The government body recommends seven to nine hours for people aged 18 to 64 and seven to eight hours for anyone over the age of 65.
On weekday sleeping time, the numbers are back to the level first reported in December 2019 and lower than what we found in May 2021 . Again, Quebecers are the most likely to be meeting the seven-to-nine hour threshold on weekends than their counterparts in Atlantic Canada , British Columbia , Alberta , Ontario and Saskatchewan and Manitoba .
In spite of steadiness of some indicators, there are changes in the aspects of our lives that negatively impact our ability to rest. This month, 50 per cent of Canadians acknowledge that worrying about money and financial matters made it harder for them to fall asleep at night over the past month. This represents a seven-point increase from the last time we asked this question in May 2021, with women and Canadians aged 18 to 34 more likely to be affected by these matters.