EXCLUSIVE: CNN poll reveals depth of anti-Semitism in Europe

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An exclusive CNN poll into anti-Semitism in Europe has found that one third of 7,000 people surveyed knew 'little or nothing' about the Holocaust. The survey also found that many people believe anti-Semitic stereotypes, and blame Jews for anti-Semitism.


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It will get worse now that Europe is letting in all the Muslims. Israel expects another 5 million European Jews to immigrate there over the next few decades.

How much on slavery was taught in American school systems? How many people of color did we learn about in school. Yet CNN made a choice to downplay attacks against people of color. Why?

CNN decided NOT to report attacks from white supremacists. in America. Why? Why a poll in Europe? Why anti-Semitism, not crime against people of color? Slavery? Holocaust? Both equal, long lasting damage. Why the difference in your coverage?

I think the USA is spreading antisemitism

Mind-blowing. How can people be so ignorant? Self-importance?

How many millions have died in US wars?

How many have heard of Holodomor or RhineMeadows? Have any heard of Dresden, where upwards of 250,000 were killed in 3 hours? (The worst war crime in history) What about Hiroshima or Nagasaki?

CNN not very lucky with this fake poll as it comes shortly after EU released recent report. Anti-Semitic incidents in 2017 (EU only): Germany🇩🇪 1504 UK🇬🇧 1382 Austria🇦🇹 503 France🇫🇷 311 Netherlands🇳🇱 284 Italy🇮🇹 111 Poland🇵🇱 73 Hungary 🇭🇺37

dissidentcoach Believing Jews did something to make people dislike them is racist anti Semitism. Believing every other people are evil is fine and not racist.

Good. Let's get those numbers up.

dissidentcoach 7k is all you need to write this schlock? Did it ever occur to you why people continue to have these opinions of jews through the centuries? Despite all efforts to sile ce them they still crop up. Its a force of nature at this point yet you blame the symptom not the cause

I am French most antisemites in my country are Muslim. History teachers face hostility from their students in high school when they have to teach the Holocaust.

I've often wondered why Germany forbade anything in schools about the Holocaust. No talk. No explanations. Just bury it all under HISTORY. If we don't teach/talk about HISTORY, then what?

Hitler could never be considered as far right closer to a Democrat but this is CNN

paulvdbas Yeah, very suprising with the enormous influx of muslims. The most gay-hating and anti-sematic group to ever walk the face of this earth.

Only one-third? I’m surprised the number isn’t higher.

jamiegangel When will Jews realize that Democrats are also anti-semitic? Former KKK members, present Jew/Israel bashers. Sad ☹️

Survey the U.S...

survey the U.S...

bannerite CNN as a news service you are not living up to your promise to investigate and inform, stop with all the useless talking heads, we the people just want the truth and not some idiots telling us how to interprete the said news. Case in point idiot rick Santorum.

antipolonism PolandAgainstFakeNews FakeNews FakeNewsMedia Your poll is as fake as you are 🇩🇪 Germany - 1504 🇬🇧 UK - 1382 🇦🇹 Austria - 503 🇫🇷 France - 311 🇳🇱 Netherlands - 284 🇮🇹 Italy - 111 🇵🇱 Poland - 73 (-30% YTY) 'Antisemitism' EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (11.2018)

Shameful state of affairs.

It's alive and well among your contributors based on what I have seen and heard.

sam_vinograd Education in Canada covers this, but if you had a list of all humanities devastations it is very extensive and not all covered. To weigh in natural or man made is pretty interesting, also historys that have been erased.

Such hypocrisy preaching about anti-Semitism yet you do nothing but promote hatred and bigotry against the only Jewish state = Israel. Shame on your biased platform. Beterek.

Eye-opening but missed opportunity in this article for conclusion. More than half of those surveyed answered they never met a Jew. Responses seem to be skewed more anti-Semitic with less interaction. Perhaps meeting people unlike us would increase understanding and decrease hate

Ignorance is frightening.

Thanks for this report and highlighting growing anti-Semitism in the US. We need more reporting like this!

Can we talk about the rise of antisemitism without addressing the fact that Israel is an occupying country that any democradic nation should public condemn?

Cool now do America

Shame! Shame! Shame!

Every human sees what's Israeli does to Palestinians. Imagine Naftali and Liebermann and their calls to kill Palestinians and you expect pple to stand by these killers. Pple are choosing the oppressed. So unfortunate that innocent Israelis in Europe face the rage instead

How about making Anti-Polonism survey in Israel? Yet another example of CNN biased reporting.

Given Europe’s increasingly hostile view of Israel (in the form of support for BDS) is this poll really that surprising to anyone with half a brain?

CNN just give false news tell the damn truth this increase is because of the Islamic plague that has entered without stopping there is the problem not in the European citizens.

