‘Not dealing with rookies’: Companies brace for Biden's new labor cops

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

Biden lost no time in installing pro-union appointees to help deliver on his plan to resuscitate declining union membership.

“The general counsel's 10-page memorandum to the field was breathtaking,” Lotito said. “It’s almost like, ‘We're here to remake labor law.’”

The Trump board took “an excessively narrow approach to defining an independent contractor that is inconsistent with both the common law and the goals of the Act,”“I certainly think the law as it is written now should correctly be read far more broadly in a variety of ways.” Under President Donald Trump, the NLRB “very narrowly defined the scope of protected activity and limited the channels employees can use to engage in such activity,” McFerran said in June. "The law is intended to be read much more broadly in its coverage and to broadly protect workers' ability to come together and engage in self-advocacy.”

One of the most significant areas for the board to focus its attention on is so-called Gissel bargaining orders.that if an employer is found to commit labor practices that prevent a free and fair election from being held — in that case, Gissel Packing — the agency can order the employer to recognize the union.


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Every member of the working class, every hourly paid person should be a member of a union. If we want democracy in the workplace we have to have unionism.

POTUS popularity has begun to hit the skids. In the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll released last week, his approval rating fell to 43% -- the lowest of his presidency so far and down 6 percentage points from July❗️

Headline confuses means and ends. Increasing union membership isn't an end, it is the means to an end. The end is to reverse the balance of power shifting to employers for decades which had left unions powerless, reducing membership that further escalated the balance shift.

No one owes you anything, I remember you from childhood when they asked in class what you want to be when you grow up and you said a cab driver.

Can't forget this fake news

Unions brought about safe work places, child labor laws, and good wages for the american worker. Unions enabled the worker to have a seat at the table not just corporate lawyers

I think everyone that had a family member die from COVID-19 take their Republican governor to court! The law is clear (involuntary Man-slaughter), yes it’s a law and they don’t have to be directly involved but what they said caused harm and or death!

Good. Time to level the playing field and not make it virtually impossible for unions to organize.

Companies that knowingly in rich themselves by breaking employee laws?

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