OMG: California regulators consider charge on text messaging

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California regulators are considering a plan to charge a fee for text messaging on mobile phones to help support programs that make phone service accessible to the poor.


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Isn’t there enough people capable of working living off the system? It’s going to eventually break . Then all hell is going to break loose .

No more texting, hello old fashioned dial the and talk to the other person.

grege1953 Communism!

When will it stop ? This is out of hand !!

No one in California need pay for anything they want or need. Great!!🤔🤔🤔

Kippchapin Socialism beginning to run out of other people’s money thank you Lady Tacher

How about taxing the poor for being poor in the richest country in the world. If you can’t make it in the USA with it’s roaring economy then your just stupid, lazy, liberal or all the above.

Serves them right. I love it.

California a great place to live if you're illegal and poor. Not so great for hardworking middle class Americans. 😥😥

No sympathy for those who elect Proponents of big gov.

Illegals need phones also.

Ridiculous. Clean the shit off the streets.

Phones for the poor...seriously? How about food, shelter and a JOB!

If you think this would help the poor, you are sorely mistaken! NO on taxing text messenging!

And this is how you pay for illegals in your state!

Wait until they give free health care for illegals

When will people realize that California is not a great place to live?



I must be a masochist to live here.

EMF's for the poor..

Steal people’s money to help others get phones. When the hell did a phone become a necessity. If you can’t buy a phone, you don’t get to have a phone. Period.

I will be leaving CA soon

This is so stupid. If you are that broke, you are seriously a piece of crap. That means you have no friends, family, church, or organization that is willing to help you out. Give me ONE example of a person who “needs” a phone paid for by other citizens by force.

Illegals you mean. 👌

You mean immigrants. I thought California would avoid the Macron globalist socialist riots, but like Reagan said, “if it moves the democrats tax it”. He knew they were communist.

Be sure to make legislators numbers public and text the heck out of em.

Not poor.. illegals.. let’s not perpetuate this lie

Socialist ba*ta*ds. Come on California rise up through the communist wanna be's out of your state.

I guarantee if we had a vote on it it would pass just like the gasoline tax the people voted on and passed.

The Universal Service Fund Fee already does exactly that. All mobile and landline service providers have been mandated to collect it since it was ordered by the Clinton administration. It is an illegal tax that was never passed by Congress.

Omg. So sick of this. Roads & schools terrible. Lead nation in unemployment, poverty & taxes. Cal gov spends $ on faster rails for a few instead of more desalinization plants for DRINKING WATER FOR ALL. Our family is considering cal-exit. Can’t take it here anymore.

Yeah, won't be long and only the rich & their slaves they put up will live in CA.

Ugh stop california

And then tax those same poor people? Or set up an entire service just for the poor? Bah. Just another taxing scam from Kommiefornia.

They are pushing people out of CA to let illegals enjoy taxpayers money. Disgusting!

Lets give them free phones, free unlimited contracts, free lifetime renewals and phone replacement! Why Tax the TAX PAYING CITIZENS more when we are talking about “FREE stuff”? Nobody has to pay for that, RIGHT?

If you can dream it, the liberals will tax it.

Excuse me, that’s what Land lines are for! If you don’t work and/or can’t afford a cell phone bill you don’t get one, period!

California voters deserve to be taxed into poverty for electing liberals.

I heard the tax would not be levied on IOS iMessages. Oops!

This is the equivalent of saying, 'Let them eat cake.' Insanity.

It never ends in California😡

Soon California will have a inhale and exhale tax

Those ‘Regulators’ should kiss our ass.

California. I was so glad to move. Fruits nuts flakes and tree huggers.

They have to pay for all the free loaders somehow...

By giving to the poor you meant to say giving to illegal aliens

And by 'poor' they mean all the illegal immigrants they allow to stay.

what about the $60 I already pay monthly.. now its $60 plus however many texts I sent?

Just house them and get cell service from Hollywood. I see them lecturing common folks all the time. Lead by example.


Oh California, what are you doing, gurl?

realDonaldTrump. Please help us!

You see what we get from democrats! Want us to pay for everything, and they don’t have to do anything! Make those refugees and immigrants work!

Millennials will freak out! That's what happens when u vote according to what the press tells u to do. Great lesson in government over reach. Those in their 20's be like:

Tax the tax

The Poor = Illegals. I wonder when Cali will try and start taxing people who don't even live in the state.

Just another step towards Socialism for a bankrupt State

And just like that, WhatsApp goes to 100% penetration in California


How much are Californians expected to endure? And how do middle class people in CA survive? I feel sorry for u guys

Get out while you still can.

This is what happens when you vote Liberal. You have no one to blame but yourselves for your ridiculously high housing prices, gas prices, sales tax, income tax, and breathing tax. And the liberal solution to all this? More taxes.

You mean to make phone service accessible to illegals right? Why doesn’t Californistan just leave the Union and make Oprah Winfrey president.

The social progressives should be taxed at 99% for their stupidity.

If you read further into this you see that there is already a tax on voice and that the usage of voice has gone down so the same type of tax will be added to chat. It is a trade off not a moment for outrage. Focus on that important shit.

I wouldn’t do that.

It's way past time to stop California and their idiotic plans to destroy their State and our Country

This is a ploy so the government can then tax the poor - for texting on the phones they were given. Leftist idiots cannot see this. Why? Because Leftists are idiots.

Do they know how to Define a “text message”?

Won’t work. The texts would just shift from SMS to internet. Stupid idea.

California dems are getting insane!

Keep giving & giving ... the workin man will always be wiping the ass of the ones to lazy to do so on their own.. makes us all wonder why these young’s kids have no work ethic..

Why live there? Get the hell out!

Elections have consequences, Californians. Reap what you sow.

What a joke. When does this end people taking other people’s hard earned money?

why to Californians put up with such crap....they should throw every single one of them out of office.

