Loblaw exec denies grocery giant is profiteering from food inflation - National | Globalnews.ca

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Business Business Headlines News

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Loblaw exec denies grocery giant is profiteering from food inflation

Posted December 5, 2022 6:04 pmLoblaws has announced the decision to freeze prices on all of its No Name products until January 31, 2023. Food economist Mike von Massow joins Antony Robart to discuss whether other companies will follow suit and what this means for the brand – Oct 18, 2022.

Posted December 5, 2022 6:04 pmLoblaws has announced the decision to freeze prices on all of its No Name products until January 31, 2023. Food economist Mike von Massow joins Antony Robart to discuss whether other companies will follow suit and what this means for the brand – Oct 18, 2022

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This execs answer is an admission of price gouging. He said Loblaw's 'gross margins have remained the same with rising food costs'. If their margin is 30% on a $10 item then profit was $3 previously but now the same product with a cost of $20 and margin of 30% yields a $6 profit

nobody forced you to shop there

Hey everybody shut up and believe what multimillionaires are telling you. They would never lie to you or overcharge you. That would be despicable of them wouldn't it? 🙄 Cough Weston breads cough.

Right ..all that extra money is coming from customer tips?

Right, sure Loblaws and Sobeys. Now lets look at who owns the majority shares of the 'suppliers' who keep raising prices on you. It's not just the 'grocery store', it's everything down the chain. You have monopolized it all and manipulated government regulators to your advantage.

Don’t you dare - let the ultra rich folks take in millions everyday. They own the market.

😳 - try this smell test Loblaw 'if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are, its a duck' - Now lets see, you made record profits this year on a year of high inflation... Hmmm 🦆🦆🦆 LoblawsON

Loblaws exec also believes the Canadian public were born yesterday and announced their entry into the world by promptly falling off a turnip truck.

Can you say wealthtransfer

I can’t believe they’re denying this! 😐

Why would they voluntarily admit to this?

It’s basic economics. The liberals increase the cost to heat stores and transport food, said cost is passed to consumers via increased grocery bills.

Loblaws a big rip off

They are!

They all are !

I beg to differ loblaws

Don't tell me, 'we're all in this together', right? Should we bang pots and pans for Galen Weston?

Keeping ~ margins % on the goods you sell may not be deemed 'profiteering'. However I believe they reported 'record profits' in 2021-2022. Math doesn't lie. 😉

They would, wouldn't they...?

Hey loblawco: We don't believe you

You guys should not be allowed to post fake news 📰 everything you post is a lie

Case closed 🙄

Please. As though we don't shop and don't know.

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