AMC skyrockets 14% on report the company is nearing a deal to avoid bankruptcy (AMC) | Markets Insider

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AMC skyrockets 14% on report the company is nearing a deal to avoid bankruptcy

Tuesday that the company is nearing a deal that would help it avoid a near-term bankruptcy, citing people familiar with the matter.

AMC's proposed deal would require bondholders to provide a $200 million loan and swap out their unsecured claims for new debt, according to the report. The company is working with private-equity group Silver Lake on the deal, which would allow AMC to turn down a competing offer from other senior lenders including Apollo Management, The Journal reported.


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That is stupid .... a company with no revenue and on edge of bankruptcy.... the stock is jumping... bS

Robinhood have the market to themselves. Thanks God there is someone to sell it to.

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