CONGRESS needs to write a law to protect us from all these taxes these Progressive put on us! HELP!

cool! I’m fairly confident liberals (not leftists , they’re insane) will get fed up w/ paying 70% of their income 2 a State that care more about non-documented folks than they do about their own What a dumpsterfire ?!?! heard mlb players want to avoid CA BC of tax situation

Slaves to our own government!


Or, use the taxes to fund public mobile phone towers that provide signal in reasonable heavy use areas. Using taxes to pay phone companies for service doesn't seem entirely reasonable, especially tying it to texting which is a situationaly dependent action.

Ok people, this is stupid and too much

And you can keep that in California

Another way to hide money

ShayA_WREG3 California shows how stupid it is yet again

...I heard a rumor about taxing farts and developing technology to track flatulence but some of the test models are still stuck in the asses of many ca legislators who volunteered for the trials...

CA is a mess.

This actually isnt great policy, it will just encourage more people to use messaging apps instead of texting

That’s crossing the line.

More and more leading towards communism! JerryBrownGov

Gotta love life in Cali! Taxes for social programs and illegals.

California should collect a fee from movies, tv, music concerts, sporting events to pay for it! Take from the RICH and give to the poor! It’s not a “fee” that’s called a “TAX”!

No thanks.

Of course this way they can give them a phone. If u cannot afford something the last thing u do is get a phone. Bring pay phones on street corners back

Wonder if text messages sent from those free phones for poor people will be taxed? Remember, all laws must be applied equaly across the entire population.

Does this include illegal aliens? How will the homeless living in tents sign up for cell phone service?🤔

That’s one way to break people of their texting obsession.

Yes just keep being pushing citizens who work out of your state. Brilliant

you're all socialists now, like it or not lol

That's why I will NEVER move to California.

California is screwed up I am so glad I do not live there!!

So going to charge the hard-working people that deserve their luxuries and give it away!

Ahhh, NO!

In other words, we need to give illegals phones.

CA Democrat leaders will tax anything and everything.

This seems dumb.

Translation: California citizens to pay for cell phones for Illegals!

😂 the law of unintended consequences. They say “tax the rich”. Well your sorry asses are rich compared those who can’t even afford a phone 😂

I am one of the poor bc my state keeps wanting to fund pie-in-the-sky fantasies!!! STOP TAXING US!! Poverty is not our fault!

This is the direct result of allowing San Francesca and Los Angeles county decide every election.

This is absurd, but I still think not quite as absurd as MartinOMalley ‘s rain tax in MD. Democrats: If it’s yours, it’s OURS.

The more you tax people to pay for stuff for people who cant afford stuff, the less middle class you'll have. Keep up the great work California! You're like a testing ground for every bad liberal idea ever.

Cell phone is a luxury! We all have to work to pY for what we want! Not our problem! Should we tell JerryBrownGov he has more property then us and should split it to be fair! These fools only make the ppl look like drones to get away with this! You ppl need to put him in check

Good idea! Look out parents lol

That sounds like CA, people willing to help people. I miss it.

Can we just give California to Mexico and call it a day?

This doesn’t make sense. The poor receive free cellphones. I guess they will be charged as well? Mmmm

Can we build the wall around California

You mean for the illegals .

California should consider renaming itself “AnyTAX for a buck”. Before you know it they are going to implement a growth tax on trees. Oops they may already tax landowners for their trees. Can someone confirm?

California normal smart citizens get out while you can. Let the leaders and actors stay and pay for the illegals

Providers are required to GIVE free service to the poor...remember the Obama phones? Try again California....

Wonderful, do it Taxifornia. You voted for this. Enjoy!

I agree with this. They should also tax people for sleeping, talking nd the biggest tax of all, breathing. Get started.

Ah more socialism in Cali.

Absolutely not!!! Definitely vote NO!

I see a surge in new Nevada phone numbers. Is it me or are they completely absurd?

How about just everyone pay for their own mobile phone or don’t have one if you can’t afford it.

Yellow Vest Revolt for Calif

Why not mandate that if cell companies want to operate in CA they have to provide a certain number of at cost cell plans to residents that meet a income standard. Why create a text tax? Inb4 someone says socialism, US has always been socialist get over it! TARP NEW DEAL MFP etc

Use apps which use data to send text messages.

There are plenty of phone services for the poor. Just another excuse to tax people for the sake of the 'poor' which most likely wont benefit from it.

And we ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL wonder...why is the cost of living so out of control 🤔 Answer:Liberalism

This is an excellent idea!! I hope they start doing this with gasoline, food, iPhones, movie tickets, etc. Charge fees to make things cheaper. I mean, competition can do this, but it's not as rewarding if it's not being provided by government.

They need to pay for all those legal fees for the illegals.

Try_Facts_Libs JerryBrownGov is this something you’re in charge of? Stop it! Your State can’t support all of these taxations. Your citizens will move. GavinNewsom

Please God, kick California out of the USA. Thanks.

💛 Cali needs a Yellow Vest Revolution

I thought free phones came from Obama...

Regular push-button phone: $10. Landline service/mo: $15. Another $10. gets you a answering machine in case you are away from your phone and expecting an important call. Why does everyone think they need a $600. phone with unlimited talk, text, data for $150. a month?

They can kiss my A$$😡


The California Socialist Democratic State

Also to tax avg flatulance by humans to offset co2 emmission causing global warming

Time to get an out of state number.

So much for 'free speech'

Here a fee, there a fee, everywhere a fee fee...


Next they will try to tax on breaths you take

That would be horrible, please NO

WTF! Why is the government subsiding phones. If you can’t afford shit, don’t buy shit and don’t give working middle class taxpayers‘ $ to give people what they can’t afford. Dumb liberals. Life can be just fine without cellphones.

