California lawmakers to meet, eye big oil’s high gas prices

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Business Business Headlines News

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Furious about oil companies’ supersized profits after a summer of record-high gas prices, California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday will formally start his campaign to punish big producers by asking t…

By ADAM BEAM | Associated Press|

It’s bound to be a popular proposal with voters, who have been paying more than $6 per gallon of gasoline for much of the year. But the big question is how the measure will be received by California lawmakers, especially since the oil industry is one of the state’s top lobbyists and campaign donors. Among the state Senate’s new members is Angelique Ashby, a Democrat who narrowly won her seat following an intense campaign. The oil industry spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on radio and TV ads supporting Ashby’s campaign, a trend noticed by critics who tried to use it against her.

As of Sunday night, Newsom had not yet revealed his legislation and legislative leaders said they likely won’t begin deliberations on any proposal until January.


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