less cost, UC system had to drop SAT requirements to get students to campus to pay the bills and keep the infrastructure going!

Anyways. Everything goes online...

It's official what was once a world class system of higher education in California has been completely destroyed by the Cultural Marxist's.

You all act like the MCAT doesn't exist. Like you do know other colleges have done this for a while already. Stuff changes. Life progresses. You still need to send in an application. Oh yeah and I know a couple of idiots who got into UCLA bc of sports, not bc of high sat scores

They designed to be biased from the beginning

So people of color are too broke to pay for a tutor but are gonna pay $40k a year for college? Yeah, okay. This is just a ploy for the schools to get more money and to get people indebted to the government for 40 years of their lives.

For all their faults, SAT and ACT scores represent a more objective assessment of aptitude than anything else that has been proposed to replace them. For all its pretensions of social justice, this opens the gates for rampant discrimination against students of Asian descent.

Merit, reason, logic, etc. are all considered racist now. The future will be determined simply by your race and gender. This is the EVIL your tax dollars are supporting. Stop ALL tax money to any university that doesn't support equal OPPORTUNITY for all.

Who wants to go to school in California?

China deserves to beat the USA.

About time.. mom and dad paying $1500 for prep doesn't necessarily mean you'll do well.. measure adversity and grit


Incoming SAT is more predictive of college GPA than any other measure but whatever. Gotta keep those damn successful Asians out. Only clean way for the progressives to do it.

Misleading alert 🚨 More like socioeconomic biased. I would be interested to see how poor whites students faired compared to rich white students.

Yes! 11th graders will no longer spend an entire school year learning how to pass a test👏 now, let’s get rid of the K-8 state assessments. They are useless, kids who pass get a 1970’s education, kids that fail get an education filled with test prep.. all useless.

The UC system is a shadow of its former self.

lmao wtf that shit was easy and I'm retarded

TrackerPayton MyPOV: shameful. The continuing chipping away at meritocracy for identity politics. highered

UC System should read the Replies to their stupid plan to eliminate the SAT/ACT tests. Some great input and ideas!!

This will have the effect of benefiting wealthy students from elite high schools. High end high schools grade inflate, spend heavily on extracurriculars, and use grading scales meant to make students look good. SAT/ACT was not perfect but was the most objective measure left

5 YEARS? end it now

Great. Why not just let everyone submit a video through Snapchat? The 'creative' ones get in.

Breaking: stupid people will no longer have a hurdle to overpaying for useless degrees. Are Gorillas minorities? Because they test on IQ roughly in the subsaharan African range. LOL even babies can be given IQ tests, the tests are biased against drooling dumbasses.

Just take minorities and see how that goes.

I'm Latinx. How is it biased? Point it out on the test where questions are biased against me? Maybe our communities just need to step up. BTW, it's not biased against Asians. Why do they outperform? Ridiculous.

Anything objective is biased against Blacks and Hispanics but not Asians though. Curious.

they’ve gotta do something, can’t compete otherwise; good luck with that, Berkeley

Can my Korean American kids check a box to identify as a different minority?

Now that corona has nuked universities, they need to create more debt slaves out of minorities to pick up the slack.

William Farish, a tutor at Cambridge University in England in 1792, came up with a method of teaching which would allow him to process more students in a shorter period of time. He invented grades (Hartmann, 2005).

Excellent! Now everyone can get a trophy!

I’m sending my dog to college...

There goes education in california

Something tells me the tests aren’t the problem

I'm Hispanic, did my undergraduate and graduate work at UCR/UCSF respectively, and I consider myself to be very liberal. While I support programs for minorities, I think that this is truly a bad idea. How else are we going to compare students?

Na, college enrollments at all colleges have dropped. They're all going to need to eventually do this to keep enrollments up period. They can stop acting like they are doing this for minorities cuz Black women are the most educated group in the last study. But good damage control

You're kinda indicating minorities aren't smart enough to pass the tests on their own

Intelligence left this place a long time ago ...

The last objective criteria of preparedness gone.


Standardized tests are just horrible and stressful for young people. I for one didn’t do well on my SAT’s in the 90’s has decent school grades and went to StonyBrook University. I don’t think SAT’s tell a true story except at that given time. Overall grades give a true summary

Many of the kids with the best scores on these tests simply work harder.

