Pollution in the Milnerton Lagoon has caused a stench, and the City is rolling out a number of measures to address it.The City of Cape Town is rolling out several measures to deal with hazardous pollution in the Milnerton Lagoon.Residents had complained the stench in the water was a threat to their health and limiting recreational activities.
Bouwe van der Eems of the Milnerton Central Residents Association previously told News24 that residents were also struggling to sell their homes at the prices they want, suggesting that the. Recreational activities are not permitted in the lagoon, which is threatening the closure of the Milnerton Canoe Club.
But the City is embarking on an upgrade programme for the plant – which will cost about R5 billion, according to a statement issued this week."Potsdam WWTW is benefiting from a R5 billion capacity upgrade from treating 47 million litres of wastewater per day to 100 million litres per day." "Our operational team progressively attends to the maintenance and refurbishing of the older infrastructure and equipment. This is, in addition, to gradually adding new technology and upgrading plant capacity between now and 2026," Mbandezi added.An overview of the challenges and opportunities of the climate crisis, as it changes the world we know.While the upgrade will take a few years, as highlighted by Mbandezi, the City has implemented some short-term measures.
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