So dems can have a way to organize the poor more effectively

Of course, there is always a needy person or program to pay for, isn’t there? We used to joke that liberals would tax this or tax that, thinking it was sarcasm and hyperbole. It’s not. The far left wackos in CA would actually tax the pennies on your eyes (Beatles reference).

Just no!

It just keeps getting worse..


this put me over the fuckin edge.

RealJamesWoods I’m waiting for CA to be the next France!

California is going down the sewer very fast!! Feel sorry for the good folks of CA, but man your state blows!!

California taxing text messages to offer aid to the poor is a prime example of any product or service moving through an area, even invisibly, can be taxed.

Or, they could stop being so PC, tell the 'poor' to get a job and pay for their own damn phone bill. MAGA When are we as a society gonna start to realize handouts create more poverty and national debt?

Welcome to join the Great Socialist League, dear Californians. You are also welcome to a real member country to get some real experience before you make the choice. Yours sincerely.

Hmmm that should probably go to the people to vote on

dr__lisaann Before you go apeshit, Republicans in charge of the FCC just opened the door to regulating texts by categorizing text messages as information services, putting tech giants in control of content n opening the door to tax n regulations

Do the poor people get free texting? 🤪

I hate California🙄

Pretty bad that those getting free phones now that my tax money pays for.... I get taxed for phone of 15% as it is

That’s why we work and have drive to achieve such things. Ppl don’t have to have a phone. California is a liberal cesspool anyways.

The state of California is desperate for money.

To help support programs that make phone service accessible to the poor (illegals). California at its finest

This is why leftie states are in the gutter.

Why would the poor need a fuckin phone. If they really are poor I’m guessing a hot meal would be more on their mind.

So. Soon enough nobody will be able to afford a mobile phone in California. Except the super rich from Hollywood or Silicon Valley. Like everything else in California.

As a progressive, I’m against this. This is another regressive tax. The burden of paying for services has fallen squarely on the middle-class while rich people and corporations use tax loopholes and tax breaks to lessen their burden.

France: let's cause our people to riot with ridiculous Global Warming Tax Mandates. CALI: 'hold my beer'

How many more taxes can there be on people that pay their bills for people that don’t? Low income folks already qualify for free phones ... what freebie are they asking for now?!


NOOOOOO! We HATE living here in California and are moving early next year. Can’t wait; not soon enough. Socialist state.

Um, yeah!!!! Let's tax Big Macs and French Fries so we can feed them Filet and Lobster Tails!

AsmCervantes I hope you don’t vote for this. There is Obamaphone program. I don’t to pay for others who are lazy.

Cook the rich and feed the poor

How about the poor get a DAMN JOB?

When we’re all poor, then what?


Socialism... California leading the way.

Wow-Californians love to pay taxes

Translation: free phones for the illegal alien Dem voters.

Socialism in full bloom—the land of California

How would that go if you just use apps? I guess that would foil their plans? Lol

If you are poor, the tax payers do not owe you a phone. They owe you nothing for that matter. And if tou get something it should be up to charity not taxes!

This tells you how stupid California has become and watch the people say ok more tax

If theybdonthisninbet some dudes in yellow jackets will show up.

tRump phones for everybody!!

LOL LA Text Party

And they'll charge double if you text the words 'Plastic Straws'!

Taxing your employed out of your state. Without them what happens to your poor?

Socialist California with the continued attack’s on the middle working class to continue the wealth redistribution ideology.. 👎👎👎

CA .......The whole state is weird.

DNC voters bring this on themselves. * If a man will not work he will not eat.* Have fun working a second job , you'll need it . DO NOT complain when this moves to other states and bankrupts more cities. You brought it on yourselves California!!

Wtf with that pic u think cuz we drive we need a text tax?

California is excellent at finding new ways to tax it’s citizens. It’s what they do best.

So glad I don't live in California. I'd have to quit texting.

Retroactively back dating the tax to the date the programs budget starting blowing up. Why address a problem now when you can just make up a new tax 5 years down the road with a start date that works? Taxpayers deserve better. This disgraceful!

Worst state in the union.

Because CALIFORNIA can not live within a budget. In 10 years most breadwinners will live elsewhere. Where they can keep their earnings.

The federal government already does this!

California is going to tax erections that last over 4 min.

Nope, I don’t care who it’s for. notmyphonebill not this time or ever!! Foodstamps and housing assistance is enough. Let them go to the local library if some people can let afford.. next page..California regulators consider adding a tax for text messages

And so it begins. Good luck with what comes next Cali

Get a fucking job!! That’s a start!!

Hey I got an idea. How about they get a free landline and use it. We survived without a cell phone and so can anyone! Socialist ideas are wrong and unamerican. By the way its possible to text from a PC computer from home, on a land line! 🤯🤯🤯

Alternative title: Could California BE any stupider? Answer: Yes, yes it can. Seriously, let's just give California back to Mexico and be done with it. (Also, Obama already created a free cell service program for the needy).

Right, like the poor and the illegals don't have phones.


There is a way to get around that 😁

California has lost it.

Liberal Democrats in CA don’t know any tax they won’t impose or enact on the public.

I feel sorry for Californians

tax the citizens so our government can give illegal aliens iPhones Sounds like a great plan 🤦🏻‍♂️


I assume that California is considering a tax on almost everything! Breathing anyone? Most over taxed state in the country also has the highest percentage of poor citizens.

AKA Free phones for illegals

Great idea

That’s how Dems control the poor; give them stuff. In exchange Dems get votes.

NYYFan63 Californians are welcome in Georgia!

Laboratory of liberty

California is already hella expensive to live in 😂😂

That's fine, our doors are still open in Texas.

WTF? Really? That's gotta be some QAnon Bullshit if I ever heard it

Marxist much ?

As a Californian, I promise you we will enjoy this tax just like we love paying that hefty gas tax. We are a stupid people that have no clue we are being played.

Californians put up with alot and they seem to like it.

