including Louis Vuitton, Dom Pérignon, and Sephora — conducted a survey of its employees across North America.
And yet: LVMH's leadership team had already been working on several programs around diversity and inclusion, including a 2007 initiative, called EllesVMH, to increase the representation of women in senior leadership."We said, right away, we know that we need to be more communicative," the company's senior vice president of human resources and head of global and executive recruitment told Business Insider.
Perhaps most important, Corey Smith indicated he wouldn't grow impatient if it took a while to see the results of new programs. LVMH, after all, has"I wouldn't want someone to come in and be frustrated because we're talking about, 'What are we going to build over 10 years?'" Gena Smith said. "We want to have actions and successes in the short term, but we have the ability to build something really impactful over the long period.
LVMH Diversity and racist Two words that are o over abused they have become Laughed at And Ignored No diversity in any nation outside the west very strange that fact No racism or racist people in Muslim or black community very strange agree
LVMH good luck