PH ensures conducive regulatory environment for Singapore bizmen

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

The Philippine government has pledged to provide investors from Singapore a conducive regulatory environment. Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman made the commitment before the Singaporean business…

The Philippine government has pledged to provide investors from Singapore a conducive regulatory environment.

Pangandaman said the Philippines is optimistic to attract more foreign investments in the business sector. The DOF, BSP, the Department of Budget and Management, and the National Economic and Development Authority, the agencies that are part of the country’s economic team, also discussed the growth outlook, and legislative and policy reforms, among others.

Singaporean businessmen also expressed intent to invest around USD10 million to USD100 million for the so-called “Blue Economy,” and USD20 million each for “Innovation Platform for Start-ups” and “Women in Technology.”


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