Gtfoh Don't text and there will be no funds to put in their greedy pockets

MissyJo79 which will give poor people more dependency on mommy government.

Do you know what also makes services available to the poor? GETTING A FUCKING JOB...

Obama phones weren’t enough?

Screw that crap. Totalitarian Democrats will be taxing the air we breathe before long.

How about helping the poor by making jobs available. No handouts unless needed. CA is whackadoodle😜

Peoples Republic of CA is at it again.

Wrong. Just wrong.


2hot4uAthena Just when you think they can’t get any dumber......

Meanwhile, $4.50/gal gasoline . . . just to help the poor.


It figures, I would move out or not use it or rebel ! (That means take up arms)

Of f*cking course they are. Politicians, specifically liberal Democrats, LOVE spending other people's money.

Go ahead and tax anybody in California that'll put up with it - Use the bucks wisely tho - Bring in a bunch of porta-johns, sharps disposal boxes and full-time crews to 'tend 'em - Clean the cesspool up. kevincorke

The California citizens deserve everything they get handed to them by the Democrats they voted for!

I suppose that poor in California means Illegal, as always

Like that tax would actually go to the poor. They meant to say to go to their salaries and pension plans.



What will they think of next?😡

You mean the price of coffee in China

Is getting expensive living in California

Plenry of room in Arizona

1st how will this actually help the poor? There are already programs out there that have been hijacked by budget cuts, redirecting of funds to other causes & of course let’s not forget sticky hand overseers who make sure $$$ never gets to the poor. 2nd no one wants another TAX!

How about putting port a pottys on city sidewalks to keep people from defacating on the street. Better yet, help the people that are living in tents get housing. I would think that would be more important than cell phones.

Change who you vote for California

No additional fees for texting, it should remain as is. Besides, there are always additional charges included in overall cell phone usage so, the regulators will only receive 1/2% of provider gross profits.

Please dont tell Colorado, please.

That's a no.

There will be an additional surcharge for non-Liberals.

You mean the program that is already heavily abused by scumbags? No thanks. Good thing I rarely text.

And so it continues

Oh hell no!

By poor you mean illegals.

“California is such a great place to live”

wunbelievable they find everything to tax... how about we get rid of the Democrats in CA next election👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 California regulators are considering a plan to charge a fee for text messaging on mobile phones

Okay, Tom, I wondered what the reason was. Thanks!

Since this is in California, a very liberal state, I’m betting accessible to the poor, really means accessible to illegals!! We’re supporting everything else for these people!

... I already pay $1000 a month compensating free medical services, will switch to email if the text tax will be introduced.

Keep taxing in 5 years time The middle class will be gone. Oh and the rich will he gone before then

Of course they are & please do. Nothing will turn young voters off of the Democrat party faster than messing w their phones!

More entitlement .... maybe poor shouldn’t have text / data - just regular phones!!

Why Vote? Brown does what he wants to secure elections, criminalize conservatives, care for illegals instead of legals - there is no law for conservatives in CA

But what about poor people who text?

I suspect China. Like that new law, if you're over 5'8' and 120lbs, you have to pay a tax on every inch and/or pound over that limit. The funds to be used for Chinese refugees from those Apple factories in China looking for asylum here in the USA.

The poor or the lazy ? My phone bill is high as it is, let alone taxes. No thanks. If the poor want a cell phone they can work just like I do.

Here’s my shocked face!! California is a joke.

In that same meeting a proposal is going to be introduced to charge a fee for sunlight.

California should be renamed New Venezuela.

Democrats are insaciable. They want to squeeze the people dry out of their money. Taxes for everything! Just like Nazi Germany. Very Progressive of them!

What else is there left to tax in California?

Leave it to California to think of something so asinine.



I think you will be seeing a sea of yellow vests in California if they charge a fee for texting Didn’t they just witness Macron destroy his political future with taxes

Imagine that. Dems taxing something.

Elections have consequences

My Cali friends already register their cars at my Florida address. Guess they will get Florida cell phones now.

almostjingo See this is why we need popular vote elections instead of electoral. California makes some of the best decisions in the country....

Only in California

jetrotter Cause only the rich text.

Who the hell would want to live in CA. No.

Does this include illegals?

Absolutely NO. In California our entire pay checks are already less than our freaking rents!!

The replacement regulators will overturn that decision

No...California democrats

Tax me for a poorer person to have a luxury item!? Hell no!

Everyone just going to get on whats app or use Snapchat 😂😂

Melissa31920880 Welcome to France!

Time to go...

madflavor leesyatt the fuck is going in your state?

Typical liberal California. Why make people warn things. Just give it to them for free any make others pay for it. How about the liberal politicians just give them part of their pay!

Sounds reasonable... I know pay $250 a month for cable/internet/taxes/fees with 1 pay channel. Thanks Comcast Obama Dems poorkidsinAfrica

Exactly why we need Voter Id here in California.

President Ronald Reagan

Wow! Just wow!

'But! But! It's for the poor! Really! You just got to trust us because we care so very deeply about the ... uh ... poor!'

You get what you vote for

RickBidwell1 LOL, fuck no

Only in California

No two beings or animals are equal in Nature. Why should I pay for someone else.

don't you have Tracfone's there? their plans are super cheap and affordable. and you can bring your own phone there. there are Cheap phone plans available. You should've researched that instead of jumping to taxation.



Great idea. Tax the air you breath in Ca. I could care less. The whole state should fall into the Pacific.

It might make driving safer.

if ur poor u shouldn't Tex! U can have a phone but Tex is extra! Tax payers pay enough for welfare, EBT, medical!!😇😇😇😇

Poor people once again get hurt by this tax

And what else would you text on?

Giving it to illegals

'There can't possibly be anything left to tax in California' California democrats: 'Hold my non-GMO organic soy latte'

Just take all my money and give it to the poor. Then I’ll be poor and maybe you’ll give some back to me. How stupid ideas end up costing everyone and feeding the political engine.

