While positive steps to reverse gender stereotypes within IT have been implemented, in order to shake-up organizational structures and to shift attitudes,"there is only so much change that can be affected without more female representation," according to a Kaspersky press release."If there aren't examples to follow, there isn't a clear path for young women to take them from education, through to the industry, and then into senior roles further along in their career.
The report noted the critical differences between 2019 and the current state of tech work. The pandemic sent 95% of women in tech to work from home, at least part time, since March 2020. Yet the report suggested that remote work demonstrated to women respondents an ability to have a good work-life balance and that it was strongly motivating in more women considering tech-related careers.
Despite 34% of women who said they missed seeing colleagues in person, 31% still preferred the remote work dynamic, 46% believe the balance between men and women is assuaged working remotely and 58% of female respondents said telecommuting facilitates gender equality. Still, 47% of women said COVID-19 delayed their career progression, 48% found juggling home and work stressful .
Agreed - communication is hugely important to technical roles. I got my first job in banking with zero financial aptitude and lots of persuasive pitching. 🗣