YOUR MONEY: Guaranteed pensions vs living annuities: what to pick

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Investment and retirement planning specialist Craig Gradidge guides a reader through the issues that will affect his decision.

The choice between a guaranteed annuity and a living annuity typically comes down to the requirements and circumstances of the individual investorIndividual needs are key when retirees weigh where to put their pension savings.

Guaranteed rates have finally started trending higher, market returns have been low since September 2014, and retirees are living longer In the past two decades there has been a significant move to living annuities, and by the end of 2016 90% of flows went in that direction. It appears this trend is reversing, with an estimated 20%-30% of flows in 2020 going to guaranteed annuities. This makes sense, since guaranteed rates have finally started trending higher, market returns have been low since September 2014, and retirees are living longer.


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