Soon they will tax us for breathing!

STOP FUNDING ILLEGALS & other criminals.

Theres ALREADY a tax for this its called the ‘universal service fee’ & everyone pays it on a cell phone bill.

How about applying the current property tax value on the private golf clubs that pay at a pre-1978 level?

How could anyone live in California? Like, even if they can afford it. Just how can one endorse this lunacy?

My property tax on our San Diego condo are three times my property tax on our Scottsdale home. Does it ever end.

Just when u think they cant think of nothing else to tax us for, here comes more taxes. Whats a disgrace is that we have to be forces to provide for the poor. What happened to 'voluntay' SMFH

Well we are about to see an uprising from the indoctrinated left youth who will have their phones taken because of the text tax! walkaway before they tax walking too!

Sid89381480 That’s amazing! They should charge fees for breathing also.

Lyn1350 No surprise here! California wants ALL your money!

Californians like this stuff, that's why they keep voting the way they do. Twitter tax is probably next.

Hey, California, you elected all those Dems, what do you expect?

Geez! They found a new way to stifle communication & enhance their control on the population! We have GOT to rescue California!

You Californians elect these slimeballs so there you go. Do you guys ever think about what you are voting for be for you actually vote?

Y'all still got Obama phones?

How in the holy fuck, what?

Californians keep voting these idiots in. They deserve what they get..

Actually it's a regressive tax because there is no shortage of 'poor', 'low income' Californians .... including a huge number of illegal aliens....who have phones and use a texting application.

Like we aren’t already taxed to death😡😡😡😡😡

all these programs are going to make everyone poor . Then who will pay for it

CA abt this taxing on your text to cover cell phones for your brothers from Mexico, whats left for you to pay tax on? How much further can you $ sink $ until you see the light? You realize you make no cents/sence anymore?

So to help the poor, you are taxing the poor (middle class)? How about you tax the COMPANIES?!

Here's to so called California regulators

'They've' taken over CA (years ago) and its ppl made it happen. Idiots!!! There r many conservatives/Republicans/leaning right in CA but not enough to flip it. Then again, election fraud 🤔 & ppl refuse to believe they are supporting evil ppl or that this kind of evil even exists

Are they putting the squeeze on to invoked a mass California Exodus? Then the NWO hacks would be free to mine the minerals & uranium & own a large portion of America's food supply to extortion the rest of the country. How is it people are so short sighted as to not see the motive

Are you kidding me. If the poor can’t afford phones, that’s their damn problem and no one else’s. Stop expecting everyone else to subsidize your life.

Where my Obama phone at? 🤔

Ummmmmm, we already pay the universal fee of $1 per invoice that solely pays for the free cell phone program. Where's my free shit?

Great idea. Keep it going CA. Hammer those taxpayers

TAX THE HELL OUT OF THEM! The sooner California crashes the better

Taking a Que from France!

Hell no. Californian are already way over taxed thanks to the loony left in Sacramento and Washington

No. Enough is enough. Our phone bills are astronomical

California lawmakers have lost their damn minds. Glad I live in the conservative state of Texas

They want to give illegals free phones.......screw the American Taxpayers. When are you California citizens going to wake up? The Dems doesn't give 2 rat a&& about you!!


The world has gone mad.

Pass!! No way am I gonna be paying for poor people when I wanna text on my phone. This better go to a vote so that I can vote a big No on it.

If you live in California and didn’t vote Republican you’re getting what you deserve.

semissourian They call that a tax which California liberals love to take from those who earn it and give to those who don't or won't

Enjoy it.

And all these regulators need to be looking for jobs next week, this whole tax the rich to help the poor thing is going to end violently

Democrats leftist are out of control. They’re listening to Soros. It needs to stop.

Thank god you voted Democrat( SARCASM)

But then they won’t tax the poor for texts? Imbeciles - why do Californians accept this? Do they think this is normal thinking?

jetrotter LOL. Just another reason NOT to live in CA....

Keep voting Democratic.

So you are using the word “poor” as an acronym for illegal immigrants SmokeAndMirrorsTaxation

Well the lobbyists win again

What a Joke!!

poor = illegals

So in other words - we are taxing Americans to give shit to illegals.

Slippery slope is crescendoing and welcome to Socialism California! You elected snowflake government and now you must pay for all your sanctuary cities. Good luck.

How's that whole sanctuary thing working out?

We tried giving the poor Obama phones to get jobs, that didn't work...We elected President realDonaldTrump , that worked!

Seriously? The poor already have nicer and bigger phones with cheaper/free service than those of us who work! This state is crushing the middle class.

I don't text a lot, but I'll probably pass business paid vacations in California if they start taxing text messages. I didn't even like the bag tax in San Fran.

You mean immigrants.

Next up in California, a tax on breathing.

Back to pagers for y'all


almostjingo This sucks! We shouldn't have to pay anymore fees/taxes in order to pay for programs for others to get a phone. If people cannot afford a cell phone, then that is too bad! Oh well, not our problem

IsmaelR19 YELLOW VEST TIME...we the ppl refuse to accept any more taxation

Wtf? Haha. Ok

We might be all going back to landlines soon enough. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Libertymeme 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ didn’t think California could get any more stupid!

CA voters are reaping their just rewards

Why anyone would still live there except illegals and the elite who financially support them is beyond me

huh? Like the poor don't have cell phones already!

So, in order to make phone service more accessible to the poor, California is planning to make phone service LESS accessible to the non-poor by taxing text messages? What the hell is wrong with California?

“The poor” = illegal immigrants

Goodbye text message apps, hello real phone conversations, FaceTime, & emails. NO COMMUNISM ALLOWED IN 🇺🇸! ITS AGAINST THE LAW & CONSTITUTION! Or do Democrats secretly harbor Russian bromance all the while screaming Russian collusion 🙄😠

California asked for it. No sympathy from me.