This is quite offensive. Are you trying to tell me that minorities are inclined to do worse on the SAT/ACT BECAUSE they're minorities? If this is about wealth, then the bias would be due to wealth disparity, not race, which would be merely incidental. Either way, it's foolish.

The rich were buying the scores anyway! Good move!

So, does this make it easier or harder to get into those schools? If it's easier, wouldn't that tarnish those school's images over time and maybe make smarter students choose to go to a more prestigious school?

Maybe there is no bias after all

I've read scores of papers and at least a dozen books on this topic, and they all assume without argument that differential outcomes are due to bias/racism. This extraordinary claim is an article of faith among believers, but the rest of us are politely asking for evidence.

realDonaldTrump No more funds! We want our Tuition back!

The tests are 'biased' how? For the same reason IQ tests are 'biased' (even though they have no words)?

Wait til they learn GPA and other things are too

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi was a 9th-century Muslim mathematician and astronomer. He is known as the 'father of algebra',

These test has nothing to do with performance

California just gets more nuts

Are brown looking People considered minorities?

And the dumbing down of America continues...

DOHHHH! If only Lori Laughlin had waited!

The SAT came into existence almost a hundred years ago to fight racism. And now the board of regents is going to phase it out ... to fight racism? WTF?

Why don’t we just give everyone a college degree so it’s fair?

from now on, admissions will be based solely on funkiness

Biased against minorities is a good excuse to eliminate test scores and to admit more students. This way Marxist indoctrination centers a.k.a California Universities can rob those minorities clean.

Lmao imagine not being able to pass the SATs

Maybe we should just ban all testing in academia No one really likes taking test anyway. No more late night cram sessions. .....think of the opportunity cost. More time to drink and have meaningless conversations about the current state of affairs!! Sign me up!!

Feeding reverse racism card again are we?

It’s not targeted at white but Asians

How long before the hard sciences , mathematics , and factual history also eliminated for four years of just PC mush and sensitivity training ?

I say abandon ALL tests - ALL OF THEM

Didn’t work for CUNY.

Yes!!! But damn I wish this would have happened like 15 years ago.

The answer in California to appease minorities is to lower the standards. yikes.

“Dindus and spics are lazy pieces of shit who have shoe size IQs but earn us money and we see this dumbass virus as a way to finesse that bag”

Congratulations to all the unqualified candidates who will not get into these schools.

StewartTVNews Loooooong overdue.

The dumbing down of America. Don’t trust any college degrees from these universities after this. worthless

These are not legitimate institutions of higher learning.

Well, we can take CAL graduate's off our candidates for employment list.

One more log on the leftist fire. Progressives ruin everything. Everything.

This is great. Everyone has to take the same test but not everyone has the same learning experience. I love how the racist exposes themselves🤣🤣

WTF ?!?!

GPA is so unreliable. A 4.0 at one school means something very different at another school. SAT is the only objective metric to compare applicants. Such a shame that colleges are phasing it out!

If the UC Standardized Testing Task Force - after researching this issue for a year - recommended to keep the testing requirement, but then the UC Board of Regents unanimously approved to suspend the testing requirement, what was the point of the task force?

So basically they are saying minorities aren’t smart enough to pass the exams? Or is it that public schools aren’t educating ? Has to be one or the other.

Abolish the MCAT for medical students while you’re at it. Just let anyone in.

They have always wanted this. 100% social justice admissions. Good luck if you’re a run of the mill well rounded suburban kid with great grades. If you can’t write an essay about your protected ethnic or sexual status, or some fucked up family situation, you have no shot.

Race to the bottom.

The term “diploma mill” comes to mind. Why not just let people buy a diploma while never attending a class?

Whites should be happy about this too 👍🏽

Awesome! That’s one less bill I have to pay !

Bullshit! How about addressing the cause of the poor scores and it’s not racism.

Are Asians no longer a minority? How about Indians?


This might’ve helped me 5 years ago 🙃

Whites and Asians need to burn down the entire University System.

Unconvenient results that will lead the university dumbing down its standards or see a rise of failing exams among Blacks and Hispanics (Asians are conveniently left out of the picture because they have superior results to Whites on average).

