Razon’s unit takes over hydro firm

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“The agreement will integrate Ahunan and OVWPI’s capabilities in support of Prime Infra’s energy business objective―to respond quickly to demand through clean and renewable power,” Prime Infra president and chief executive Guillaume Lucci said in-- READ:

OVWPI is in the pre-development stage of the 500-megawatt Wawa Pumped Storage Hydropower project in Rizal province, with construction targeted to start next year.

The agreement increases the energy storage capacity of Prime Infra’s renewable energy portfolio by 6,000 megawatt-hours per day or a maximum continuous generation at 500 MW for 12 hours.“Ahunan’s hydropower projects are aligned with the government’s thrust to accelerate the development of renewable energy resources and reduce heavy reliance on fossil fuels,” Lucci said.

Ahunan, in a bid to ensure the timely supply of power to Meralco, nominated two pumped hydro plants, either of which can supply the needed 500-MW energy under its offer. It said the pumped storage project is also an energy storage system, allowing greater penetration of renewable energy sources as it can absorb and generate electricity to follow the variability of wind and solar plants.


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