Bad idea!

And Californians will let them. They've been reduced to host animals. Well done California.

I think California should pass that bill. If they really cared about humanity and the kids, they would pass that bill into law.

How about we just live free and take care of our selves. I know it sounds crazy.

Keep that talk up and those Orange County districts will flip back to deep red in 2020.

California takes care of the illegals. Citizens, not so much.

Liberalism can only go so far until even I can’t support it. 🤷🏼‍♂️🔥

That’s bull 💩

Yeah good luck on that. The ATT of the world won’t back that.

Another California give away. We are taxed to death already

Cause you can't expect illegals to pay for anything. It's what they come to the US for, all the freebies.

To the poor or the criminal illegal aliens?

Someone has to pay for the illegals and homies right? And you pay for the Hasidic community who doesn’t marry in city hall, therefor considered single fraud walkaway

California better get there voter fraud under control are there going to be tax the hell out of there

Not a good idea.

Yay socialism! Glad I moved out of CA. They’ve lost their minds

morgfair A tad too far.

Does this mean phone calls are making a come back!

Just do not text...use apps like whatsup or WeChat 🤣🤣

Taxed to death

almostjingo Screw California regulators they can fund it on their own and leave innocent hard working CA taxpayers out of it ‼️

OMG! Commifornia keeps getting worse

Won’t be long before they tax the liberals into conservatism!

kevincorke There’s not much squeezing left before the sponge is dry.

almostjingo Mobile Socialism

You do all understand the ‘slippery slope’ moment has passed. You’re now in a free fall to a complete and totally socialist state. Your Gov’t will be the Only wealthy entity left. Workers will pay for all the ‘Poor’s’ wants and needs and have nothing more than anyone.

almostjingo socialism at its best

Maybe stop importing even more poor people? Just sayin'... Page 24...Every one of those births (average cost to taxpayers $15K) qualifies the entire family to years of Medicaid, welfare, food stamps, and subsidized housing.

The idiots in this state deserve it. This is what happens when you elect Democrats who think the solution to everything is more taxes.

What are their names that way we can get rid of these people

A very small fee would probably be acceptable if programs run correctly

All these politicians are having a ball passing tax laws. Anything they want while slaves say yes sirs

almostjingo Big govt democrats raping the working class. You don’t think the politicians are getting a cut of that robbery?

If the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math, this is a tax on people who are bad at Whatsapp.


This is great! The people of California are getting what they asked for out of their elections! Democracy works! Enjoy your new taxes!

almostjingo Have fun with that Cali!! You voted for these people!

No need to basically tax the middle class more. Make the rich pay their fair share rather than giving them free land and paying them to move companies to your state.

Socialism sucks

almostjingo Do it! At the point I just want to watch it burn.

Oh FFS so over this State the citizens are slave labor to pay for undocumented. California is gone.

Stop making poor people with your taxes. 💡

I guess I am leaving CA then!! The state will be Detroit in about 8 years just wait and see.

Maybe they shouldn't have a cell phone if they can't afford one? That's the underlying problem, people purchasing items they shouldn't be buying.

almostjingo California democrats*

This is it!

AsmCervantes you vote for this .... we will revolt and take you out of office. The poor have obamaphones and they want more?


No, no, there's a better way than that to help the poor. The administrative cost, new positions, etc., would require the amount of the tax to be rather high even before having enough to support these people in need. Raise your sales tax 1/10th a percent.

Stop taxing poor people to help people.

No, just no. Maybe its time to revisit prop 13 instead.


I hope the disabled community would get an exemption from that fee SMH. Those who cannot hear or speak have no choice but to text.

Taxation without're asking for a GiletsJaunes answer...

That's unacceptable.

California keeps adding taxes they say help the poor. Yet the total number of homeless people in California keeps growing. Where does the money really go?

I have a novel idea for affording a phone. IT IS CALLED A JOB. GET ONE.

morgfair This is ridiculous

This won’t make an already unlivable life worst... *gets mad when called a socialist... but everything he does is socialist...* just don’t call me it... 😂 what... one more law to enslave ya as if they don’t already have us on the ropes on some roofie shit...

I have never been happier to live outside California, aka crazy land.

And suddenly Messenger app will blossom. People out there will of course find ways to cheat any tax they impose. It's because NO ONE wants those taxes!!!

Gonna start taxing our shits soon

Oh so I should now pay for someone else’s service? I don’t think so!

Hahaha Jesus California is ass-backwards.

We can not allow taxes on texts to become a thing. Let’s stifle this thing in its infancy


California=eternal litmus paper of entitlements and failure

Are u fn kidding me? Stop taxing us

Hell no

That’s crazy

This is why so many of us can’t wait to leave the overtaxed People’s Republic of California. Absolutely ridiculous and a total intrusion on our right as people to communicate.

Good for California let them keep California Dreaming. Who cares. If you live there and don’t like it leave. If you don’t live there’s it’s none of your business.

California Government answer to everything....more taxes!

it would be hard to implement since all companies would have to do is change technology...

Who still uses text messaging?! 🤔


This idea is likened to vigorously pushed Federally instituted internet sale taxes for Obamacare funding that targeted premium of maximum charge of $10 per month, per the insured,constituting underlying backbone of Obamacare model that became politicized !!

😂😂😂 you can have California!!!

Then people will just move to alternatives

And the slide to socialism continues....

Okay, I get needing to pay for stuff, but why all the different taxes and fees? Just take a higher income tax and get rid of the rest. If he's gonna fuck me anyway, I'd rather Uncle Sam just get it over with in one go.

Why do people still live in that State

If you have green bubbles I’m definitely not texting back now

Stupid California “regulators”

Got to pay for the migrants healthcare somehow.


