Top 10 tips for diversifying your workplace

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How can firms diversify workplaces? Race equality business champion Karen Blackett has some tips.

How can businesses move to better represent their customers and workforces following the cultural shifts aided by the Black Lives Matter movement? Advertising boss Karen Blackett OBE - who was made race equality business champion by former Prime Minister Theresa May - has a series of tips for bosses seeking to tackle racism and to diversify their firms. Ms Blackett is the UK manager of advertising giant WPP and UK CEO of media investment firm GroupM.

Unless we're comfortable talking about race and making it part of our everyday vernacular, it's going to be the elephant in the room every single time. We've all got to get comfortable talking about race. But we've got one black CEO in the FTSE 100. So it's something that you have to get comfortable with. It's something you have to talk about.

You need to really focus on your people practices and your interview systems. Because if you level the playing field, you still might not allow somebody to get through the door. It's actually considering that somebody with a 2:2 degree from a university in a really deprived area, which is where they were brought up, could be the equivalent of a First from a Russell Group university .


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Oh bbc, I'm forced to pay you money and you ship this ideological crp. What a good arrangement we have.


The article reads like one of those painful diversity training courses you have to go to at work where you nod a lot and try and look interested.

anti white broadcasting company

My top tip - don’t bother - employ the best candidate for the role, promote the best person for the role regardless of sex, colour or any other bullshit excuse ....

Bame channel doing what the bame channel does.

FFS please just stop with this. Just let people like other people. This is so divisive.

Diversification in the U.K. is happening naturally as a consequence of the tolerant multicultural society we live in. Setting quotas based on ethnicity is the start of a very slippery slope.

Many large companies are going for numerical quotas based on sex, race, etc. regardless of competency. This leads to an undermining of confidence in those appointed to those positions.


You cannot hire people because of they're colour, what about all those oeopke who have worked hard through school and then university, if this was a black person, they'd be pretty pissed off if the job they went for was given to a white person with no qualifications,

Appoint the best applicant. Next.

What do you do if your workforce is over-represented?

This is mental! Particulary in an ethnically white country. Why aren’t we giving the Indians or the Saudis hell for not being more diverse? Why should a white person be discounted even if they’re the best candidate for a job?

Employ the best person for the job by having rigorous recruitment & selection processes. That's it. Really doesn't need businesses to be lectured on racial diversity, but then the BBC & the other race activists can't help but continue to divide people by the colour of their skin.


How about filling it with rude food, Rampant Rabbits & Dildos

Tip no.1 about microaggressions uses an analogy of having one annoying, itchy mosquito bite on your arm and putting up with it, but then when you have an arm full of bites, it gets swollen and painful. My arm is now getting quite sore from a pesky mosquito called the BBC.

Once again, the majority totally disagree with the BBC. There's a suprise.

Jobs aren't based on ability anymore. If you're from an ethnic minority, you'll get the job so that the firm can tick a box showing diversity.look at the adverts in the UK, you would think every family is of mixed race. Also BBC presenters, overly representative of minorities.

I have done Unconscious Bias Training (No.7). The UK Govt one at that. In EVERY Example in the entire course: 1: The victim is Ethnic 2: The support is Ethnic. 3: The racist is White The course is the most biased thing in the course!

I worked at the OpenUniversity and the positive descrimination there was ridiculous! I literally heard the managers say they wanted another black woman in the office and chose a black woman that couldn’t speak English, out of 250 apps, to do a call centre type job. No hope!

I hope British Airways will also practice diversification when hiring their pilots, after all, aptitude in flying is not as important as skin color when flying a fully loaded 747. POC must be forced into the cockpit whether people like it or not.

Sadly this helps employers shy away from employing disabled workers. In 2020 the Disabled workforce are mostly forgotten as there are so many other criterias to fulfill. Be nice if the BBC looked at this too even though it's not fashionable.

Get a grip world


Bleat bleat bleat from bbc again pushing LITTLE ISLINGTON VIEW OF WORLD DefundBBC Conservatives

Diversification = anti white

London is now a cesspit because or diversity.

Sadly it’s not about choosing the right person for the job. The last recruitment day my company had the site director reminded use that our workforce was “too white, too straight and too male”


What 'cultural shifts' do you believe the Marxists have achieved?

Bbc desperate to keep telling people that the only reason you didn’t get the job is that white people are evil racists, consciously or unconsciously. Actually vast majority of people are good folk who shouldn’t be demonised.

Skills and ability not quotas. If you are shit then you don't get the job and don't get to keep the job. It's fuck all to do with the colour of your skin. Why not go the whole hog and have a persecute the white person bingo card?