Lou Dobbs: The Cartoon Prophet of Irrational Blindness:

Seems really odd to me , at least speaking for The Netherlands since everybody knows about Anne Frank and WWII because of this being taught at all schools and because of family/friends talks how they survived during the war.

Anti Semitic activity has become acceptable for years due to the substantial immigration and growth of Muslim population.

I think this report is a misleading interpretation of the findings. The report makes it sound like the findings are consistent among the polled, feeding into a *white nationalist commonality* that is NOT there. The breakdown of findings per country would be much fairer and safer

“We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world

Shocking and horrifying

FacesAuschwitz Hyphenating antisemitism is part of the problem. Paradoxically, doing so is actually antisemitic, as well as being linguistically, historically and genetically inaccurate. I'm more than happy to explain why in greater detail.

There ya go, the proof progressives/socialist have been successful of erasing history!

40% of Muslim women who wore a headscarf or niqab in public felt that was why they had faced discrimination when applying for a job. More than 30% of women wearing traditional or religious clothing said they had been harassed, most often through offensive gestures or comments.

Only 12% of all Muslims who experienced discrimination, and 9% of those who faced harassment, said they had bothered to report it. The survey found that 47% of men who had been stopped by the police said they felt it was because they were wearing traditional clothing.

Many of those you question will be against the terror regime of Israel. Anti Zionism is not Anti Semitism.

Why the focus on anti Semitism when racial and religious prejudice against other groups is far far higher?

That's how Democrats are able to convince all the young voters that what is happening now is Holocaust. Young people need to educate themselves about holocaust then they will never believe Democrats ever again. Democrats are taking advantage of uneducated talking about holocaust

THErealDVORAK Fake News.

HOW is this possible?! It was not even 100 years ago. How can we say *never again* if younger generations have no idea what we’re talking about 😣

Do Europeans white wash their history like the US does?

queenofthinair I feel like swearing a lot over this because that means 6.6 million Jews died in vain. If one wants to educate oneself about the holocaust don’t read books like me but watch the ‘Winds of War’ and ‘War and Remembrance’ mini-series by Herman wouk.

'History, will teach us nothing...' OfficialSting

Simply amazing.

These millennials care more about KUWTK smh

This is what happens when you let muslims in by the millions

Everyone must be taught history or will be repeated

Add Cortez to the list walkawayfromsocialists

rouquinne I smell an Oscar

well CNN n CNN international along with BBC do a great job of making Israel n Jews look bad and blame them for everything so since that's how new generations gets their info n not from textbooks then that's why u have such a high rate on anti semtism + Europe is becoming Muslim

rhonda_harbison I truly believe the same of America. Blue states teach it..i know. But do red states and I’ll bet no home schooling does.

Hmmm.. does this parallel the increased muslim influx into Europe?

poedemorou eu desisto real da humanidade, estamos voltando lentamente para as cavernas. Pessoa duvidando de ditadura, de escravidão, do holocausto...

Nothing to do with the ever increasing Islamic population I’m sure. Demographics matter

ch150ch No history being taught?

Did Hitler really killed 6000000 Jews? Really

A part, si on a été totalement déscolarisé, chaque européen connaît le sujet de l'holocauste et l'école est obligatoire en Europe. De plus, il n'y a qu'une infime partie de la population qui a des préjugés antisémites. Sondage biaisé.

Where did you take the poll, Chicago

Let me guess, public school.

Wait. I thought that was where all the movie stars were moving too.

Ignorance is amazing...read a book that matters instead of watching crap...

I would like to know how selected the subjects for this poll? I can not recognize the statements made by CNN. I have many German and French friends from all over Germany and France. None of them have this opinion. On the contrary. They all know about a lot of the Holocaust.

Eugene_Scott Wait til they ask the about anti-black racism..... just kidding.. they won't ask, so don't wait. We don't matter.

THErealDVORAK Is is taught in schools these days?

There are Jews and then there are zionist's. The second ones are creating the bad in this world. Don't mix those two up.

What happens if the Jaws starts pushing back? I think the EU should do something about this situation, cause anti-semitism is growing.

They dont blame Muslims, but Jews. cnn and fraudulent polls.

I think it's important to note that anti-semitism grew with the arrival of Muslim migrants

THErealDVORAK “many people” is a stupid term to use when discussing poll results. Use the percentage, since you have it.

Been revealed afresh here too, with Trump's dogwhistling to 'validate' it. European anti-semites similar to American racists in that can choose anti-semitism/racism, or shame over how they treat/ed Jews/blacks. Some choose wrong.

That is not true at all. It may be true in the US but not Europe. Now if your talking about the illegal immigrants they don’t even believe it happened. Big difference

It will be interesting to find out what are the stats in the US, especially that few years back this sign was there: “no Jews, no colored & no dogs allowed”.

It's good news they don't know about this phenomenon called holocaust

How is this possible? Israel is a model for tolerance and diversity.

