74th Phase of Dual Investment Launched - Adding LUNA and AVAX | Binance Support

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Business Business Headlines News

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The 74th Phase of Binance Earn Dual Investment has just launched - adding $LUNA and $AVAX to the list of supported currencies. ➡️

The strike price is fixed, and we may stop accepting new subscriptions when the difference between the spot price and the strike price is small

The APY will be changing in real-time depending on the market fluctuation before subscription but locked in once the subscription is doneDeposit Currency - the currency you use to subscribe to a Dual Investment product Alternate Currency - the currency you will be receiving if the product is exercised. If the product is not exercised, you will be receiving in Deposit Currency: Cryptocurrency trading is subject to high market risk. Please make your trades cautiously. You are advised that Binance is not responsible for your trading losses.


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