Can you do ‘Tips for making shit TV Programmes’ next!?

Is it part of the BBC's remit to provide HR advice to employers on recruitment practices

This is simple. It’s called ‘Dumbing Down Standards’.

Give it a rest BBC


AidOBrien98 GTRowe31 AndyHinnigan for tips on diversifying the workplace, you could go to this guy...

Imagine you're aeroplane pilot announcing before take off how grateful he was to have been given the job due to diversity rather than aptitude

Employ someone right for the job. You aren't going to hire someone who's shit just because they're black and you want to diversify. Stop with the racial nonsense.

Bad idea if you want the best to work for your company You employ the best person for the job at time of applying and interview etc regardless of anything.

Employ those best qualified and competent to do the job?

That’s nice, a company that viewers are leaving in numbers. Of course it’s because we are all fascists/racist/far right gammons before I’m reminded of this again. Or maybe it’s because the BBC are not as focused on quality of output.

Points 3, 5 8 and 9 are the only ones there that are not positive discrimination. Forcing people to engage with others based on their skin colour, is no different from ignoring others based on their skin colour. It's still treating people differently based on their skin colour.

Don’t listen to this crap.

Racist bbc

Hire the best people for the job. Easy

Utter bollocks.

One of the worst researched and written articles I’ve read in a long time. ‘Use targets and reporting’..Genius. Zero business leaders will find this article of any help whatsoever.

You employ the correct person best suited to the job. The BBC trying to justify the crap presenters they are employing. 🤣🤣

Just stop it!!

If you want to 'get past uncomfortable' then let's talk about how disproportionate black crime rates are across the board, how IQ is distributed differently according to your race. And how even the richest black neighborhood still has a higher crime rate than the poorest white on

That’s it lockdown all TVs for 3 weeks!! We need to protect the NHS. Also give people money for the job losses due to no tv

Bore the fuck off.🖕🏿👋🏿👋🏿👋🏿👊🏿

Nobody cares. People don’t hire otherwise unqualified applicants solely because of their skin colour, lack of limbs, or that fact they like to be called “they“, “it” or “tree”. Hire the person who’ll make the best contribution to the organisation and who you most get along with.

EMPLOY... THE BEST... PEOPLE. How is hiring less qualified people because they fill a quota going to make anything better? It makes you resent them.

Target driven “diversity” is racism if you’re too thick to see it! 🥴

So much unconscious anti-diversity micro aggression bias going on here. I've deleted my top 4 phone contacts and replaced them with BAME people already. Ok, my mum, wife, boss and Chinese Takeaway might wonder why I no longer call, but I'm doing my bit.

BAME can also be offensive for Asians then? Chinese, Thai, indian- they are not the same! And why group all the other ethnicities? But the same also applies for ‘white’... European, Canadian, Australian. Just do away with BAME

It's actually considering that somebody with a 2:2 degree from a university in a really deprived area, which is where they were brought up, could be the equivalent of a First from a Russell Group university (group of 24 leading universities) - guess who got 2.2 in journalism?

We have diversity of thought and in skills and we hire people based on their experience and quals. Not their skin colour.

The BBC's new boss is yet again a white male. And oh look, white, white, white... DefundTheBBC DefundBBC

The BBC- That’s our hard earned Taxes that pay for it!

The BBC keeping quiet about diversity of opinion. Now only wanting people of the right race as well as the right opinion on Brexit and politics. DefundTheBBC

Shocking piece to read. Shows the BBC for what it has become. The national beacon for liberal leftism and wokeness. Watch casualty or Holby city and tell me otherwise.

Here's a fun game! Go to a random person on the street and ask if the following sentence was stated by a racist or somebody that isn't racist: 'What's really important is understanding the differences...between African and Caribbean'

“Top tips for racially discriminating in your work place”


News? That isn’t news. at the point where the campaign to defund you is gaining momentum, you churn out this shite Amazing.

The BBC are themselves racist. A couple of months ago, they said 50% of all new hires must be female to match social equality. Last week they said 50% of all new hires would have to be BAME, LGBT or disabled. So effectively straight. white, able bodied males cannot be hired

More pointless rubbish from the BBC, this is not what we pay the licence fee for DefundTheBBC

Employ people for their skills not the colour of their skin. scumedia DefundTheBBC

What a load of old bollocks. My god the BBC are so desperate. defundthebbc

Start with deleting your account

Merit is better than diversity



These are real people it influences. Two candidates, white male, white female. Male has better exam results, Is not hired due to lack of vagina for diversity. Two candidates, both school in same area, one has entrance criteria, one is a grade short, but is black. Gets position.