Air is next.

Aren't we doing that already for landlines?

U mean to pay for illegals to get free phone service

I believe you mean illegal aliens

We already pay for those services with taxes on our cell phone plan. Isn't this double taxation?

Americans and especially Californians, apparently dont know how to help people without the government telling us who,how, when, and how much we should help. Just imagine, if we were smart enough to make these charity decisions on our own. What a wonderful world it would be.

People against this will be accused of not wanting to help the poor, despite just not wanting to get taxed more in a state where cost of living seems to just climb indefinitely.

Yeah I don't see that happening.

Lame duck


And that's why there is Whattsapp.

Brilliant!! hahaha

How about telecom profits pay for the services. The PUC is so corrupt. Ive witnessed bribes go down within their halls in SF.

We already have those programs...remember the Obama phones?

So they want to charge per text so the poor can have access to cell phones...who’s going to pay for the poor folks text messages once they have phones?

Give me a break. Aren't fees high ENOUGH?

I want to know the name of every politician that supports this so I can make sure I don’t vote for them!

I think the liberals in California should tax everyone every time they take crap 💩 in order to pay for all the crap they have to clean off the streets from all the homeless people and drug addicts running around.

Almost everybody and their mamma has cell phones now a days regardless of economic status. This task ie totally unnecessary

Take from the producers and give to the leeches. Democrat answer for everything


Giletsjaunes coming to California. Stop taxing individuals and giving corporations a break!

We already gave the poor illegals and everyone else Obama phones

California gonna California

Well if Cali does this, chicago will be close behind.

Why dont we just have the state take that seperate tax out and send it straight to them. We are here to work and support everybody else but ourselves and our families. I want to go to work for others.

Hmmm ! Keep complaining Californians you voted for the DemonRats so enjoy your state taxes!

EdAsante77 Texting is still a thing?

California Regulators are a Noble bunch aren’t they; The 2018 tech version Robin Hoods

👀👀👀 umm what now..

This will pretty much be the complete and total demise of anyone with a brain, job or common sense living in CA any longer

So what about the poor who already have phones? You gonna tax one poor dude to pay for another?

Meanwhile another CA based company elects to move to Texas.....

Fine or tax for texting and driving, sure. Otherwise, this is a big NOPE.

This is why so many of us can’t wait to leave the overtaxed People’s Republic of California. Absolutely ridiculous and a total intrusion on our right as people to communicate. This is what happens when stupid people like myself elect Dems and they commence mob rule.


Politicians sure are silly.

Another great idea from the republic of Kalifornia. Must have the straw issue all settled....on to the next thing.

When California spends millions of tax dollars supporting illegal immigration, they need other sources of tax revenue! Remember,we are talking about MexiTaxafornia!

Why do the poor have a cell phone. Seems like could spend money wiser. What a backwards ass state sorry to say Iam from there.

People will just start using message apps tho

Complete BULLSHIT. Now my luxury item would be taxed to give said luxury item to those less fortunate? Smelly socialism.

Communist tax everything!!

Umm NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!

We are already paying through our plans!

One of the biggest reason I moved back to Texas. Californians appetite for taxing people to death. It got to be more crime and less freedom. They got laws against everything. I didn't like Republicans but I don't like full on socialism either.

kevincorke California is going to tax itself out of existence. They don’t even realize that everyone they do something like this, it hurts the poor more than it helps.

That shit won’t fly. IMO.

kevincorke Lovely California where anything goes these days. Good luck, Californians.

GavinNewsom this is ridiculous

yeah no.

just another money grab

Not in my America. Is California part of the Union or Venezuela

That’s nuts

is that a Blackberry

Of course they are.

I’m curious if this may violate federal refs, since cell phone charges may already be regulated by the FCC.

This.... seems like a step backwards.

This fee would apply to those persons texting while driving?

Of course this would cut down text while driving...and I bet all ca lawmakers would be exempt

Awesome. More taxes.

Carriers charged for texting long ago, made it free and usage exploded. This is slightly going backwards. Ca needs to find a different revenue source...

Another tax scam where our tax dollars magically disappear and fund NOTHING

Considering but won’t happen..

So now cell service is a human right? SMH

Sorry! I don’t even want to read this article, The headline was more than enough to nauseate me.

California makes no sense.

Time to disconnect cell phone and just carry a mifi in your pocket.

Who the fuck text messages anymore?

Don't go there Cali politicians. Do. Not. Go. There.

Tony19542 Well, of course, they're only thinking of 'the poor.' Socialism



Did they think the politicians they voted for were for reducing taxes?

Broke Cali....dang, how do people live there?



Gov Brown going out with a grand flourish! Let's slap another tax on these ignorant California dummies, they'll go for anything.

seriously ?!

California: Alarmingly Stupid

No, they are trying to regulate and supress peoples speech by charging them for it.

This is a regressive tax which some say are not fair. Why? Because we all cosume the same amount of food, and likely send the same amount of text messages. The super wealthy don't have to pay more in taxes. Why not? Might as well have a house tax to give the poor houses.

👍👍👍 awesome for CA you guys really get it... Americans love to be taxed!

People will stop texting

Why not just tax the fuck out of whoever's profiting from the out-of-control housing costs in their big cities

I'm a California liberal. BUT... We WILL RIOT IF YOU DO THAT BS! No No no no.

Wow 😲 as if we don’t pay enough taxes and tickets already

NO! Don't do this. KamalaHarris GavinNewsom

Air tax is next.

I'm sure there's a better way. Maybe we can just add a 5$ tax to people with household incomes over 200k.

No way

Next week: California regulators are considering a plan to charge a fee for kerosene lanterns in homes to help support programs that make electricity accessible to the poor.

How about taxing ever fart from everyone?

