is out on now. Each week answer your work questions with pragmatic, honest advice that’s proven to work…
KJ: Interestingly, this is taking up a lot of my time at work at the moment. We are trying to find a way that works for everyone in the organisation, balancing the issues that colleagues face outside of work while also being aware that we are a business. We need to realise that there might not be a huge level of certainty in the short term. And we need to serve our customers. I have recently spoken to a lot of businesses and no-one has a set plan on how they are going to approach this.
So, there are mixed feelings. My view is, that going forward, the priority should be putting staff first, but doing so in a way that treats everyone as a grown up. If your income as a business comes from a set of clients who expect or need you to turn up sometimes in person, then clearly you cannot continue to always work from home. The situation will change over the next few months.