Good bye american science

Asians excel. They can’t be a minority

Asians consistently score higher than whites on these exams. So how is it biased against minorities? How are science and math and English questions biased against minorities

The University of California is funded in part by the taxpayers of California, a minority-majority state. I believe this is the best logical step forward to best enrich the future of The People and The State of California.

Isn’t pretty much everything?

People with 2.4 gpa gonna be like this when they get into UC/CSU

A math test is as objective and unbiased a test as you can get. Trying to solve decades of social injustice by abolishing these tests is absurd.

That or people with low IQs get low test scores.

This is one of the craziest things I’ve heard in my entire life lol. I’d rather live in Iraq than commiefornia

Good. Those tests are absolutely nothing of value. Well-off kids hire tutors to get through them. Never to be used in life again. Total waste of educational resources.

Are Asians minorities?

Whites are the minority in california..

Breaking: Employers will phase out hiring University of California students over the next five years.

Yet another way to screw over-achieving Asian students. Bravo.

Translation: California Schools To Now Openly Determine Admission Based Solely On How “Woke” An Applicant Is. Conservative White Males Will Have About The Same Chance Of Admission As They Do Of Being Joe Biden’s VP Candidate

Just give me my PhD already..

Applicants will now be evaluated by a wokeness score

race to the bottom. what’s the bet the “bias” is also evident in subject tests and SAT and ACT scores are well correlated w these? These “minority” / poor children r ill-prepared, perhaps genetically weaker, and this kind of pandering enables false hope — and debt.

absurdjose Can they get rid of prerequisites next. That was useless


Another (PROGRESSIVE) step to foster a young generation just educated enough to think they are actually educated. All while not being educated enough to realize they are puppets being controlled.

LMAO I love the subtle subtext of them basically saying they think minorities are stupid hence why they need to eliminate it.

2 A counterargument of mine would be that every single library I have ever entered had a huge amount of SAT/ACT prep books available to check out. Is it too difficult for minorities to utilize this FREE resource?

Yeah no testing will rocket us to the top of the intellectual ranks worldwide

The goals of most Universities (and all UC schools) have very little to do with actual knowledge anymore, so this is just a natural progression. College is a scam for 85% +/- of kids that attend anyway. Never pay for something that others are getting for free.

Ok. Of course. Biased. Yea.. won’t be long before whites are sueing for discrimination! Why don’t the colleges just get over racial profiling and let the smartest and brightest get the spot! The problem is lower education! Fix that!


How ridiculous the Political Correctness of Democrats is! Not according to ability, only according to Identity Politics, this is 'Equality', what a joke!

Absurd assertion as is Indian/Asian Americans have the highest averages in these tests ... last I checked they were a minority.

Yeah they’re definitely not STANDARDIZED

Cool, more future brain surgeons will be more culturally diverse but may not understand Algebra.

BS! They will be phased out and then brought back in!


The exams don't bias against minorities. They bias against the attitude and culture towards education and hard-working of certain groups.

Fine by me. A bunch of unnecessary stress anyway.

Why? This is ridiculous standardized testing is very important.

Biased against minorities because they can't afford test prep? Are you kidding me?! If you're dumb, there's no amount of studying you can do to overcome that. The current young generation are so pampered.

That's dumb

Why do we need to drag race in everything?Colleges should help out poor kids by prepping them in high school- not lowering standards ! What lesson are we teaching ?You can party all you want but if you are Minority race getting into college is a cakewalk?How is it fair for others

Saying SATs are biased against minorities is OFFENSIVE. Wtf

If they really wanted to eliminate bias, they would stop asking for race on literally every application.

That will make degrees worth even MORE! Cool story, guys. 👍

What are they use instead, one on one hoops?

What a joke

Coastal weather aside, why does anyone live in California?

As a professor, I decided to refresh my memory of what is on the SAT math test. It's not a bad test at all. Suggestions that it's not predictive R nonsense, based on flawed statistics (truncated distributions).

News flash: the reasons for the disparity in scores go a lot deeper than access to test prep classes.

Tests are biased towards people who can afford the prep classes..