That moment when Californian progressive notions go too far. There are other sources of revenue that don't claim to help the poor while also punishing them for using something that they're already paying for

CA is out of control

Well CA has run out of sensible gov duties and now has only whack job ideas left

Of course they are.

Maybe California should just take everyone’s stuff (except Hollyweird’s, Nancy, Maxine n Feinstein’s). Just take everything then delve it out the way Nancy thinks.

Only this state would consider this. What a load of crap!

It would never pass. For so many reasons.

Dumb. Well, California, so...

It will sound a little better if the money will be used for promoting highway safety programs.

The state of California thinks there Robin Hood !!!

kevincorke Rediculous! Driving people out of CA.


Simple. Use WhatsApp or some other message client.

OK, so this would make phone service more available to low income folks ... who would then be taxed for the service, rendering it unusable? That makes no sense at all!

No. Enough already.

That's insane

And just like that texting was dead. What's up google hangout?


Just a continuation of free things for others that enjoy them while taxpayers don’t have any say...



What an idiotic idea!

And then when people switch to using messaging apps instead because of this bullshit what are they gonna do?

This is a stupid idea. Throw it out and start over.

kevincorke Or, as one Californian put it our 100% Democrat-owned & operated state government: 'California just doesn’t stop trying to get money out of you. What’s next?” ~ Juan Gutierrez

Or, the providers could lower their pricing?


Considering that a text message doesn't cost you any extra since it uses the same delivery system as a phone call this is what I would call greed

To be followed by a bathroom tax, sleeping tax, coughing tax....

The California Introvert Fee

Fuck that. Too poor to have a phone. Write a letter.

More recent estimates in 2011 estimate that cost anywhere from 1/1000 of a penny to 0.008 cents. So, if wireless carriers priced text messaging at their actual wholesale cost, we would pay approximately one to eight cents for 1,000 text messages

File this under 'Lead Balloons'

Even migrants running from war an persecution had i phones.

Please do it... please

Where’s there obama phones?

You mean illegals?

As always, usage taxes get paid by the poor. Tax higher incomes and high corporate profits, redistribute the money they are already extracting from the poor.

Wow this makes me want to vote for more Democrats

We have a monster surplus. They already chk tax on our cell bills.

KamalaHarris Talk about a Police State. How about rent regulations so that the poor can actually afford housing and have some money left over for phone service?

No one texts any more. All WhatsApp Viber etc

All of you in Cali keep voting in democrats so you deserve all BS!!!

Do people still text?

I was hoping that telco companies would block texting, when driving. Specially in NEW YORK CITY, where a 'New York Minute could cost a fortune'

Another socialist idea to transfer wealth.

In totally unrelated news, Californians stop texting and instead use apps like Line, WhatsApp and WeChat as their primary form of communication.

and all this time I thought I was lame for not having a cell phone at all.

Democrats idea of utopia.

Once again California serves up yet another reason to be the butt of jokes.

Hard workers,pay through the nose,shirkers get it for free...what's the point of grafting?

The most ironic part will be when the poor review their phone bills and see they have to pay extra to help themselves get something they already have.

How to get voted out of office quickly for 500 Alex.

I grew up poor and even I think is BS!

Here's a crazy solution Maybe make all the tech companies pay their fair share of taxes and leave citizens alone

Didn’t they already get the Obama phone? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ludicrous. Why not charge the 1 % rich and wealthy who own 90 % of all US wealth.

That is a little extreme!

Cali is a great place to visit but why y'all live there is beyond me. lol

Add 50% to the fine for texting and driving instead.

California sucks big time... I know, I'm a Californian, a business owner, a homeowner, etc... I'm pay taxes all over the place! It just never stops! Everyday a new tax seems to pop up...

California is losing it’s taxing mind!

Socialism. It sucks. Lol 😂

just another word for a new tax


You people are trying to tax everyone to death. All these taxes are crazy. Maybe all the politicians should take a pay cut to a normal wage and help pay.

Come on...think of something else

charge money to help the poor get phones so they can pay money to help the poor get phones. ok. nice headline.

This is socialism.

God, I can’t wait for an earthquake to break that state off into the pacific.

I think that plan needs 2 include 50-50 payout 2 cover expenses 4 those that can't afford it. U as a money making company can use your donation as a write-off. This way everybody wins and we as users don't have to look for another company. It's time to contribute to America.


Get a fuckin job!!!!!!

Lol what? How much are they charging? Libs truly think money grows on trees

Maybe it will reduce texting. If that means someone doesn’t kill themselves or others on the highway, not so bad.

What a joke.


Before Texans laugh at this, just remember, this is your future.

Um, no.

Another way to pay for The Border Wall. Charge a fee for everyone texting or messaging into Mexico or from Mexico into a USA phone. Good idea. realDonaldTrump MAGA KAG

It will never pass. There are many alternatives to sms type texting


Next up, getting taxed to breathe air to help poor people breathe clean air

And yet their politicians wonder why people are leaving in droves. WTF

Commie-fornia doing it's thing..

why not just directly tax the providers for this lmao

What the actual F...

This tax revenue will be used to give Illegal Immigrants mobile phones. We already have a free phone program in America for it's citizens. They're just not telling you the truth about this.


Nope 👎


this is dumb. now im with the Repubs. dems have lost their mind in Cali. they all are going to get voted out if they try this lol

And all the teenagers moved out of the state.

Android users be like

California better bring back pay phones before half the state revolts on them like what’s happening in France

Well I found a way around that we use the Line app

Not happening

Can we just give California back to Mexico already?

They already have a fee on people with money to give it to people without, it's called taxes.


California better get the fuck out

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California is considering a text messaging tax to fund cell service for low-income individualsOpponents argue a text messaging tax would disadvantage wireless communications companies. Of course they are its sounds like a very socialist thing to do. lol. They don’t have Cricket in California? It’s be cheaper to just pass out free phones with a set number of minutes on a monthly plan to people who don’t already have phones!
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