Amazon's Twitch dominates game streaming market after Microsoft Mixer shutdown

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

People watched 4.7 billion hours of video through Twitch in the third quarter. That's down 8% from the second quarter when the coronavirus lockdowns kept more people home, providing additional time to watch game streams online.

Google's YouTube Gaming had a 6% share during the same time period.Twitch's success can also be attributed to the popular gamers that use its service. Tyler "Ninja" Blevins announced his return to Twitch.

Google's YouTube Gaming had a 6% share during the same time period.Twitch's success can also be attributed to the popular gamers that use its service. Tyler "Ninja" Blevins announced his return to Twitch

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streamlabs No shit, Sherlock.

streamlabs Don’t forget the, and before....


streamlabs Lol

streamlabs 'After Mixer shut down its 2% market share'. Being a Microsoft product didn't help. It's not like it was gonna be on Switch or PS4, like other streaming platforms. Mixer was a good idea (FTL ingest was awesome), made by the wrong parent company.

streamlabs same old monopoly

streamlabs lol, did you pay Ninja to use that photo? hope so...

streamlabs There are also new internet browsers instead of internet explorer 6 now. Did you know that ?

streamlabs News just in google has released its own web browser!

streamlabs They dominated even while Mixer was around 😬

streamlabs This is news to literally no one

Like always...

streamlabs yall even know what the word 'monopoly' means? Please use accurate terminology.

The last 8 years called and says to catch up CNBC

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