Her Perfect Twin by Sarah Bonner has a tagline that reads: “Your New Obsession”, and it could easily become that. It’s addictive reading from the get-go. Megan finds strange pictures of herself on her husband’s phone. She can’t remember posing on their bed in such a lurid way, nor purchasing and wearing an electric-blue bra. Later, scrolling through her estranged identical twin sister’s Instagram, she notices the same blue bra peeking out from Leah’s dress.
This is not the only book this year to feature twins. Just like the “girl” and “woman” trend , twins are again in vogue to tell thrilling stories or look at the eternal issue of nurture versus nature...A subscription gives you full digital access to all Sunday Times content.Registered on the BusinessLIVE, Business Day or Financial Mail websites? Sign in with the same details.