Countries in Europe could have stopped Hitler and Germany from the start. Russia, Britain, and France could have done it. Instead they allowed him to do his caprices until it was too late hence the holocaust-the extermination of 6 million jews in Europe.

The US sets the tone. No leadership from the US, and the contrary, calling Neo-Nazis 'good people' could only give a signal to the rest of the world that it is 'ok' to be antisemitic. This guy is so dangerous in so many ways.

I can’t believe that Europeans know “little or nothing” about the holocaust. Jews remind it to us every day.

“I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” - Albert Einstein. It’s here!

people have the right to hate whomever they want, and we can take care of ourselves, thank you.

Europe is not a white Christian continent anymore. Depending where you are, you are likely to be in a place where a third of the population were born outside Europe, often Muslim, Hindu or other. Jews are a tiny minorty in Europe, far fewer than Muslims.

Nice. “Many people” believe in truth. Not jews

I know one newly elected congresswoman, that knows nothing about the Holocaust.

JFC! HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? How do we not teach history?!

Cartoon News Network.

MrJohnQZombie You'd think with such consistent counter-semitism over the last 2000 years Jews would spend more than zero minutes in self-reflection as to why nobody can stand to live around them for very long

This stat shocks me? I taught my children about the holocaust as young children. We were fortunate so could afford to do to Amsterdam and see Anne Frank House, Dauchau, and Eagles Nest in Germany. There are books and movies. Every child needs to know this history.

People joking about Jewish stereotypes doesnt make them an anti semite....Jews are impossible to hate, I dont believe in anti semitism tbh

No, just because you disagree/dislike someone who happens to be Jewish doesn't make you anti-Semitic. If I get angry over a dropped pass call in a game and get into an argument with a guy who supports the opposing team, it's because of the call. NOT because he's JEWISH.

Damn every day we learned the world is going further backwards.

You prop up people like Linda Sarsour, a known anti Semite. Too bad no one can trust you to report the truth.

After WWII the Vatican & US CIA helped 30- 50,000 Nazis escape to Argentina -Albert Eichman, Josef Mengele, Klaus Barbie & Mideast Reinhard Gehlen; Alois Brunner Otto Skorzeny who helped create Mideast Terrorism & also the South America Drug Cartels

You're kidding me right?

CNN enables the hatred daily. CNN allows its commentators to use Nazism and racism at free will, CNN cheapens evil. CNN normalize nazi ideologues.

If only there was some sort of pattern 🤔

Lool. I'm not sure, where you made that poll. Or with whom. It's a fact, in every country it is teached in history at school. Everybody must learn this dark chapter of history. Therefor I laugh about your poll. It's simple impossible. That is real fake news

Wishing a Happy Hanukkah to CNN

Anti-Semitism is alive and well across Europe, writes clarissaward -- and it can be violent or subtle, political or personal, and can come from the right or the left

No one has liked the Jews since the Babylon days, described as barbaric and disgusting throughout history. The good Jew was a man of Jesus Christ, the bad Jew had an obsession with child sacrifice, canibalism, and perverted sexual acts.

Considering these people were polled in Europe, this is extremely disturbing

If you don't know the mistakes of history, you are more likely to repeat them.

7000 people isn't enough to test the minds of all of Europe this is inaccurate won't you just do a nationwide poll?

I find it so depressing that in this day and age bigotry/racism/division still exists in such numbers (even amongst our politicians who supposedly represent us)..the human race can’t seem to learn..

They know nothing about the tens of millions murdered by Leftist Icon Stalin, or the tens of millions murdered by Leftist icon Mao, not to mention all the other Leftist icons who murdered millions either. And Liberals like it that way.

I blame the concept that any criticism of acts perpetrated by the Israeli state is deemed “Anti-Semitic”. They do not, and should not, be able to act with impunity behind such a shield

I think by analyzing the shape and contents of my dog's crap, I could come up with more accurate results than a CNN poll.

This is horrific how can the deaths of six million people be forgotten for even one minute love beetle heartbreath 🐝

Ignorance is bliss! NEVER AGAIN!

The end of WW2 is starting to get out of sight, that's why. As a person who takes an interest in history, it is obvious how bad anti-semitism was and still is. On the other hand, all we see when talking about Jews today is Israel. And Israel as a nation really behaves like a dick

of course, because it simply didn't happen.

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EXCLUSIVE: CNN poll reveals depth of anti-Semitism in EuropeAn exclusive CNN poll into anti-Semitism in Europe has found that one-third of 7,000 people surveyed knew 'little or nothing' about the Holocaust. The survey also found that many people believe anti-Semitic stereotypes, and blame Jews for anti-Semitism. Most people dont know much about second world war period! 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana It’s here in the USA. Here is the most divisive President with his friend Louis F.
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