Recology to pay $25M for ratepayer protections in settlement with San Francisco

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Business Business Headlines News

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Recology, the company contracted by San Francisco to collect and recycle waste, has agreed to pay $25 million in settlement fees to the city to resolve issues found during a series of reviews.

SAN FRANCISCO – Recology, the company contracted by San Francisco to collect and recycle waste, has agreed to pay $25 million in settlement fees to the city to resolve issues found during a series of reviews, including having more profit generated from customer payments than necessary.

"Together, we share the same goal: providing the most environmentally sound refuse service, at competitive rates for our customers, with a fair wage for all Recology employee-owners," Coniglio said. In March 2021, Recology previously agreed to refund $100 million to ratepayers for issuing higher garbage rates for residents in 2017. The settlement followed a subpoena from the San Francisco City Attorney's Office, after former Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru was arrested in 2020 for accepting bribes for preferential treatment in city contracting.


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I noticed a RecologySF employee emptying a garbage bin today w/one hand. Holding a phone in the other chatting. Two drinks containers on top of bin but he left them there. Also removed a large clear bag w/garbage in it but then left it behind too! Only took one bag away. Lazy!

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