Some students work in hs, some get extra time/help preparing for the test. First hand experience

This helps all kids who can’t afford prep classes or who do really well for 4 years in high school, help out in their community, get great grades but perhaps have crushing anxiety about these tests.

Yes, but the student ME has to do their part to have the basics to perform if accepted into a grad program that doesn't use testing

Here come the racists in 3.2.1.....

Woot! My kids won't have to do these.

You know what’s biased? Allowing grades from thousands of schools w/different standards determine admission. It’s much easier to cheat on high school assignments than ACT/SAT—just ask all the rich Hollywood parents whose kids sucked at the ACT/SAT & had to bribe their way in.

And rich people can buy great test results.

After reading the article, I would feel grossly insulted as a minority. This is just beyond awkward and uncomfortable.

the decline of our society is starting to accelerate

SAT tests are fair, they are given at the same difficulty for everyone. On the other hand, Afirmative Action is not

I fail to see how lowering standards will benefit America in the long run.

jobber99 finally UCLA doing something right!

This isn’t rocket science. Ppl who pay for test preparation score higher. Ppl who are in the upper middle class or higher are more likely to pay for preparation, so people with more money do better. If money helps you do better on the exam, then it’s not an intelligence test.

Terrible decision. This will guarantee that grade inflation & fluff factors like essays & extra curriculars, which wealthy families have more access to, will play even larger role in admissions. Standardized tests are the great equalizer. This is soft bigotry of low expectations

I just don’t understand how the SAT/ACT can be considered biased against minorities when white students consistently score LOWER than minority Asian students. Source:

Wait, biased against minorities? 🤔. I was about to celebrate that great news, then was like wtf when I got to that part lol.

Why not subsidize the test prep courses instead of getting rid the test itself. Nothing but politics.

There needs to be some universal standard by which universities can compare students to from different schools/districts/states. If the SAT/ACT is eliminated, what is that standard? GPAs are subjective between schools and are not by themselves a reliable indicator of anything.

In other words they want students that would be considered not smart enough for college to also be able to get some substantial student debt

Places I won’t be sending my sons for $500 Alex

What? So wait, how are admissions applications supposed to work regardless of ethnicity? I guess college really isn’t a meritocracy is it we can’t all be Lori Laughlins can we.

Can someone explain how they are biased against minorirties? I really don't understand.

They are good tests. How is it being biased? Interesting. There is nothing wrong with being tested to show where we are in our knowledge.

This is the beginning of the US's falling down.

minorities like me do well....

The end of edu


California cannot bend over far enough to make accommodations.

High Income Black students score worse on the SAT than low income white and asian students

Guess where no one will hire from.... this is a joke. NYCMayor tried stuff like this and look = renewable schools Where are they blas?dumbass

I'm Hispanic, took the SAT to get into college. Passed it, and was admitted. California is doomed.

Good! There's little evidence to indicate the SAT or ACT are even particularly useful at assessing future performance. This is a step in the right direction

Irony is no one is going there while dems lock down CA, what will be left after forever freeze? usefulfools

chenweihua Good

Hmm. Disappointing

So go on school performance and activities that discriminate against minorities in bad schools who can't afford to fake being on kayak team.

Why not admit only non-whites and see how the business holds up

It's less about bias and more about optics, which are important in Sacramento.


These tests may be the things that prevent bias!

Biased because you have to be to read and write English!

And the New Metrix will Be? a little money under the table?

But but but they have affirmative action so.....

Guess those Asian “Tiger Moms” are gonna meekly accept this.

Maybe the NFL should eliminate 40 times from the combine because black athletes seem to score higher than others.... This decision is terrible. Making students take a different test for each school only increases the burden on minorities to pay and prepare for more tests.

Goodbye College Board.

The smart minority?

More dumbing down of America.

Great decision usc.

Does Lori Laughlin have any younger kids that can now get into school?

So no qualifications needed. Why go?

Instead, only proof of unwhiteness will be required for admission.

How are these test biased against minorities? Everyone takes the same test!

I can only imagine what the parents of 'minorities' in foreign countries who pay thousands of dollars in preparation for these exams are thinking.................

bigotry of low expectations much?

We have summarized this news so that you can read it quickly. If you are interested in the news, you can read the full text here. Read more:

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