Give it a rest BBC!

This is not news, screw your social engineering

DefundTheBBC DefundBBC Why am I forced up pay for this dreadful shite?

Don't bother who is best qualified for the job then?

.bbcnews Employers SHOULD be encouraged to have employees that are the best available at the time REGARDLESS of skin colour or ethnic origin. Not be forced to 'diversify' the workforce and workplace.

I’d suggest the person who wrote this article be named and sacked. The assumptions in it are so biased

And this is a news channel?

Don’t listen to the bbc should be one of the tips 🤷‍♂️😉

Every day we see some kind of headline about race we are fed up . Enoughf is enoughf

I think 10 ways to DefundBBC is now more important. Stop this utter drivel!!

10 tips for driving the business you worked hard to create into the ground. BBC.


Being forced to employ a person because of the colour of their skin, rather than employing the best candidate is discrimination. It should be the best person for the job irrespective of their race. DefundTheBBC

Employ people for political reasons not for their ability,no thats the way to create the best performing businesses

Up employer who he employes simple as

should keep quiet about diversity. It has none of the most vital diversity for a 'trusted' news source.

People need to understand that hiring people of colour isn't a bad thing, nobody is saying that. Hiring people of colour over white people because of their skin colour is. It's racism. Plain and simple and if we want a truly equal society we need to throw away the skin colour tag

Equality of outcome is a nightmare waiting to happen.

My local hospital is employing based on race so now we have Blossom a Jamaican cleaner carrying out open heart surgery

When did the BBC turn into Teen Vogue?

Go and look at South Africa where unskilled blacks are employed over skilled whites. Is that progress...?

Londoners talking about London in London over coffee in London, London.

Racist garbage from the bame channel. We never saw race until the blm racist movement kicked off.

The BBC is a racist institution. But what they will do now is pretend that they're progressive to get a negative response from racists while totally normalising the racism of BorisJohnson Conservatives and the racism contained in LabourLeaks

I visited both the Old BBC building and TV centre (White City) on numerous occasions in the mid 1990's a the only black people I saw working there were security, catering and cleaners.

This is actively trying to work against BlackLivesMatter knowing it will trigger a huge negative response from those people forced to pay for a TV license of face prison.

As much as I agree with this there's a part of me that thinks BBC is trolling the gammon. Its sad that this would trigger the gammon.

My idea would guarantee no problems whatsoever with diversity. Send all muslims back to any islamic country. Send all coloureds back to africa and those left return to the countries from whence they came. No problems with staffing. blm/antifa gone and uk a lovely place once more

We are not a diverse society we are around 78% white gloob trying to convince ppl otherwise

How about, don't be racist!

'diversity step 1, fire whites'

'Let's reduce racial discrimination by employing people based on their race'

Missed the most obvious one; Live in a country with less than 80% white people. That would definitely help, but the UK is not. How about just employ the candidate best suited to the position. Race is irrelevant.

1. Employ people on ability 2. That's it

I wonder how long it will be before we are told to leave their countries we don't belong here; since its only one race shouting injustice. Not sure; no skill promoting is a long term strategy for any company; its possibly why folk think the BBC is not worth the licence fee.

Please write accurate headlines BBC News. That headline should say, Top 10 tips for having fewer white people in your workplace.



More fried chicken and bananas in the canteen 🍗🍌


Make sure you employ people with a variety of views - not hues.

BBC really scraping the barrel with this BLM/woke bollocks

You mean hiring based on skin color and not qualifications? That used to be called something.

Why? in a diverse workplace you have to work harder to make up for unskilled diversity hires and worry about what you say so these immigrants don't get offended. It is much better working in racially homogenous workplaces (white in my case).No worries about about fragile lefties.

Democratise It democracyatwrk

BBC lecturing on this. How many BAME leaders have you had? You are a west London organisation with minimal regional programming and a token site in Salford.

My place is thinking about providing all employees with an experienced male black mentor that is unreachable and not around to give any advice .

This is hideous.

My place is gonna put bars on the windows 👍Diversity

Only one required. Don’t be a racist.

How about just employing the right person for the job, be they white or black or any other colour that's a novel idea isn't it

No 1. Don’t fucking bother

You figure it out!

These are all pretty rubbish “tips”, it must be said.

tip 1 stop looking for white men tip 2 stop employing non white people to read white mens scripts

employ based on skill, and stop making everything about race...

At least 52% Brexit supporters.

Oh for goodness sake.

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