BAME creatives urge UK film and TV to do more to tackle racism

  • 📰 The Guardian
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Business Business Headlines News

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Letter with over 4,000 signatures calls on industry to act now and end ‘weak excuses’

The UK film and television industry “must put its money and practices where its mouth is” to tackle systemic racism, according to an open letter signed by more than 4,000 producers, writers, directors and actors.


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The Guardian founded and nurtured on the proceeds of slavery and still pretending it has moral and journalistic authority!

There’s plenty of isms to go round including race, age and sex but in the entertainment industry it must happen behind closed doors. If you do a straw poll sitting in front of your TV I’d say BAME are more than proportional represented for a predominantly white audience.

Black stories are always soooooo boring, always the same superficial urban-centric, fashion label-filled, airhead, anti establishment, anti authority, left-leaning, soft, sobbing, sad poor-me stories or comedy where the actors squeak and squeal louder than the audience...

More shit.

I agree - they could all simply stop this race baiting BS

🤔 Every year organisations are asked to tackle racism in their field; Every year organisations go ear blind this request😔 See you in a year's time, with a variation of the same headline🙍🏾‍♀️


Sack yourselves then 😉

Creativity comes from people, not colours.

The Stop Discrimination by Discriminating Paper. Antifa Rag.

'BAME creatives' is such a Guardian start to a headline.

If you have the genuine talent, skin colour will not hold you back. Scott Joplin, Louis Armstrong, Sidney Poitier, Little Richard, Diana Ross, Nat King Cole, Morgan Freeman, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Will Smith are just some of the wonderful names that prove it.

My experience: A lot of the workers who end up in creative industries are not raised in multicultural areas of Britain, then migrate to London not knowing or raised amongst other cultures. Then when in power hire people just like them. It becomes a circle. I’ve seen it.

The BBC can choose to focus millions of pounds on becoming more 'diverse', can have a rank-and-file clear out of its 'creatives' to ensure more 'balance'. And I wish it well. But I'll be damned if we ordinary licence fee payers are going to be forced to fund its endeavours... 😒

Vote: coronavirus was invented in

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