The COVID-19 outbreak at the White House is the worst to hit any major government - Business Insider

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Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

The COVID-19 outbreak at the White House is the worst to hit any major government

Donald Trump wears a mask as he visits Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland' on July 11, 2020.The White House's current coronavirus outbreak is the worst in any major government in the world.

But only the US had the combination of a sickened head of state plus a broader outbreak among those beneath him.The coronavirus outbreak at the White House is the worst to hit any major seat of government, an analysis by Business Insider has found. But the number of senior US officials, along with their high level of seniority, makes the outbreak among the Trump Administration the worst so far.34 people who tested positive since President Donald Trump announced he had COVID-19 on October 1.


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The COVID-19 story being being promoted by Business Insider blaming the White House is the worst to hit any media outlet. They are an obvious shill for the Democratic Party.


Left wing media goes apoplectic over trump recovery. Who cares?

We’re supposed to believe Pence doesn’t have it.

Worse than Iran? No.

This is stupid, local and state governments don’t report out how many of their employees get sick because of privacy

That CANNOT BE !!! It already 'magically went away in April' !!! LOLOLOL

Are we surprised. President DimwiT must go.

Trump's WH will be immune next month. Biden's WH would be afraid from day one.

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