Gen Z entrepreneur pursues farming despite discouragement from his grandfather - Latest Chika

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Business Business Headlines News

Business Business Latest News,Business Business Headlines

This was the statement of a 21-year-old man from Pampanga who started hydroponics business with P1,000 capital in 2021. Now, he earns P30,000- P40,000 per month! | latest_chika

“‘Yung grandfather ko po is a traditional farmer siya. Pero ni minsan hindi siya nangarap na may maging farmer sa kamag-anak niya.”

At that time, with limited cash on hand, he became industrious and resourceful to start up his business. “Eh wala tayong baon no’n eh so talagang naghahanap ako ano ‘yung pwedeng maging source of income ko. Siguro kung hindi nag pandemic, nagb-business ako pero hindi ho ganito,” he said. “Tapos do’n ko na realize na ‘pag more on farming ang bini-business mo, napakababa ng capital niya. Tapos ang ganda ng balik niya tsaka ‘yung investment niya, tsaka sa health maganda rin,” he said.


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