How to find and land new business and make sales in a virtual world - Business Insider

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How to find and land new business in a virtual world, when you're used to networking in person- Presented by AmEx

, has also found incredible opportunities in these spaces. "Never before have I experienced such a range of female founder incubators, pitch contests, and funding opportunities," she said. "Where before these things seemed more concentrated in major cities, remote opportunities have allowed me to cast a wider net and spread the word about my business to larger audiences.

That could mean offering more free advice or consultation calls than you normally would, especially if your expertise is in high demand. "With COVID-19 in particular, some of our clients were in distress," Lieberman said. "So we'd reach out to just say, 'We're here if you need us, and if things are tough, we'll 100% help you.'" Not only was this personally rewarding, but it helped build deeper relationships and referrals.

"By offering free mentorship chats and paying it forward, those we talk to share our information, post about us on social media as thanks, and often come back to us when they have a budget and want support," Osrow added."That doesn't mean giving away everything for free," Hemmingway added, saying you can be generous with boundaries. "For example, in my last course, I gave a free spot away.

If you're hopping on a video call, take a moment to chat about how the client's doing before diving into business. You'll also want to make your pitch a lot tighter than usual since it's easy to lose people's interest online and relate it to the customer's needs and current reality. Finally, remove as many distractions as possible, but have a plan for the inevitable technical difficulties.


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