Taiwan 'happy' to see chip investment in EU, wants deeper ties

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TAIPEI : Taiwan would be 'happy' to see its chip firms invest in the European Union but deeper ties with the bloc akin to Taipei's relations with Washington could help pave the way for that, a senior Taiwanese official told Reuters.The EU has been courting Taiwan, a major semiconductor producer, as one of

TAIPEI : Taiwan would be"happy" to see its chip firms invest in the European Union but deeper ties with the bloc akin to Taipei's relations with Washington could help pave the way for that, a senior Taiwanese official told Reuters.

Taiwan Deputy Economy Minister Chen Chern-chyi, whose portfolio covers economic relations with Europe, said late Monday that while he could not speak on behalf of chip companies, he noted they have not said they are not going to Europe. In one wrinkle for EU ambitions, Taiwan's GlobalWafers Co Ltd failed in February in a 4.35 billion euro takeover attempt of German chip supplier Siltronic.

"Our interactions with the United States have been rather more, communication is closer. We also hope to develop the same close relationship with the EU," Chen said.


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